Dear ones,
Currently we are seeing a mountain of information in newspapers, on social media & on television regarding this outbreak & there is a mix of hysteria & apathy in response. When we look at information it is always important to use up to date scientific data, our common sense, our intuition, our discernment & our senses which have been heightened via our training with the Modern Mystery School. Please use these in making choices for you & your family regarding travel & exposure in the coming months.
Data changes on a daily basis & this article was written with statistics as they stand on February 29th 2020.
Love and Light
Dr. Ann Donnelly
What is COVID-19?
Coronviruses are a large family of viruses that cause symptoms ranging from fever & cough to more serious conditions such as shortness of breath & pneumonia. In December 2019 a new strain called COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan City China. The virus has now spread to other countries. However putting this into proportion by February 29th a total of 10,483 people have been tested in the UK, with only 29 confirmed cases.
What are the symptoms to look out for?Symptoms include fever, cough & shortness of breath. Travel to certain areas increase the risk of exposure & these include:
China, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Macau in the last 14 days ANDItaly north of Pisa, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia & Vietnam since the 17th FebruarySpecial advice is given in relation to travel to Hubei province China, Iran, Lombardy or Veneto in N Italy, Daegu, Cheongdo in S Korea, or the H10 Costa Adeje Palace Hotel TenerifePlease see the advice below.

How serious is it?
The vast majority of people (over 80%) will have mild symptoms with fever, cough & fatigue. Around 15% will experience shortness of breath & potential pneumonia, while around 5% will experience organ failure & need Hospital support. Statistics continue to emerge. When symptoms are mild they are under-reported & we overestimate the death rate. However it takes time before we know the full outcome of any infection & this can lead to potential underestimation of more serious outcomes.

Hence, researchers think that between 5 & 40 cases in 1000 will result in death, with a best guess of 9 in 1000 or 1%.
In comparison, SARS had a mortality rate of more than 10% in the early 2000’s & the seasonal flu has a mortality rate of less than 1%. However the number of flu cases & deaths due to flu related complications varies each flu season.
It is important that we take individual responsibility not to spread the virus to protect our more vulnerable citizens.

How do I avoid contracting COVID-19?
Many of us travel for a living & our world is becoming a very small place. Other countries have different traditions & practices.In certain areas our Chinese brothers & sisters have experienced an unacceptable level of racism in relation to this outbreak. These incidences perpetuated through ignorance & prejudice are unacceptable.
Meanwhile sensible precautions include those we take in avoiding viruses generally.1) Impeccable hand hygiene, (including regular hand washing), carry alcohol based hand sterilants for when hand washing is unavailable.2) Cough or sneeze into tissues and bin them after use, followed by hand washing.3) If a tissue is unavailable cough into the elbow of your sleeve to prevent droplet spread.4) Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth after handling potentially contaminated surfaces without first cleaning your hands.

What to do if you suspect you have coronavirus COVID-19
The main purpose of the following advice is to attempt to prevent spread of the virus.
It therefore makes sense to stay indoors avoiding contact with other people.
If other symptoms develop like shortness of breath & you live in the Uk contact the 111 online coronavirus service. They will advise you of local arrangements for testing & if you need further support this can be done in a way that limits spread.
In NI dial 0300 200 7885
1) talk to those around you including your employer about the importance of self isolation to reduce the risk of spread. If you are well enough you can work from home.
2) make plans with family on how to manage shopping & dropping children off at school & events.
3) Ask people not to call during this time & if you need medical assistance make sure you inform the attending professional so they can take adequate precautions.
Keeping your immunity high is important.
This is best done with regular exercise, healthy eating, regular sleep, daily meditation & if possible get a Life Activation if you haven’t had one recently! Supplements which support our immunity included Vit C 1gm daily & if you think you are developing symptoms Echinacea helps. Each individual is different though, especially if you are already on medication (including DMARDS, disease modifying anti-rheumatoid drugs or similar medicines) please consult your physician.

A map of spread of the virus is available at: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/85320e2ea5424dfaaa75ae62e5c06e61
Daily updates are available at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public#risk-level
Although the above information primarily relates to the UK the public health agency in your own country will be issuing local advice.
If you wish to check WHO updates related to your area please follow the link below.
Quoting from the WHO ‘This is not a time for fear, it is a time for action.’
Each of us has personal responsibility regarding hygiene measures, each country has a collective responsibility in screening & caring for patients & health care workers & as a race we have unity of purpose in preventing spread of this virus.
Timely action has already saved lives. As stated we simply have to use up to date scientific data, plus our discernment.
There will always be mass gatherings related to work, sports, religious celebrations & so forth. While data still emerges keep yourself informed & use your discernment to help you make decisions. The WHO are offering daily updates relating to global cases. You will find these here:
I hope you find this useful
Wishing you excellent health in all ways!
With my love
Dr Ann

About Dr. Ann Donnelly
International Teacher with the Modern Mystery School
Apprentice Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Teacher
Life Activation Practitioner, Healer & Guide with the Modern Mystery School
Currently a serving member of the Goddess Counsel of 12 in the Lineage of King Salomon
Wiccan & Egyptian Priestess in the Lineage of King Salomon
Yoga Teacher
Ensofic Ray Practitioner & Fundamental Ensofic Reiki Teacher
Studied with the British Medical Acupuncture Society &London Homeopathic Hospital
NLP practitioner and Emotional Freedom Therapy Advocate
Facilitator for Advanced Communication using the Professor Suzie Wilkinson method
Dr Ann has also been instrumental in helping develop a Foundation Degree in her local North West Regional College in Holistic and Integrative Therapies in the Faculty of Science.