Dear Community,
On countless occasions I have wished I could be a fly on the wall for conversations between the members of the Third Order.
These men are SO full of wisdom, wouldn’t you just love to hear them speak?
Brimming with excitement I share news today. LIFE Conversations with the Third Order just launched on YouTube. You have the chance to do just that: listen to Founder Gudni, Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave and Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto talking about freedom from slavery “to bring people into freedom of the Spirit and the Spiritual world”.
Tonight we have our first Wednesday metaphysical class in London, The Seven Mystery Schools Class … are you interested? Have you signed up? See our next introductory classes coming up, information below!
See you later today for our Wednesday Chi Do, free and online. Join using the link below.
Enjoy the last rays of summer! We can already feel that crisp chill in the air in London.
Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team
The Third Order Has a Message for You
We invite you to watch the LIFE Conversations with Founder Gudni, Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave and Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto over a cup of tea. Take in this conversation, and see what it evokes in you.
This week, we invited three of our writers to comment on their takeaways from these conversations.
Ready to listen for yourself now? 👇🏽
Click for Third Order’s Wisdom
I listened to the conversation between the three lineage holders of the Third Order a number of times and each time, I gleaned something more. Not from a dogmatic way of simply listening to instructions as some who might not understand may think, but from the perspective of “how I can do my own life better.” How well do I really know myself? And has that perspective of the “self” evolved as I grew?
While I knew that the path was to “Know Thyself”, what struck me powerfully was that “thyself” was infinite because God is infinite. As I continue to progress, I will know myself better because I will gain a bigger perspective, a deeper understanding and greater wisdom. The more I embody, the more there will be to embody and that is the challenge and the beauty of the path.
Watching the three men talk and discuss, I was humbled by the possibilities that lay ahead for me if I would be willing to let go of fear to master the limitations of my life. These men did not gain the wisdom by inheritance or entitlement. They walked the path of progression themselves and that is available to me too. I am the only limit to my progression. I am not competing with anyone else, just the limitations of my own mind.
When I look at them, I feel utterly grateful for the chance to see what is available should I choose and do the work that they have done.
It also served as a reference point because I remembered how far I have come from when I first began and how much further I can go “Miracles are always outside of your mind frame” I can make a difference and I will remember this in moments of doubt and fear.
–Grace Hui, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, London
In today’s world, with all the media, conditioning, and external influences around us, to know thyself is the most important thing in life.
Whether it’s your parents, your boyfriend, or your country, we all have social influences around us, guiding and influencing our choices. Without knowing ourselves, we are “living up to others’ expectations,” as Founder Gudni Gudnison says—past lovers, parents, and even friends. I found myself deep-diving into whether the decisions I am making are truly made by me, or for me.
Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon says, “When you know who and what you are, your potential changes. It’s not just who I am today; it’s what can I become tomorrow, now that I know who I am today.” Listening to him discuss this with Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto and Founder Gudni, it rings so true. With the shift of perspective and focus to knowing thyself and acknowledging the God/Goddess within, my path becomes more magickal and more royal. I start to embody reverence.
They speak about how “The MMS will make people realize who and what they are without being accepted by other people, and over the thousands of years of mentorship through the MMS, it sets you free” – Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome
This is such an important key, as we truly don’t need the external acceptance we are always seeking as a human race. The Mystery School holds space for that liberation to take place within you.
The first thing we teach in the MMS is, “I am God… I am a Royal Being” – Founder Gudni Gudnason
We are Eternal Beings, we are Royal Beings and we are GOD. Yet people all around the world are settling for mediocrity. They are settling for an average life and accepting the cards stacked against them.
“Creating and thinking in a mediocre way creates a mediocre life” – Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon
And here we are in the Lineage of King Salomon, walking a path of magick while others are in the “Rat Race,” as Founder Gudni Gudnason says. How lucky are we?
“Magick is that which causes change, which the mind refuses to accept. What holds us back from using magick is the mind. So we have to live in the world of magick to use magick.” – Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon
This documentary held so many powerful keys, I can’t even begin to describe them, and it will touch each individual in the way they need to hear it. That’s the power of magick and our sacred lineage holders.
I don’t know about you, but there is no going back now. The only way is to truly know thyself. So grab your wands and meet me on platform 9 & 3/4. Let’s walk the Path of Know Thyself together.
–Jessica Rea, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, London
I want to start by giving thanks to these three spectacular men that have a special way to teach us things about life.
I was 15 when my parents divorced, and I grew up with my father and brother – so most of my life I have had a masculine presence around me. Even with my friends, I preferred to be around men than around women. But you know what, at 15 you don’t know what is best for you: you don’t even know who you are or what you are capable of. I think mentioning the word “lost” is not an exaggeration, because that is how I was. Ten years later I have discovered the school and its teachings that have helped me surpass all the illusions that I have created for myself. I am lucky to have these men as examples of healthy men and to contribute to my growth. The school is about Growth, Progression, Hope. As Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon points out we have so much knowledge, but so little understanding about ourselves, because most people exclude the most important part of our human experience, the Spirit. Because of this we are trapped in the same old little box searching for the outer things that makes us happy.
“Happiness has nothing to do with true emotions and true experience. The Modern Mystery School gives people information, experience and a variety of exercises to help you break free of the old conditions.” – Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome
Who I am = What I can become tomorrow? It is KNOWING, not guessing, not thinking, not feeling. Knowing with certainty, from all my heart, with empowerment who I am.
This is what the Modern Mystery School’s Path is proving to their students. Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon has pointed out so beautifully that we as students come to the school and ask the teachers (and colleagues) “I want you to show me my shadows”. We train to not be offended by the truth. We train in a Hermetic lineage, in the Arts & Science of mastering life lived ALIVE. When something is pointed out, it means that it needs to be addressed, and I am prepared because I have the tools and wisdom to apply them to change for the better. For this, I am eternally grateful to the Modern Mystery School and all that they provide to us as Gods in training.
–Diana Cinpoeru, Healer & Ritual Master 2.5, Romania
Coming up Seven Mystery Schools, next up Spiritual Intuition!
Yes! Foundational metaphysical teachings are back in person, live in London, every Wednesday! Starting tonight we have The Seven Mystery Schools Class:
In this informative class, you will learn about the planet’s seven mystery schools, including their location, mission, purpose, and deep insights.
For years, these schools have been closed to the public. The teachings were only offered to royalty and the extremely gifted, but humanity’s consciousness has been shifting to new heights, and now all are ready to receive this information and teachings.
This class offers a more in-depth look at these and the information and mystery contained within them.
Next week, we will have the Spiritual Intuition class:
In this workshop, you will learn about the spiritual senses, how to activate them, strengthen them, and how to build your psychic awareness and sensitivity safely and comfortably.
You will be handed down tools and techniques that you can practice every day, to develop your psychic abilities and consciously work with your intuition every day.
You can achieve more in life if you can perceive more.
ALL are WELCOME, feel free to invite your friends. No pre-requisites required.
September Schedule:
Wednesday, 4 September – 7 Mystery Schools
Wednesday, 11 September – Spiritual Intuition
Tuesday, 17 September – Hermetic Full Moon Meditation (a special event as part of international programs)
Wednesday, 25 September – Awaken Thyself
Investment: £45 per class
Special Wednesday offer: book 4x Wednesday classes for £150 ( save £30). Please note: Full Moon Meditations are £20. While they can be included in the package, you may choose to purchase the Full Moon Meditation as an ad hoc.
The time is almost upon us!
The last Healers Academy in London this year is coming up fast! Speak to your Life Activation Practitioner or Guide to make it happen if you feel your heart strings tugging at you!
Apply now, before it’s too late.
Galactic Activation 1 (Open to Certified Life Activation Practitioners or to those attending Healers Academy 16-20 Sept 2024) 14-15 September 2024
Professional Integration Day for Life Activation Practitioners (LAP PID: Open to ALL Life Activation Practitioners) 16 September 2024
Healers Academy 1 (Open to Adept Initiates – those who have done Empower Thyself!) 16-20 September 2024
Ritual Master Novice (RM 1: Open to Certified Life Activation Practitioners) 17-18 September 2024
Magick of the Ritual Master (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 19 September 2024
Temple (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 20 September 2024
How to Live a Hermetic Life (Open to Certified Ritual Masters. Certified Life Activation Practitioners may apply.) 21 September 2024
Hermetic Joy (Open to Adepts – those who have done Empower Thyself!) 22 September 2024
Enochian Magick 1 (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 23 September 2024
Enochian Magick 2 (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 24 September 2024
Show me the September schedule!
Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT+1
Password : peace
Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.
Lisa Pankhurst, Monday Newsletter Editor
Diana Cinpoeru, Contributing Author
Grace Hui, Reporter, Contributing Author
Jessica Rea, Reporter & Contributing Author
Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher & Editor
Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor
Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief