Reclaim Your SELF: Heal the Soul

Soul Retreval

Hello, Divine Beings!

Gremlins are working extra hard this month! We’ve pulled together to bring you the corrected newsletter!

Healing is our focus this month, led by the gentle strength of Julia Tiffin, with her artistic flair and wealth of experience as a lineage Healer.

Since we mentioned healing, where better to start than the Royal city of London for Healers Academy? Taking place in London during October programs, seats are still available to those who are ready to serve others with the incredible Life Activation!

This week, Julia shines her light on Soul Retrieval to help us understand its importance for all as a healing, and why restoring our wholeness is key.

Feel free to join us for Chi Do tonight on Zoom to fill your own cup and for an incredibly special live YouTube broadcast this week with three powerhouses in the world of Kabbalah. Details for both await you below.

 Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team


Reclaim yourself with

The Soul Retrieval

When King Salomon brought 3000 tribes together, the one healing common to many tribes was the Soul Retrieval, which was then tested extensively on members of all tribes to find the most effective Soul Retrieval for everyone.

King Salomon’s chief mission was to uncover how the greater DNA of humans could be plugged in and activated.  He explored all the existing healings and worked with leading Healers of the different tribes to be able to do this. The fundamental and life-changing Life Activation was born out of this exploration, which was then scheduled to be unveiled in 1997.

The Soul Retrieval is in contradistinction and a healing as opposed to an activation, and was the most universal or common healing for mental health and emotional challenges. It is not the only useful or necessary healing by any means, but the Soul Retrieval is foundational in the journey of healing mental health challenges – think of it as an excellent starting point to help heal the mind. In fact, it has been said that North American Indian Shamans have looked at our psychiatric hospitals and just shaken their heads in disbelief for how poorly the modern world understands mental health challenges. They perceive the use of medication and hospitalisation as poor attempts to solve what they know to be a problem of the Soul and the Spirit. 

The Soul Retrieval helps to heal the Soul, which is where the majority of the Mind resides. Thus, when the Soul is fragmented, so is the Mind! 

You may be wondering, however: Why and how does the Soul get damaged?

When we experience traumas, intense experiences such as:

  • maltreatment (not just physical, but also verbal, emotional, and spiritual)
  • ongoing stress
  • death
  • loss
  • a broken heart
  • a break-up
  • gaslighting
  • codependency
  • addiction
  • physical illness
  • limiting belief systems that have shut us down
  • denial of our gifts, desires and dreams
  • extreme discipline

lead us to need a Soul Retrieval!

You may be reading this list and thinking…”Wow, I’ve experienced several of the items on that list. I might need a Soul Retrieval”. And you wouldn’t be wrong; the Soul Retrieval is crucial! We experience many trials and tribulations which lead us to a point where we benefit from them. 

Experiences which shock our system cause us to contract, withdraw, and disassociate from aspects of ourselves: we misplace parts of our Soul! 

In my nearly 20 years of experience as a Healer with the Modern Mystery School, I have seen that even within the corporate world, when you have to shrink yourself and become a machine for the job, it often causes a dis-connection to parts of yourself (read: your Soul). Many people today are dissociated from their true nature, which is no doubt a reflection of traumas that the Soul has experienced.

When you experience any of the above list, your Soul, which holds and allows you to access your holy qualities that make you unique, gets shocked and shaken, resulting in parts of this physical structure (approximately 150m in diameter) to dissociate and split off into another plane or dimension.

Soul Retrievals bring these splintered pieces of your Soul back to where they belong, reconnecting you with previously disconnected parts of yourself. In the Modern Mystery School offerings, there are three main Soul Retrievals that one can receive.

  1. The classic Soul Retrieval is the Hermetic Soul Retrieval, which Healers Academy 2 graduates are trained to facilitate.
  2. There is a Soul Retrieval in the comprehensive King Salomon Mind Region Healing modality.
  3. Finally, there is a ‘mini Soul Retrieval’ which you can very easily train to do (even on yourself!) in Sacred Geometry II & Crystal Magick.

The first two Soul Retrievals in the list above are so comprehensive, and bring back so many soul fragments that integration time is required before receiving another Soul Retrieval. You know what that means, Dear Reader: these Soul Retrievals create ripple effects in your life for months after the session itself. Even if you’ve been through a truckload of trauma, you don’t need another Soul Retrieval for a minimum of 6 months. The session is that far-reaching. 

The deep healing that results from being reconnected to parts of your true nature that you have lost along the bumpy road of life is difficult to describe, but easy to feel. Soul Retrievals shift the way you think of and perceive the world. You shift into a more embodied ‘you’ more easily, feel strong,  confident, and certain, take action, and move forward without so much resistance toward what is best for YOU, the individual! Results are unique for each person but are foundational in healing mental and emotional challenges.

Contact your Life Activation Practitioner or Guide to see if this would be a good fit for you!

Onwards and upwards to a more whole you!

–Julia Tiffin, International Specialty Teacher, Guide

From the Editors Desk

For as long as I can remember, my quest has been for truth — a profound understanding of my own essence and the underlying realities of life’s challenges and suffering. It all began when my grandmother introduced me to alternative medicine and complementary therapies during my formative years, igniting a passion within me. This fervor drove me to delve deeper into the inner workings of people and into the alchemy of healing, although I wasn’t fully aware of it when I embarked on this journey. Over the years, I’ve devoured books and embarked on countless courses, yet the answers and truths I sought remained elusive.

My relentless pursuit eventually led me to the Modern Mystery School in London, thanks to Ipsissima Divina Theresa Bullard-Whyke’s Mystery Teachings series on Gaia. Reflecting on how far I’ve come since my initial phone call with Divina Kate Bartram-Brown, my now-Guide, I can hardly believe how far I’ve come. The journey has been nothing short of exhilarating, marked by profound healings and personal growth that eclipsed anything I had encountered before undergoing the Life Activation.

The school’s programs and classes radiate incredible light, but I also cherish the insightful live streams on the YouTube channel and the thought-provoking podcasts. This Thursday presents a unique opportunity: a live stream featuring a brilliant panel. It promises to be a valuable addition to our journeys of growth and self-discovery, a testament to the unwavering dedication of the team in supporting our community.

Join us for Kabbalah: A Map to Know Thyself

1pm London GMT+1

Thursday 14 September 2023

for an interview led by Divina Kate Bartram-Brown with Ipsissima Divina Theresa Bullard-WhykeAmbassador Eric Thompson and Martina Coogan.

Don’t forget to click the link and set a notification for the live stream so you won’t miss it! I’m filled with excitement, and I hope you are too!

With love and radiant light,

Lisa J


Join us LIVE on Thursday




Tonight @ 7:30pm | Online Moving Meditation – Chi-Do

Link to join us online:

Password : peace

Calling All Healers

Check This Out: Important Program Information

Healers Academy is happening in October in London!

Have you signed up yet?  This is your reminder to submit your application for this amazing 5 day class to become a Professional Life Activation Practitioner!

For links to the events calendar for October programs, please click the button below:

I have to go to Healers Academy 1 in October!

Email:[email protected]

Phone:+44 7535 485082

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