Is it time to go on holiday? ✈️ 9th August 2023

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Dear Modern Mystery School Community,

 Are you a change maker, a groundbreaker or a world shifter? If you answered yes, then Ritual Master is probably calling you! One of the most powerful ways to ‘Know Thyself’ is through the Ritual Master path.  This path is for the warrior within; it’s for the Jedi master that you always knew you could be!

We still have spaces available for Ritual Master in October in London. If you feel this may be calling you, please speak to your Guide so that you can start your training, Jedi!

After becoming a Ritual Master, you truly hop aboard a metaphorical rocket ship to ‘Know Thyself’. Messages and lessons are everywhere as a Ritual Master, including in the least expected places, like traveling the world.

You are in for a treat this week because Ritual Master Caroline Latour is sharing the inside scoop about her path to knowing herself deeply through travel. 

Stay tuned below to learn from Caroline’s journey.

Love and light, Dear Reader,

Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team


Is it time for you to go on holiday?

Travelling isn’t about seeing new places, it’s really about seeing yourself in new contexts.

To truly understand yourself deeply and evolve, we often need new stimuli.

While you could seek new stimuli within the confines of your home, the reality is that many of us get stuck in our daily routines, relishing the comfort of the familiar. Traveling as a Ritual Master forces us out of this cocoon on a whole different level. Suddenly, there are missed trains galore, language barriers, unfamiliar customs, and life’s constant unpredictability mirroring back our patience, resilience and adaptability as deep lessons from which to learn. Through these discomforts (lessons), we experience profound growth. We are nudged out of our comfort zones, which leads us to discover our hidden strengths, our weaknesses, and our ability to adapt.

As Ritual Masters navigate foreign lands and cultures, we absolutely have to confront the truth of own beliefs, habits, and reactions as part of cleaning up old programming to hold more light. This external journey sparks an internal one, revealing characteristics we might have ignored in our daily environment. In this sense, travel serves as a mirror, reflecting truths about ourselves that may have been hidden or that we were avoiding.

Personally, travelling has significantly deepened my self awareness. Witnessing the countless ways in which people lead their lives, the foods they eat, and observing their dominant emotional states regardless of their life circumstances has enriched my appreciation and has helped me discern my preferences, aspirations, and passions. Journeying solo to a land across the globe where I knew no one also gave me immense freedom and responsibility. I could dictate my path without external influences or having to look out for another person’s preferences. This gave me the opportunity to really explore myself. Observing how others travelled made me appreciate my unique style and made me grateful for who I am, the way I liked to do things, and especially gave me gratitude for knowing what I liked because of the immense joy I experienced through that.

Away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, travel has gifted me moments of reflection. Whether it was during a long train journey, an unpredictable ride on a tuk-tuk amidst beautiful mountains, stargazing nights, or simply the soothing rhythm of the sea, such moments of pause were invaluable. They allowed me to process experiences, ponder life choices, and truly connect with my inner self.

In essence, exploring the world enabled me to delve deeper into my own psyche, enhancing my understanding of both the world and myself.

My passion for travel remains strong, given the immense enrichment, thrill, and personal growth it offers. I must admit, it has at times led to extremes, teaching me the significance of establishing roots. As for everyone, learning oftentimes needs to come through hardships.

A gift I got from my travels was the discovery of the ancient mystery schools and the lineage of King Salomon. Finding the Modern Mystery School has led to an ever-deeper journey and accelerated path to knowing myself, progressively revealing my true essence.

Do you want to unravel your own personal limitations blocking you from your true self? Traveling as a Ritual Master wipes these blocks out of your life swiftly and without hesitation. Today the path has led me to travel to new places, meet people from all around the world, and learn in a safe and light-filled environment.

I remain ever thankful for the privilege to travel. Travel has not only opened doors to the world but, more importantly, unlocked pathways to my inner self, allowing me to truly ‘know myself’. 

–Caroline Latour, Ritual Master (Novice)

Germany, France & Worldwide

Calling All Jedis

Are you a baby Jedi? Baby Jedis (and adolescent Jedis, and adult Jedis) feel a sense of responsibility to make the world a better place. Is that you?

Okay, Grogu, you’re likely being called to begin your Ritual Master Training!

There is still time to register for Ritual Master, which is taking place in London during October. Please speak to your Guide to hop aboard the rocket ship to ‘Know Thyself’.

Exclusive Ritual Master classes offered in October include (but are not limited to):

Galactic Activation 1: 14-15 October

Ritual Master Novice: 17-18 October

Magick of the Ritual Master: 19 October

Enochian Magick 1: 19-20 October

Enochian Magick 2: 21 October

Ritual Master Apprentice: 20-21 October

For links to the events calendar for October programs, please click the button below:

(P.S. If none of this passage makes sense to you, go watch The Mandalorian!)

  I want to be a Ritual Master!



Tonight @ 7:30pm | Online Max Meditation

Note: Chi-Do returns on August 23. 

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Editor of the Week

Jackie Nonweiler, Life Activation Practitioner, Ritual Master (Apprentice)

email: [email protected]

phone: +34 621 364 972

Modern Mystery School UK & Europe

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