Dearest Community,
October is well on it’s way and we have another exciting announcement for programs coming in December!
We can literally taste the sweet taste of our jam packed programs in October! Soon it’s time for the amazing Hermetics classes with Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave, and much much more! Many will step onto a path of service in Healers Academy 1, ready to take their tools to bring new life and progress into the world!
Don’t forget to RSVP your spot for the FREE ONLINE Kabbalah Talk tonight – links will be sent once you RSVP.
If you are looking for new ways to harness your energy and balance your inner self… Join us for Chi Do later today! Discover the path to holistic well-being!
Details for all these wonderful offerings await you below.
Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team
The Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Ascension Program in December 2023!
Are you ready for Kabbalah?
You’ve asked, and we have confirmed TWO Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Programs in December!
If you have never experienced the life changing 10-month Ascension Program, you will not be disappointed. This program gives you access to the fruits on the Tree of Life and is a deep dive into the instruction manual for life. Here unveiled mysteries will leave you satisfied and connected on an entirely new level! This is open to Certified Ritual Masters** and Certified Life Activation Practitioners by application*.
Then for those who have ascended the Tree of Life, there is Kabbalah for Kabbalists, where you will experience the next level of depth and growth in ways you could not have yet imagined. The Tree of Life just keeps opening new dimensions … of you and of how you can serve others with your mission and gifts! This is open to Certified Ritual Masters**.
If you want to know more, we have the Ipsissimus of Kabbalah – Divina Theresa sharing in a video more about the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Ascension Program.
Here are a few touchstones for you as you are looking to understand this profound system:
1. The Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Ascension Program is the most powerful system on the planet for eliminating subconscious limitations, rewiring how your mind works, and learning to manifest like a master. It is a truly transformative system. Through this program you will energetically ascend the Tree of Life, awakening its powers within your Mind and DNA.
2. The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is the roadmap to who you are and how to manifest your greatest Self into the world. Through Universal Kabbalah, you can ascend and transform from where you are now to where you want to be.
Curious to know more? Why not join us for our Free Online Talk about Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah this evening? It is open to everyone! See the details in the section below!
Ready to sign up for one of the Kabbalah programs? Here are the dates & links for you:
2-3 December Universal Kabbalah Ascension Program (open to Certified Life Activation Practitioners* by application)
4 December Kabbalah for Kabbalists (open to Certified Ritual Masters**)
We look forward to the massive transformation that is going to happen in your life with these powerful programs!
*Please note Certification is required to be current throughout the 10-month journey for Kabbalah for Kabbalists or the 10-month Ascension journey. This is open by application to those who are attending Healers Academy 18-22 October 2023 OR if you are a Life Activation Practitioner and have attended Life Activation Practitioner Professional Integration Day 16 October 2023 in the UK. Be sure to be there if you haven’t yet signed up!
** Ritual Masters require Certification to be current throughout the 10-month journey for Kabbalah for Kabbalists. If you still need to sign up for LAP PID on the 16 October, click here to sign up!
Watch Ipsissima Theresa online!
Learn about the pattern of manifestation that comes from the Divine. Initiates have been using the Tree of Life for millennia to harness their full potential and effectively manifest, whilst removing what blocks us from embodying our Divinity. Through this powerful ascension process we are reminded how to live life alive, to live in Joy, and to break habits/triggers from old programming that stop us from achieving OUR greatness.
Higher initiates have used this accession process for thousands of years to help them accomplish The Great Work and to ‘Know Thyself’. Is this you ? If you are curious to hear more about this 10 month journey that will start in December in the UK, then come join Ipsissima Divina Theresa Bullard-Whyke (Ipsissimus of Kabbalah) and Martina Coogan (Senior Kabbalah Teacher) to find out more and delve deeper into what Kabbalah can do for you.
They will cover just what this 10 month accession process entails and how it benefits your life, as well as the way in which this journey and community can aid you in your quest of The Great Work.
You are welcome to join this rare opportunity of a free live ONLINE intro presentation. There will also be time to ask questions and to find out whether this could be the next step in your progression you are seeking.
Wednesday, 11th October online 8pm – 9pm (London GMT +1) – receive insights into the amazing system of Kabbalah that we work with in the mystery school lineage.
9pm – Q&A
Please register to receive the link.
Dr. Divina Kate Bertram-Brown
“Kabbalah isn’t about believing in something or someone. It’s about experiencing and attaining the answers yourself. ”
“Kabbalah is so fun! It is so important to be in a group and in a container – I feel that makes your grown exponentially fast! I credit the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah with helping me heal my relationship with God (and of course with myself) and really learn to navigate life in a healthy and effective way!”
Linh Le
Last opportunity to join us for this fantastic program!
October is here and along with it brings the eagerly anticipated Healers Academy 1, offering you a unique opportunity to make a true difference in the lives of others through service.
Galactic Activation 1 & 2
How to Live a Hermetic Life
Hermetic Communication of the Divine Masculine and Feminine
Professional Integration Day for Life Activation Practitioners
Healers Academy 1
A big variety of Ritual Master Programmes
Are you curious about what all these programs are all about?
Tonight @ 7:30pm (London GMT+1) | Online Moving Meditation – Chi-Do
Link to join us online:
Password : peace
Not living in the UK and you want to make sure you have the right time in your city to attend? Click here.
Editor of the Week
Leonie Jordaan
Teacher, Ritual Master, Guide from South Africa
email: info@sumika.co.za
phone: +27 84 451 7991