Sharing our joy & the importance of giving back


Dear Community,

We hope you get boosts of amazing energy as we share our joy from our International programs in London this last week.

This is also the last chance to grab your seat for the Ostara Ceremony tomorrow night in London Thursday 21 March 2024. Check out how to sign up below!

This April we’re organising a Charity Run amongst the Ritual Masters of the EU & UK in Hyde Park in April 2024.  We are dedicated to giving back – read below if you want to jump onboard!

We’ll be busy with Sacred Ceremony tonight and will have Max Meditation available for you tonight on Zoom. See the links below. Chi Do will be back next week!

May you find the MAGICK within!

Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team


March 2024 London International Programs

It’s been a week of incredible learning and growth here in London, as we’ve delved into a series of amazing classes like Dragon Magick, the Hermetic Joy class, the Hermetic Relationship class, and Healer’s Academy.

To capture the essence of these experiences, we’ve turned the spotlight onto our students, allowing them to share their personal highlights and breakthroughs. Read on to discover the most cherished moments of the classes and the invaluable insights our students are taking with them on their continuing paths of discovery. Also you get to hear words of wisdom from some of our Teacher’s panel at Healers Academy.

Why did you decide to take the Dragon Magick class? And how did you feel doing the class?

The class was great. I signed up because it was the first class in the list of programs and I take pretty much every class I can because of how they all integrate, you know, everything together. You take one class and it opens up aspects of another class: it ties into Kabbalah, it ties into a lot of different things, the school as well as my progression.

What surprised you about the Dragon Magick class?

The history and how it ties in. I feel like every class you learn something that you just had no idea was available to you. It kind of opens quantum possibilities. Beautiful. I thought it was interesting how it tied in other pantheons into Dragon Magick as well as the Elementals.

What was your biggest takeaway from Dragon Magick class?

The rituals. Some of the things that are a part of those rituals are very synchronistic with what is going on in my life. So you often find that you’re in the right place at the right time, and you feel like you’re being divinely guided: you can have a conversation with someone right before class, you enter the class, and then that is the exact topic! That is part of what is beautiful about the school is that magick and that those miracles that go on on a daily basis really just makes it all worthwhile. Completely, beautiful.

Thank you so much for sharing. Is there anything else you would say out there for someone else who was looking at the Dragon Class? 

I would say definitely take it. It’s definitely a great tool to have. Beautiful. Thank you so much, Brad. Have a beautiful day.

— Bradford Chesley, Ritual Master Apprentice & Life Activation Practitioner, Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Why did you decide to take the Dragon Magick class?

I like dragons. They’re very mysterious and powerful, so I was very drawn to it.

What surprised you about the Dragon Magick class?

That they’re such joyful creatures. I didn’t know that. I think because, you know, when you hear what is in popular culture, you just think of them as this fearsome, fire-breathing, angry creatures, but they’re not. They’re very strong and they’re very powerful, that’s true, but they’re also all about being in Joy, bringing Joy on Earth, and living in that Joy, enjoying life, enjoying the experience, and really being passionate about life and Joy.

What was your biggest takeaway from Dragon Magick class?

That it’s okay to enjoy life and the path, even though it will have its challenges, that it’s okay to also have Joy in it. I think I’m a person that’s very harsh and strict on myself, and so to be able to have that magick of Dragon power together with Dragon Joy in experiencing life is very empowering for me, really. The rituals helped me to embrace Joy as a big key, together with the Joy class. They complemented each other very much for me.

— Grace Hui, Ritual Master Apprentice & Life Activation Practitioner, London

Why did you decide to take the Joy class?

I recognized the importance of Joy in service and sought more of it in my life, which led me to the Mystery School. Life’s seriousness and responsibilities had overshadowed the Joy I felt in my youth. As adulthood brought the weight of the world’s issues, I lost sight of that innate Joy. My aim is to reclaim that inner happiness.

What surprised you about the Joy class?

The course revealed the interconnectedness of various aspects of life—interpersonal relationships, finances, and dealing with everyday challenges. The realization that Joy must be confronted alongside struggles was enlightening. It’s possible to maintain Joy even when facing life’s difficulties, and that discovery was monumental for me.

What was your biggest takeaway from Joy class?

That in the midst, inner Joy is crucial, even amidst service and struggles.

— Derima King, Guide & 3rd step Ritual Master, Florida

What was your favorite part of the Joy class? 

So first, before I joined the Joy class, I was thinking, maybe I don’t need it, because Joy is a normal theme. Why do I need a class, nine hours, and pay money for it, to get taught about having a Joyful life, because I laugh a lot. And I was thinking, hmm, okay. But Joy, from a Hermetic point of view, could be good. It could be a good way to go. It could be a nice red string to follow, because it’s Hermetic. And I can always come back to it, because it is the truth, whether you like it or not. But it is the truth, Hermetically speaking. And, yeah, what I liked most about Joy is the choices. I learned much about how the choices affect your state of being, and that it’s not something you get from things you experience in your life. You can experience having a full state of Joy, but experience negative emotions and can be full of Joy anyway. And yeah, there are many things included for living a Joyful life. And it’s very interesting, nine hours on Joy. I can highly recommend it. It’s not about laughing all the time. Instead it has more to do with suffering. Joy comes from suffering. And I was thinking about maybe you don’t need to suffer, but you need it because then you can acknowledge and appreciate being in a Joyful state. And if you suffer a lot and always come to a good state, then you don’t suffer anymore. So either you suffer and shift it or you like to suffer.

— Philipp Schulz, Life Activation Practitioner, Germany

Why did you decide to do Healers Academy?

Healers was, I felt, part of my natural progression in the lineage. I felt this was the time for me to attend Healers.

What surprised you about Healers Academy?

I think every day is a surprise, but I guess most notable would be, uh, the way my senses are awakened with different, uh, rituals. Yes. It’s, uh, very rewarding and surprising.

What is you biggest takeaway?

I’m already feeling more fun and more Light. Every day is just a little more amazing. That’s a huge takeaway for me. I already feel different just in the past four days that I’ve been here.

— Tom H., very soon to be Life Activation Practitioner, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

How has your experience been at Healers Academy these past few days?

Participating in the Healers Academy is an indescribable experience, much like many activities in the Mystery School. The personal growth I’ve undergone, the expansion of my heart’s capacity to know, serve, and love both myself and others has been remarkable. As I assist the students in their journeys to self-love and service, they, in turn, are preparing to extend this gift to the world. Over the last four days, my life has transformed profoundly, and I anticipate reaping the benefits for the rest of my life. Although I expected a transformative experience, it has surpassed my expectations in its beauty and positive impact on my life. The Joy is that while it benefits me greatly, it also immensely benefits this wonderful group of people who are here to make a difference in the world. It is a testament to its divine origin that everyone involved benefits equally. It’s an unending cycle of wins for everyone, with no downsides – simply spectacular!

— Charles Logan, Guide & 3rd step Ritual Master, Sarasota, Florida

How has your experience been at Healers Academy these past few days?

The past four days at Healers Academy have taught me the true meaning of softening into my femininity without diminishing my strength. Softness is often misconstrued as weakness, but here, I’ve learned to embrace my feminine qualities and remain strong. The greatest lesson has been to lead with my heart, which has allowed me to navigate potential triggers and make clear, heartfelt decisions. The shift from a mindset of harshness to one of softness, which has been especially poignant as a woman influenced by the feminist movement, has been transformative. Healers Academy has shown me that embracing my softness doesn’t necessitate being less powerful, and it has opened a path to greater harmony with my partner and husband, which is a significant breakthrough.

— Adelie LaViola, Guide amd 3rd step RM from Toronto originally, living in Miami now

How has your experience been at Healers Academy these past few days?

Reflecting today, I cannot think of any university or PhD program that offers what Healers Academy does. The Academy exposes you to what you need to work on as you prepare to serve as a future Life Activation practitioner. You’re not just responsible for this role; you have the privilege of embracing it. It encapsulates so much – it has been the most intense and rewarding five days of my life.

The most significant realization for me was acknowledging my own growth and accepting that many of the issues I observed in the world were also within me. The Angels and Hierarchy had been trying to reveal these to me through others, but I mistakenly believed my role was solely to help them. Healers Academy has shown me that these lessons were mine to learn all along. It is not just a foundation for learning: it’s a launchpad for greater things, surpassing any PhD program.

— Roxana-loana Gabor-Iliescu, Guide & 3rd step Ritual Master, Romania

This is one of the most profound classes I have ever attended. It also came at the perfect time – I’ve been thinking about so many of these concepts over the past few years, but the depth in the way the dots were connected exceeded my expectations. The clarity for how to re-set all relationships was mind blowing. There is no other class out there like this – truely. I also deeply appreciate the practical tools I have walked away with and the yardsticks to measure my progression and growth in all my relationships moving forwards.

— Julia Tiffin, Modern Mystery School Specialty Teacher, London

Why did you decide to take the Relationship class?

Relationships have always been a central aspect of my life, and prioritizing them in alignment with my purpose to foster healthier, more sustainable connections has been crucial. This applies not just to personal relationships but to all aspects of life.

What was your biggest takeaway from Relationship class?

The realisation that I had placed my relationships with others above my connection with the Divine was startling. This misalignment threw my life off balance. By recentering my relationship with God as my foremost priority, I’ve gained instant clarity across all areas of my life.

— Paige Farrin, Ritual Master Apprentice & Life Activation Practitioner, Boston

Magickal Ostara Ceremony

Have you signed up yet?

These events attune you to the rhythms of your being and allow you to tap into the prevailing seasonal energies at hand to shift and be in joy!

The spring equinox holds a profound significance, symbolising renewal, balance, and awakening.

This turn of the wheel marks a time of spiritual rebirth, where the lengthening days and equilibrium of day and night serves as metaphors for inner growth and harmony.

As the earth blossoms forth with new life, you too can find inspiration to cultivate your own inner garden, nurturing the seeds of intention, and embracing the potential for personal transformation.

Book your place below as we host this amazing Ostara Spring Equinox Ceremony in the height of the International Program in London in March 2024.


DATE: 7.30-9.30pm, 21 March 2024

PLACE: The Columbia (Windsor Room), 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS,

INVESTMENT: £15, £20 at the door

I want my seat for Ostara Ceremony




Charity Run in April


We aren’t just working our spiritual muscles here at the Modern Mystery School! We work the physical ones too. On 6 April, we are hitting the pavement in Hyde Park for our 2nd Annual Charity Fun Run! With 8km run/walk/jog options, there is an option available for most everyone. All proceeds go to local charities! Interested in joining us? Reach out to your local guide or email us on the link below.


I want to run!



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Caroline Latour, Contributing Author

Jackie Nonweiler, Editor

Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief


[email protected]

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Modern Mystery School UK & Europe


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