For most women Essential Oils are an appropriate and safe option during pregnancy. So I’d like to talk about how we can safely use them and introduce them into our home and family life, without the fear and misconceptions during pregnancy. Being 23 weeks pregnant myself whilst writing this article and a passionate Essential Oil Advocate, Aromatherapist and Holistic Therapist, this is a subject I love to share. Also, I am happily available to answer any of your questions about using Essential Oils or doTERRA.
How do Essential Oils work?
Aromatherapy activates the olfactory system to enhance your physical and emotional health. The science shows Essential Oils have a particularly helpful effect when treating stress, mood, sleep, nausea, memory and energy.
The limbic system is stimulated, which is the part of your brain responsible for emotional response, behaviors and long term memory.
Why doTERRA?
These are 100% pure, highly concentrated plant extracts are made from the seeds, bark, stem, roots, flowers and other parts of the plant. 50-70 times more powerful than herbs, for example 1 drop of peppermint oil is the equivalent of 28 cups of peppermint tea. That’s why when we are talking mamma and baby, we are talking about higher dilutions.
I use doTERRA Oils as they are rigorously third party tested pure Certified Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils; I can feel safe using with my family and clients. Free from toxins, contaminants, and harmful microorganisms and the assured presence of the therapeutic properties needed. The plants are sourced all over the world at the opportune time, using sustainable farming. And the farmers and growers are paid fairly and the plants sourced ethically. The philosophy of the company goes beyond just EO they have a global mission to bring natural healthcare to the world.
doTERRA has a standard that reassures us we can use the their oils with confidence during pregnancy and with our families.
How can we use these oils?
– Aromatically
Affects the mood; hormones are constantly changing during pregnancy and the oils are a great way to regulate your mood.
Purifies the air; you can use a dry air diffuser at home, this is a great way to receive the benefits of the oils and especially during pregnancy and postpartum.
– Topically
Apply to the skin or the bottom of the feet; dilute with fractionated coconut or your regular face or body lotion.
– Internally
This is only recommended if you are using doTERRA oils, as certain oils with doTERRA are safe to consume and are FDA approved and regulated. Taken as a dietary supplement for targeted wellness it supports the bodily systems and functions. During pregnancy I am taking EO in my supplements Life Long Vitality Pack.
I’d like to explore 3 main topics Pregnancy, Postpartum & Breastfeeding, and Babies & Children.
During pregnancy the senses are heightened and I noticed naturally that there were some oils I was no longer attracted to, or wanted to use. Intuition plays a vital role in preparing for motherhood. We need to be discerning to what our own bodies and babies need, therefore tuning in and feeling what is right for you, and baby in this moment. There is a lot of conflicting information out there about Essential Oils especially during pregnancy, so trust your instincts and only use pure therapeutic grade oils, the softer, gentler oils in a higher dilution.
My top oils for pregnancy:
Grapefruit: Mood lifter and anti-anxiety oil like most of the citrus family its fresh scent and taste can be revitalizing and cleansing.
Bergamot: Another from the citrus family this oil is great mood enhancer and relives feelings of depression and stress.
Geranium: Sooths the skin, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, blemishes, feelings of grief or loss.
Lavender: Eases anxiety and tension, induces sleep, soothes the skin irritation, breast tenderness, muscle aches.
Lemon: Boosts concentration, eases congestions, heartburn, and nausea, safe for cleaning the house.
Ginger: Eases nausea, heartburn, supports healthy immune system.
Frankincense: Anti-inflammatory, relaxing, calming, eases headaches.
Oils to avoid during pregnancy: arborvitae, cassia, cinnamon bark, fennel, myrrh, oregano, and wintergreen. clove, clary sage
Remember: All citruses including Bergamot are photo sensitive so avoid going directly in sunlight after using. Also if you are diffusing I suggest no more than 4 hours per day.
Each of the oils carries an emotional significance too taken from the book Emotions & Essential Oils:
Geranium is the oil of love & trust
Grapefruit is the oil of honoring the body
Bergamot is the oil of self-acceptance
Lavender is the oil of communication
Ginger is the oil of empowerment
Frankincense is the oil of truth
Anxiety: Inhale bergamot, grapefruit or lavender.
Nausea: Make a mist with 7 drops ginger or peppermint, 4 drops orange 4 drops lemon to 50ml water and spray in the air to inhale. Massage the earlobes with ginger.
Circulatory support: Massage the legs/body with cypress, geranium and grapefruit oil blend.
Breast tenderness: Apply lavender to the top of each breast.
Constipation: Apply lemon or ginger to the stomach.
Hemorrhoids: Make a roll on with geranium and cypress and apply to affected area, a 10ml bottle only needs a few drops of each EO.
Muscle cramps: Apply lavender, bergamot or sandalwood.
Sadness: Use lavender, frankincense, bergamot, orange or geranium. Diffuse, or add to warm bath.
Fatigue: Inhale orange or lemon.
Tension in the head and neck: Apply lavender to the back of the neck and temples.
Urinary Health: Apply lemongrass over the bladder. Apply cypress over the kidneys.
Swelling: Massage geranium, ginger, and lemon into the legs starting from the feet to the heart. Drink plenty of water.
An 8-year study in the UK, showed that the use of essential oils in the maternity ward helped relieve anxiety, pain, nausea during labor and delivery. Mothers who inhaled essential oils were less likely to need pain relief or have labor induced. Soothing calming oils included lavender, frankincense, lemon, clary sage, helped more women experience intervention free childbirth (burns et al.2000).
Beautifully composed article
Thank you ❤️