Empower Thyself with Martina Coogan – London
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomThis intensive two-day instructional course teaches you the necessary tools to purify and protect yourself from the negative influences of others. It works on deprograming prior learned negative structures in the…
SACRED GEOMETRY 1 with Cecile in London
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomSACRED GEOMETRY 1 CREATING SACRED SPACE A nurturing class that will give you some essential tools to create a space of positivity where you live, shift vibration in your aura…
Max Meditation Every Wednesday
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomJoin us in person or online for a guided meditation ( Max Meditation System TM) that includes 5 components to completely relax and rejuvenate your being. Benefits of Meditation Clarity…
Max Meditation Every Wednesday
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomJoin us in person or online for a guided meditation ( Max Meditation System TM) that includes 5 components to completely relax and rejuvenate your being. Benefits of Meditation Clarity…
Max Meditation Every Wednesday
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomJoin us in person or online for a guided meditation ( Max Meditation System TM) that includes 5 components to completely relax and rejuvenate your being. Benefits of Meditation Clarity…
Sacred Geometry 2 with Roxana in Romania
RomaniaNu rata ocazia unică de a te conecta la geometria ADN-ului tău, de a merge dincolo de toate problemele, de toate tiparele, de toate traumele, de toate fricile. Ai acum…
Max Meditation Every Wednesday
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomJoin us in person or online for a guided meditation ( Max Meditation System TM) that includes 5 components to completely relax and rejuvenate your being. Benefits of Meditation Clarity…
Sacred Geometry 3 with Roxana in Romania
RomaniaGeometria Sacră III din Școala Misterelor Geometria sacră III se concentrează pe vindecarea și echilibrarea energiilor din cele 7 straturi ale aurei și sacralitatea corpului uman.Este o practică pe care…
Sacred Geometry 1 with Kasia in London, UK
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomSacred Geometry 1 Everything in the physical world manifests through Sacred Geometry. Sacred patterns and symbols are found in all matter, all around us. Sacred Geometry is an art, a…