
Healers Academy

The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United Kingdom

The Modern Mystery School is an international organization providing individuals worldwide with the knowledge, tools and support for personal and spiritual growth and empowerment. The Healers Academy is a five-day intensive certification course that…


Archangels of the Second Quorum

The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United Kingdom

Learn the inner Secrets and higher teachings of the Archangels and the Offices of the Second Quorum. In this class taught by Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon, you will gain the knowledge,…


Hermetic Communication of the Divine Masculine and Feminine

The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United Kingdom

Have you ever wondered about the true source of power for how the divine masculine and feminine anchors into the physical realm? Hermetics show us that there is a way,…


Marketing Basics for Professional Lightworkers

The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United Kingdom

Marketing Basics for Professional Lightworkers provides the foundational understanding of how to take the healings, services and tools of empowerment that this lineage provides out into the world. This class is…


Sacred Geometry

The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United Kingdom

By studying the divine geometric patterns, one learns to open themselves to deeper understandings and universal wisdom. In this course, the three sacred shapes of creation will be activated with…


Astral Travel 1

The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United Kingdom

In this class, you will learn more about the practice of astral travel, how to use it for your growth, and techniques to strengthen your intuition and ability to perceive…


Sanctuary Meditation Class

The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United Kingdom

During this class, you will learn the ancient techniques to connect with your Higher Self and how to do it safely and effortlessly by yourself. Relax and rejuvenate in a…


Sacred Geometry 1

The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United Kingdom

By studying the divine geometric patterns, one learns to open themselves to deeper understandings and universal wisdom. In this course, the three sacred shapes of creation will be activated with…


Astral Travel 1


In this class, you will learn more about the practice of astral travel, how to use it for your growth, and techniques to strengthen your intuition and ability to perceive…


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