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Importance of Alone Time

It’s summer season. This might mean spending more time outside and spending more time with people you love. But no matter the season, making sure you have your Alone time…

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Letting go…

Letting GO …   Is the hardest thing to do, it should be the easiest but in a world where we are programmed to think the more you have the…

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‘So, bad things still happen to you’?

Said one of my client’s half smiling in relief. It was before a session and I had just got back from a long trip and my suitcase had been lost…

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Chiropractic care, Understanding neurodevelopmental challenges, or autism.

Sounds, sight, touch, taste, smell. It’s all different for James. This little boy is on the Autism spectrum, and the way his senses and brain work is very different from…

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Children’s Meditation Exercise

MEDITATION If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.” Dalai Lama How to use the Mini Me Yoga…

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Positive Affirmation Game for children. Create your own magick water

This is based on the work of a Japanese scientist Dr Masaru Emoto and his discoveries about water and its reactions to words or energy. Dr Emoto is a very…

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Children don’t have to get it ‘right’ to benefit …

I have heard these words so many times as a kids yoga teacher, ‘but my child needs to know how to do this pose ‘right’ or else they wont get…

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Mental and emotional issues affect the physical body

  Improving mental and emotional well-being will also prevent many of the physical illnesses that we have today. When we are depressed, have anxiety or stressed it shows in our…

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Epigenetics, can we really recreate our DNA and cure stress related issues in children

Mental and emotional behavior isn’t predetermined by genetics Epigenetics which means ‘control above the genes’ is the science of how environmental signals select modify and regulate gene activity. (Lipton, 2008,…

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