Teachers Academy Level 1
![shutterstock_707905822 praying, meditation](https://modernmysteryschooluk.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/shutterstock_707905822.jpg)
Teachers Academy is designed for Life Activation Practitioners (graduates of the Healers Academy program) who have a calling to share the wisdom and knowledge of the Mystery School tradition.
The tools available the classes handed down to teach at Teachers Academy 1 are designed to reach any and everyone — they are open the public, important and powerful spiritual tools that can change people’s lives!
This Academy is designed to Teach 2nd step initiates how to teach and facilitate the energies around the following class:
Sacred Geometry 1
Astral Travel 1
Spiritual Intuition
Stress Rescue
7 Mystery Schools
Awaken Thyself
Sanctuary Meditation
REQUIRED LEVEL OF INITIATION: Certified Life Activation Practitioner
PRE-REQUISITES: Certified Healers Academy Week 1 Graduate
Contact the Modern Mystery School to find out when the next Teachers Academy Level 1 is being offered.
Teachers Academy Level 2
![shutterstock_1104084686 mandala](https://modernmysteryschooluk.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/shutterstock_1104084686-scaled.jpg)
Building upon the skills and knowledge acquired in Teachers Academy 1, you will receive further training and guidance that you need to assist others on the path to divine knowledge.
With greater experience, understanding and knowledge, you will be able to teach students further along the path of progression and offer the following classes:
12 Races of the Earth
Journeys of the Spirit
Advanced Astral Travel
Sacred Geometry 2
Spiritual Intuition Part 2
Introduction to the Path of the Initiate
Introduction to the Life Activation
Introduction to Healers Academy
PREREQUISITES: Teachers Academy 1, Certified Junior or Senior Guide
Contact The Modern Mystery School to find out when the next Teachers Academy Level 2 is being offered.
Teachers and Guides in the Modern Mystery School tradition are required to commit to a non-disclosure and non-compete document that ensures that the teachings and tools of the lineage are kept sacred and handed down with the utmost integrity and professionalism.