My healing journey with the Mystery School … Katie Owens


Katie Owens spent her childhood moving all over the world due to her father’s work in the Air Force and she currently lives in San Francisco with her sweet cat, Princess Leia. In young adulthood, she had her first “manic” episode and spent some time in a psychiatric hospital where she was diagnosed with bipolar 1 via the western medical model. She has since experienced multiple depressive episodes and two more “manic” episodes resulting in hospitalizations. This experience led to a journey of self discovery and entry into the world of healing arts therapies such as massage and sound healing. She believes the tools and support from the Modern Mystery School have given her greater self awareness and self acceptance. She hopes to support others in their journeys towards understanding what works for them. She currently also works with seniors in the SF Bay Area helping them to find supportive housing.

Contact information: 415-815-7820

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