Dear Community,
In a world focussed on bottom lines, bank balances and markers of outward success, faith has been reduced to an afterthought for many. This week our Editor-in-Chief shares about the importance of faith and how to foster it in your life.
As we near the shortest day of the year, the Wiccan Solstice Celebration in London on Thursday 19 December, offers you a connection to the unique magick available at this time of the year. There are very limited seats left!
With only 4 days left, the clock is counting down to our 2nd Annual 11-Day Meditation Challenge starting on 22 December! You in?
Join us tonight ONLINE for our free Wednesday Chi Do. See the link below.
Happy Season of Lights ✨
Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team
A Return to Faith
Faith is one of the most valuable ‘assets’ in anyone’s life. Faith both in yourself and faith in God and the Universe can change the world.
Atheism and ‘scientism’ have been influencing the world where faith is considered unintelligent and a ‘fool’s errand’. Those who do believe in something more out there are experiencing a diminished connection to faith, living in the closet of discomfort. But, faith is your ticket to freedom.
Do you hear yourself doubting you will find what you are looking for? Maybe you feel you are not worthy or that somehow you are forgotten, and you don’t know how you are going to find what you need? Maybe you genuinely don’t feel you are supported, because no-one is out there for you. Maybe you think it will happen for everyone else, but not for you.
Many times, sitting at the feet of Mother Mary, I’ve imagined how she might’ve felt with the knowledge of what was going to happen to her son, and how she had to surrender to faith and to God. Mother Mary is an incredibly special holy being of grace. She can be a helping hand to assist you to find this pathway home, a pathway to faith in yourself and faith in God and the Universe.
- It’s a feeling there is more
- That you can reach out to something unknown, do something untested, and that you’re going to be ok
It includes both FAITH in yourself and FAITH that there is something that has your back. It could be FAITH in the Universe or a force you call Divine; maybe it’s a force you perceive in Nature.
This is very different to FANTASY and this is an important distinction. FANTASY is based on wishful thinking. FAITH has a real weight to it and part of finding your way back to FAITH is knowing the difference between the two. You can’t THINK your way through FAITH – it is bigger than the logical mind. It reminds me of the mycelium network, and just as faith grows, more neural pathways connect strengthening the force of Faith in your life. It builds you stronger and stronger and feeds you with increasingly powerful energy and vitality.
Finding your own life path is made of the juice of taking (many) leaps of faith. It isn’t based on certainty as finding your own life path, finding you, is something you are learning to do. There is a map inside of you, but between what you are currently conscious of and the unknown terrain you need to go along to access that map, faith is the bridge between the known and unknown potential versions of you.
As a child we had faith in things, but as adults we need to find our way back.
How do you bridge your way back to faith?
During this time of the year in the winter months, it is the perfect time to find your way back to your inner light and the spiritual light of Divinity. This is the time of cultivating that inner light and that connection, a time of going inwards and deepening.
Meditation is an amazing way to simply sense more. It gives you a moment to cut out the drone of the world outside you. Know that there are so many beings who want to connect with you, support you and help you find that pathway back to you, but with the constant humdrum of the physical world, it is disconnecting you. This is a great first step.
But like building a relationship, developing more Faith it takes time. Faith is a bridge you need to build.
A next step would be communicating with the Divine. In that quieter space just share and communicate. As with any relationship, communication comes first. Ask for help in your conversations, and express gratitude for all you have.
This is the foundation of prayer and this is the primary tool to re-build faith: communication, asking for help and expressing heaps of gratitude, because there is always so much to be grateful for. Only when you have lost something so basic that you took for granted, do you realise how much you can be grateful for. Rather serve up extra helpings of gratitude than your third plate of Christmas lunch!
So in this season of lights, tap into the many holy beings that are present, and take the time to connect, to go within, to find that peace, that connection, so when you are presented with a LEAP of FAITH you need to take, you can take it, as you know you are supported and this is the next thing you simply must do.
If you are in London, tap into the power of the Wiccan community to help create that bridge to your inner light in the Winter Solstice Celebration. And jump onboard for our Meditation Challenge! Your life will transform as you rebuild your faith.
Wishing you an ever increasing relationship with faith…
–Julia Tiffin, Modern Mystery School Speciality Teacher & Third Step Ritual Master, London, UK
See the schedule below for our 11-day Meditation Challenge, starting in only FOUR days! See our EASY SIGN-UP LINK so you can be sure you are on board!
I want to participate, for free!
Winter Solstice Celebration
Are you signed up? This is a once a year opportunity to experience this turning of the wheel when we invite the community to celebrate the Winter Solstice / Yule!
This is a time to access your inner light using the power of Wicca:
During this special ceremony, we will connect with our inner light, reignite our hopes for the year ahead, and celebrate the power of renewal. Through ritual and meditation and the power of Wiccan Magick we will work with the four elements to align with the energy of the season anchoring it within us to move forward as the wheel of year continues to turn.
Happening 19 December from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Doors open at 6:00pm for registration.
On this longest night, we honour the turning point, where the sun is reborn, bringing the promise of light’s return.
*Limited seats available, please book your seat in advance!
Exchange £20: Tickets must be booked in advance
ALL are WELCOME, feel free to invite your friends.
Your 11-day Meditation Challenge Schedule
4 days to go!
We have a special surprise for you as we have moving meditation (Chi Do) included in your meditation challenge to keep it fresh. On the 1st January 2025 (!), we have a BUMPER session for you with Max Meditation System™ AND Chi Do! A great way to start the New Year!
Here is your schedule:
DAY 1: Sunday 22 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 2: Monday 23 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 3: Tuesday 24 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 4: Wednesday 25 December 7.30-8.10pm Chi Do Christmas Day
DAY 5: Thursday 26 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 6: Friday 27 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 7: Saturday 28 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 8: Sunday 29 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 9: Monday 30 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 10: Tuesday 31 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 11: Wednesday I January 7-8.10pm Max Meditation (7-7.35pm) System™ & Chi Do (7.35-8.10pm) New Years Day
We have an easy link to join now BELOW – so just click on that (even if you have signed up before)! You will get an email from us with links in the next few days.
Attend as much as you can, this is a gift for you to partake of as much as you want! It’s certainly far healthier than that 3rd serving of Christmas pudding!
EVERYONE is welcome, aunts, uncles, friends, your cat, your dog, your neighbour … invite everyone you can. For Life Activation Practitioners, invite your clients as some people need a boost during this holiday season!
We look forward to sharing this festive season with you :).
I want to participate, for free!
I want to participate, for free!
Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT
Password : peace
Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.
Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor
Grace Hui, Contributing Author
Jessica Rea, Reporter & Contributing Author
Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher & Editor
Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor
Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief