Dear Community,
Today we celebrate with a poem about the Tree of Life from one of our beloved team. May you have a blessed day wherever you are!
We also share with you Christmas fun from our Third Step Ritual Master & Guide team in London!
A huge congratulations to those who have jumped on board with our 2nd Annual 11-Day Meditation Challenge! You’re doing great, and if you haven’t jumped on board, you can do that at any point!
Join us tonight ONLINE for our free Wednesday Chi Do (part of our 11-day Meditation Challenge!). See the link below.
Happy Season of Lights ✨
Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team
Journey Through the Spheres
In the depths of December’s chill,
A spark ignited, a whispering thrill,
The Tree of Life, ancient and wise,
Stood tall beneath the starlit, infinite skies.
Roots foreboding and riddled with knots
Naive curiosity as I looked up at coloured dots
Round balls of light, how bad could it be?
Looks like a giant Christmas tree!
The spheres of wisdom on branches entwined,
Onwards and upwards I began my climb.
Each lesson a gem, each thought a key,
My quest to unlock the mysteries of the cosmic sea.
From Malkuth’s embrace, where the earth meets my feet,
I began my ascent, a journey so sweet,
In the realm of the senses, my journey was found,
In the pulse of the world, my spirit unbound.
To Yesod, the foundation, where dreams take their form,
In the Moon’s soft reflection, my visions were born,
Awakening intuition, the depths of my soul,
Connecting the fragments, making me whole.
Next came Hod, the sphere of intellect’s grace,
Where thoughts became clear in this sacred space,
The third ray of clarity, insights took flight,
With each new revelation, I embraced the light.
Yet beneath the bright thoughts, physical pain,
Resistance to growth whispered doubt’s dark refrain,
In muscles that tightened, in fears I concealed,
The struggle to flourish, the wounds unhealed.
In the depths of discomfort, I faced my own strife,
A battle within, the dance of my life,
Each ache was a lesson, a call to transform,
Through suffering’s fire, my resilience was born.
Then onward to Netzach, where endurance is key,
In the sphere of victory, I learned to be free,
With challenges faced, my spirit grew strong,
In the sphere of the warrior, I awakened something I’d had all along.
Through Tiphareth’s beauty, compassion took flight,
The heart of the Tree bathed in God’s radiant light,
Balancing energies, the dance of the soul,
In unity’s embrace, I felt truly whole.
As I ascended to Geburah, strength tempered with care,
I faced my shadows, my truths laid bare,
The sphere of severity, your will must be strong,
Take action swiftly don’t take too long
The sword will swing and the tower will fall
To remove obstacles at yours or my call
Severity may appear harsh and extreme
But things aren’t always as clear as they seem
Now in the arms of Chesed, I bask in the grace,
Of mercy and kindness, a warm, sacred space,
This is the sphere of justice and higher law
Keep the balance with Geburah or you might fall.
In Da’ath’s hidden depths, where knowledge awaits,
Lies the Abyss, a threshold to illuminated divine states,
With mysteries beckoning from the darkness inside,
I step into the void, where my fears subside.
On the other side, the Supernals glow,
As I hope to navigate currents where pure wisdom flows,
Transcending illusions, embracing the night,
In the depths of Da’ath, I prepare for the light.
Then to Binah, the mother, nurturing and wise,
In the womb of creation, where potential lies,
With understanding deep, I embrace the unknown,
The gifts of the creator, my essence has grown.
Ascending to Chokmah, the source of pure light,
In this sphere, potential takes flight,
With every sphere shining, I gather the stars,
Transforming my essence, dissolving the scars.
At last, I approach Kether, the Crown on high,
Where divinity blossoms and I can fly,
The final Sphere, in God’s embrace,
A journey completed, in love and in grace.
Now as I stand on this sacred ground,
In the tapestry woven, my purpose found,
From December’s stillness to today’s vibrant light,
I walk in harmony with clarity of sight.
With each breath I take, I align with the whole,
A journey of healing, a blossoming soul,
Through Universal Rays, Kabbalah’s embrace,
I rise in awe, in love, and in grace.
In the cycles of life, I honour each phase,
Transmuting my fears into luminous rays,
With the Tree of Life guiding my way,
I cherish each lesson, each dark night and bright day.
So here I stand, a testament bold,
To the journey I’ve travelled, the stories retold,
In the light of the spheres, my essence takes flight,
In the dance of creation, I bask in the light.
–Lisa Pankhurst, Healer & Ritual Master Apprentice, London, UK
250+ people have signed up! You can still join the 11-day Meditation Challenge. See our EASY SIGN-UP LINK so you can be sure you are on board!
I want to participate, for free!
From the Desk of Ipsissima Kate
Our treasure hunt in London
Our Tuesday night team of Third Step Ritual Masters in London went on a quest to save the enchanted mirror from The Evil Queen.
The dwarfs and huntsman helped us along the way. Sharing clues as we navigated through the trials & terrain of West London.
We had many laughs along the way, the weather held out for us … even a little sunshine.
We saved the mirror and returned order to the Kingdom 😉 .
We were the right group for the job … that’s for sure!
The secret was within us all along …. Hmmm where have I heard that before 😉?
Brilliant Christmas outing for a brilliant team of people dedicated to service … it’s a a real honour to know you all!
I have a feeling 2025 is going to be our best year yet !!
Thanks to the lovely book shop owner who gave us our magical badges, the cafe who shared the secret grimoire with us and the old inn for the ‘runes’! You made it all the more fun for us all!
Oh and a special thank you to the Japanese art gallery 😉.
Jump on board anytime!
Just sign up below!
On the 1st January 2025 (!), we have a BUMPER session for you with Max Meditation System™ AND Chi Do! A great way to start the New Year!
Here is the rest of the schedule:
DAY 4: Wednesday 25 December 7.30-8.10pm Chi Do Christmas Day
DAY 5: Thursday 26 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 6: Friday 27 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 7: Saturday 28 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 8: Sunday 29 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 9: Monday 30 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 10: Tuesday 31 December 7.30-8.10pm Max Meditation System™
DAY 11: Wednesday I January 7-8.10pm Max Meditation (7-7.35pm) System™ & Chi Do (7.35-8.10pm) New Years Day
We have an easy link to join now BELOW – so just click on that!
Attend as much as you can, this is a gift for you to partake of as much as you want! It’s certainly far healthier than that 3rd serving of Christmas pudding!
EVERYONE is welcome, aunts, uncles, friends, your cat, your dog, your neighbour … invite everyone you can. For Life Activation Practitioners, invite your clients as some people need a boost during this holiday season!
We look forward to sharing this festive season with you :).
I want to participate, for free!
I want to participate, for free!
Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT
Password : peace
Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.
Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor
Grace Hui, Contributing Author
Jessica Rea, Reporter & Contributing Author
Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher & Editor
Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor
Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief