Celebrating the Light in the City of Gold


Dear Community,

This week we have amazing stories and gratitude that was shared in the Modern Mystery School programs in Johannesburg last week. Their light and passion is so inspiring – we hope you enjoy their energy too!

TODAY in our Metaphysical Wednesdays series in London we have a FULL MOON Meditation. Tap into the Full Moon in Aries and the powerful energies available for new beginnings! A few seats are still available but seats are limited!! Bookings are below.

Join us tonight ONLINE for our free Wednesday Chi Do. See the link below.

Happy Autumn!

Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team


Celebrating the Light in the City of Gold


Powerful programs just completed in Johannesburg and so much gratitude and joy was shared, we could not help but share the love with you. These stories say much more than we could share in an article. Below are the experiences of those who just completed Healers Academy for the first time!


On Healers Academy

How can I describe such a profound and amazing experience when the English language falls short of every description I could possibly think of?

I have healed emotionally, physically, and spiritually in so many ways, and I’ve witnessed that same healing in so many of my fellow students.

I am absolutely honored and privileged to have attended this course and to have experienced this abundance and joy.

I encourage anyone who has the opportunity to attend Healers Academy to seize that opportunity with both hands, invest in yourself, follow your heart, and unlock all the abundance and joy that lives within you.

I am thankful to everyone who has been part of this experience and who has loved, supported, and shown me true respect and honor.

I am truly ready for my new life. I am ready to embrace all the joy that Healers Academy has brought into my world. Thank you, Healers Academy—it has been an unforgettable experience.

Barbara Ramsden, Life Activation Practitioner, Cape Town, South Africa


On Healers Academy

Healers Academy has been a truly magical experience. It defies words! Amazing, transformative, deep and profound healing happens here. Anything holding you back, lack of self-love, perfectionism, etc. is witnessed then transformed in the most sacred way in this space. This experience is one I will forever hold in my heart. I feel grateful and humbled to have been a part of this beautiful week. It was also such honour to meet so many beautiful people and witness their transformations. What a gift!

–Chantal Mackley Life Activation Practitioner, Cape Town, South Africa


On Healers Academy

Why did you feel you needed to go to Healers Academy?
There were individuals in my life that I value who gave me their honest opinion that I should attend Healers Academy. I realized I could no longer sweep it aside or put it off for another time. These last couple of months I have been feeling ‘lost’ & wondering if there is something ‘more’ out there for me. This past year I have lived in a constant state of anxiety & negativity, which alleviated once I registered & committed to attending Healers Academy.

What surprised you the most about Healers Academy?

I was awestruck in the presence of the Divinas’ & the Zoom sessions with Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon, Ipsissima Divina Franca Lanyon & Ipsissima Divina Theresa Bullard-Whyke. In Healers Academy, I had epiphany moments while in the class & during the protocol session when I was the client. I was extremely nervous doing the protocols & it became easier as we practiced. And then, receiving my wand, that moment when it was placed in my hands… .

What is your greatest takeaway from Healers Academy?

It would be the support that I received from Divinas’, the Guides on the panel & fellow attendees, and most of all – the support & encouragement of my best friend Karien. I did not want the week to end but we now have a greater purpose to go out & activate our fellow human beings. In meeting the dynamic individuals who attended this year’s Academy, my circle has grown in a very good way!

Why would you recommend someone do Healers Academy?

I got to know myself on another level. I have a better understanding & appreciation of the rituals and a knowing that I can make a difference to someone else’s life with the tools that were handed down to us. There are no words to fully explain the transformation I received.

–Vanessa Law, Life Activation Practitioner, Johannesburg, South Africa


On Healers Academy

Why did you feel you needed to go to Healers Academy?

It was the next step to go deeper and further on my life’s journey.

What surprised you the most about Healers?

The kind, gentle, caring energy…

What is your most significant takeaway from Healers?

That I can assist someone else on their path with more Light – it is a holy privilege and responsibility.

Why would you recommend someone do Healers?

They can learn about themselves and the limitless divine potential within us all. As I fill up with light, so does everyone else!

–Mare Venter, Life Activation Practitioner, George, South Africa



Below are some of the words shared by those who have re-certified as Life Activation Practitioners – from individuals who first received their wands from over 13 years ago to just last year! Feel their joy!


On Life Activation Practitioner Professional Integration Day (PID)

“You don’t know what you don’t know or may have forgotten.”

I was reminded of this while attending PID & auditing Healers Academy 1 in Johannesburg this last week. PID was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with and recommit to the Great Work and the Hierarchy of Light.

I did Healers Academy in 2011 and have done many, many life activations since. During PID I was reminded of my “bad habits” & given the opportunity to fine tune my skills. It was a wonderful day of community and celebration of the work that we do as Life Activation Practitioners. PID for me is a must, it gives me the energetic refinement & boost that I need to continue doing this work.

Auditing Healers Academy exceeded all my expectations. There were many aha moments. I was reminded of things I have forgotten, of the importance and reasons for every step of the protocol, the holiness and sacredness of the Life Activation and the reasons why everyone on this planet needs a Life Activation.

The healing I received from attending HA again was deep and profound. I left there feeling lighter than ever, filled with joy & supported by the Hierarchy of Light, with new ways of talking about the Life Activation. Auditing Healers is a must for anyone who needs a deeper understanding and who needs deeper healing.

–Marda Hull, Guide, 3rd Step Ritual Master, Cape Town South Africa


On Life Activation Practitioner Professional Integration Day (PID)

I am still glowing after PID in South Africa, and feeling so inspired! Spending the day with fellow Life Activation Practitioner’s is like a balm to my Soul: seeing my spiritual family brings me such joy as we share so much on a deeper level of understanding and knowing. Having 3 Divinas present was a true honour, as well as a powerful example of how limitless we are, since they also once sat at Healers Academy and have many PID’s behind them.

The annual recertification for the Life Activation during PID has been such a powerful reminder of who I am and the absolute honour of serving humanity with this healing/activation. Every year I drop into a deeper unstanding of the Life Activation, as well as myself. I would not miss this yearly recertification EVER!

–Anke Scheffel, Life Activation Practitioner and Ritual Master Novice, Cape Town South Africa


On Life Activation Practitioner Professional Integration Day (PID)

🌟✨ I’m feeling incredibly proud and inspired after completing another annual recertification for DNA Life Activation during Professional Integration Day (PID)!  It’s always such a transformative experience that not only deepens my understanding but also strengthens my ability to support others on their journeys.

This modality has many benefits and truly transforms lives. I’m beyond grateful for the opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with such a passionate community.

Being able to bring these powerful tools into the world and serve others is truly a blessing – I can’t wait to share the insights and transformations with all of my clients  Here’s to continued growth, healing, and making a positive impact in the lives of those around us!

Thank you to everyone who made this day possible! Let’s keep shining our light together!

–Svetlana Iustin, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, Cape Town South Africa


On Life Activation Practitioner Professional Integration Day (PID)

Attending PID switched the Light on for me in the dark corners of my inner being this October.

The professional integration day at the MMS South Africa HQ blew me out of the water this October 2024!

I was so excited to see everyone again and getting to know my new fellow Life Activation Practitioners and Healers from all over South Africa at our annual very FUN getogether.

Exchanging and learning more about the Life Activation and the Full Spirit Activation is such a fun & powerful thing to do. We also had a big surprise with the presence of two superb guests from the UK and Ireland, Divina Kate and Divina Ann who joined us. It was AMAZING!

Expecting to learn more and receive incredible teaching as I always do when I attend PID as well as spending time with my fellow Initiates in the Light, I was ready – but the shifts that took place within me were not what I had anticipated at all!!! In fact, when I stepped into the energy at PID, what came to light was so many of the answers as to why I am stuck in certain areas in my life. Here it played itself out for me to witness and see. Being in this healing energy and connecting with other Life Activation Practitioners’s and Healers at PID caused what was stuck inside to loosen up even more within me. It was clear as daylight for me to see!

Receiving the Life Activation & serving others and receiving the teachings & encouragement from our leadership at the MMS in the energy of PID caused so much inner healing for me. I now can see how I am able to heal what is holding me back, knowing Myself even more.

Attending PID switched the Light on for me in the dark corners of my inner being, clearing away the gunk that stand in my way. My cup has been filled with more healing Light that I can now share with all my clients back at home.

Now I can spread more love, more healing & more Joy!

–Sanet Kirstein, Healer & Ritual Master 2.5, Cape Town South Africa



From the desk of Divina Kate


It’s so exciting that registration for Healers Academy in London March 2025 is open! In our lineage SERVICE means reminding another that they are God and the good news is we do that through the Life activation which we ALL can offer.

Greatness comes with that service! It’s a win win win!

Let’s light up the world and help others to light it up with us by becoming a Life Activation Practitioner!!


I want to know more about Healers in London March 2025!



Tonight Full Moon Meditation next week Spiritual Intuition!


Join us for our foundational metaphysical teachings in person, live in London, every Wednesday! 

TODAY we have the Full Moon Meditation:

This meditation invites the powerful energies of the Moon into your life! Each month you can download the energies of the Moon and then use these energies to direct what you want to create in the month to follow!

This month the moon is in Aries – the energy will help you with:

  • the beginning of things
  • overcoming obstacles
  • working on your Self!

No meditation experience is required!

Next week we have the Spiritual Intuition:

In this workshop, you will learn about the spiritual senses, how to activate them, strengthen them and how to build your psychic awareness and sensitivity, safely and comfortably.

You will be handed down tools and techniques that you can practice every day, to develop your psychic abilities and consciously work with your intuition daily.

You can achieve more in life if you can perceive more!

ALL are WELCOME, feel free to invite your friends. No pre-requisites required. 

October Schedule:

Wednesday, 16 October – Full Moon Meditation

Wednesday, 23 October – Spiritual Intuition

Wednesday, 30 October – Awaken Thyself

Investment: £45 per class

Special Wednesday offer: book 4x Wednesday classes for £150 ( save £30). Please note: Full Moon Meditations are £20. While they can be included in the package, you may choose to purchase the Full Moon Meditation as an ad hoc.


I want to attend! Book here

Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT+1

Password : peace

Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.

Click here to join Chi Do


 Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor

Grace Hui, Contributing Author

Jessica Rea, Reporter & Contributing Author

Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher & Editor

Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor

Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief


[email protected]


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