Pre Book Launch chat with Erin Wallace, the author of Spiritual Shortcuts


Erin Wallace has dedicated her whole life to helping people own their power and reclaim their crown to shape their lives the way they want it. After training with various accomplished spiritual leaders, she found the Modern Mystery School and the lineage of King Salomon in 2005, and hasn’t looked back. As a Senior Spiritual Guide in the Modern Mystery School, she has worked with thousands of individuals and groups, and has guided many in awakening to their divine nature and going beyond their personal limits. She is also an International Instructor and Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Instructor, and she travels worldwide to share these life-changing tools to a vast audience. Her first book “Spiritual Shortcuts” will be released on September 26th 2023 and available on all platforms.

Instagram: @iamerinwallace

Those who want to know when the book is out.

Watch the video interview below or follow our podcast.

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