
Sacred Geometry 2 with Roxana in Romania


Nu rata ocazia unică de a te conecta la geometria ADN-ului tău, de a merge dincolo de toate problemele, de toate tiparele, de toate traumele, de toate fricile. Ai acum…

Sacred Geometry 3 with Roxana in Romania


Geometria Sacră III din Școala Misterelor Geometria sacră III se concentrează pe vindecarea și echilibrarea energiilor din cele 7 straturi ale aurei și sacralitatea corpului uman.Este o practică pe care…

Event Series Astral Travel

Astral Travel with Kasia, in London

The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United Kingdom

Astral Travel   Would you like to expand your consciousness and learn about yourself as a spiritual being - beyond your physical body? Astral travel explores the outer reaches of…

Sacred Geometry 4 with Roxana in Romania

Bucharest Bucharest, Romania

Vei invata cum sa creezi Temple energetice care sa iti asigure atat in casa cat si in locul in care lucrezi sau au loc evenimente deosebite pentru viata ta- Templul…

Sacred Geometry 1 with Martina in London

The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United Kingdom

  You will learn that you have the power to bridge the spiritual and the physical worlds by activating your home and work-spaces as your holy sanctuaries. By employing these…

Kabbalah 3

The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United Kingdom

Know Thyself is the motto of the Mystery School, and the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah is an ancient, mystical system that allows us to get to know ourselves better. In…

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