Dear Community,
We are all in this together and today Aleks is sharing her article on
The Taurus New Moon with us, giving insight on how to harness the energy of this New
Moon, by using sensuality and creativity to overcome mental blocks.
You’re also most welcome to join us for a Chi- Do session this evening at

Hi everyone!
Sending you love, joy and good vibes from Toronto! The Taurus New Moon starts in a few days on April 22nd and it’s got a bit of a different vibe from its usual foundational, stabilising and fertilising functions. Mind you, those qualities are always available at any Taurus New Moon if you need them.
This Taurus New Moon is a time of creative and practical solutions. If we think of the timing of the Taurus New Moon, it comes at the height of spring. The seeds have taken root and having established their foundation, are ready to rise above the ground and the fertility of the time brings great growth. This year however, it’s almost as though our seeds managed to burrow underneath the sidewalk or concrete and breaking through the surface requires a bit of effort and creativity.
This New Moon, the Sun and Moon in Taurus are square to Saturn in Aquarius. You might feel as though there’s a mental block on new ideas. You can think of things you’ve done before easily but for whatever reason, you may feel that old solutions just don’t do it for you right now. The tried and true is more tried than true.
Or you may simply feel that old routines, structures and solutions are just boring, and you want something new! And there’s nothing wrong with creative new ways of doing things! If you need to shake up your routine, then this is a great time to start playing around with your options. Just like a seed may have to sprout between cracks in the concrete, sometimes a little experimentation is needed to find the cracks that allow you to continue growing and reaching toward the light.

Now, Taurus is renowned for its commitment to consistency. New ideas and solutions are not part of its usual signature energy. Currently, the Sun and Moon are conjunct Uranus in Taurus as well. Uranus is the stimulator of new ideas, the brainchild of inventive methods and solutions and the catalyst of life changes. Even though this New Moon is square Saturn and you may feel that your brain is empty of new ideas, Uranus is a fountain of inspiration and in Taurus, it is encouraging you to stimulate creativity using your senses!
So here is a little exercise to help awaken creativity using oils, incense or herbs.
Oils would be the preference but use what you have at hand. Here’s a list of oils that stimulate creativity that you can use (and if you don’t have any oils, you may find them as herb, fruit or incense). Have music playing and if you have any markers, pencil crayons or other art tools, it would be good to have them available.
Oils for Creativity:
- Citrus: orange, tangerine, bergamot, lemon, grapefruit
- Woods/Resins: Frankincense, Sandalwood
- Florals: Rose, Neroli, Jasmine
I’m not going to give you step by step instructions for this exercise because this is a time to be free-flowing and sensual. But here are a few pointers:
- Anoint your neck (one of the body parts associated with Taurus) and take some time to just appreciate the smell. (As a side note, Taurus is a sensual sign and appreciates heavenly scents).
- If you’re using herbs or fruit or incense, you won’t be able to anoint, but do indulge in the sensuality of the scent!
- Allow yourself to express – sing, dance, draw, paint…all of it is good!
- Don’t push for solutions or ideas, allow your creativity to free flow and return to what you’ve done in a few days and see what kind of ideas come up.
This Taurus New Moon is the perfect time to look beyond the mind for inspiration, ideas and solutions. Oftentimes, we search our mind hoping to find these things, however Taurus (via the influence of Aphrodite) teaches us that inspiration can also come to us through our physical senses. Sometimes in the act of expression, inspiration makes its way through.
The Taurus penchant for beauty (and creating beauty) can help bring the very fertility and ideas you need to get out of a rut. So, take advantage of this creativity and flow to get yourself out of some ruts! The best day for this expression exercise is Thursday, April 23rd as the Taurus New Moon is not exact until 10:25pm (Eastern time).
So, if you feel a bit stuck, lacking creativity and solutions or you just want to shake things up to escape boredom, take some time during this Taurus New Moon to engage your senses and stimulate your creativity! It’s fun, freeing and will add some spice and sensuality to life…something I think would be a welcome shift from current circumstances!
Play the music, take out the art supplies, enjoy the smell of life and be sensual!
Wishing you all a beautiful, sensual Taurus New Moon!

About Aleksandra Ceho
Aleksandra’s love for Astrology started in childhood.
Upon discovery of her grandfather’s collection of astrology books, she was hooked!
Since that time, she has become a Teacher and Guide with the Modern Mystery School and is also privileged to hold the title of Wiccan High Priestess. Aleksandra loves how powerfully true astrology and spirituality align lives with greater abundance, success and love. It is exactly this empowerment that she seeks to bring to others .Based out of Toronto, Canada Aleksandra has had the privilege of traveling around the world teaching Astrology in the Mystery School Lineage.