Dear Community,
What is Joy? Is it Happiness? And how is this connected to the mysterious Philosopher’s Stone ? See our article today for the big reveal!
If you missed the Imbolc Celebration, see pictures below & keep your eyes peeled for the unveiling of the next Wicca event.
Your weekly Chi-Do booster is available tonight, live on Zoom.
May you find the JOY within!
Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team
JOY & The Philosopher’s Stone
What is something you would like more of in your life?
Wouldn’t we agree that Joy is always a goal worth fighting for?
But why exactly is Joy so important to us?
Joy is a HUGE topic in the Mystery School and actually the essence of what we do and why we do it. So many classes take us on a maze to find this within, using different tools to open different locked doors within.
In this week’s newsletter, we would like to bring you closer to the concept of Joy and help you understand the depths of it by featuring Founder Gudni Gudnason, talking about “The Philosopher’s Stone”.
What you will come to learn is that Joy is not temporary, once attained, it is like a nugget of gold that cannot tarnish. The more Joy you find within, the more this well of Joy deepens and can hold even more. So no matter what challenges or obstacles land on your doorstep, you have the power of this Joy within that can fuel you to attain victory over challenges!
Happiness in contradisctinction to Joy IS temporary – you could be so happy with a new car, but then you are very unhappy if you scrape the side of the car by accident! Joy is connected to finding our eternal and pure Self!
In this short but powerful video clip, dating back to 2010, Founder Gudni goes on to say:
“See, the goal of all this, the goal of why we do all this work… esoteric, hermetical, occult, alchemical Kabbalah, is about finding something that has been called in history, the Philosopher’s Stone.
What is this Philosopher’s Stone, the thing that Hermes talked about, this one thing… what is that?
It is called the ‘prima materia’, the first matter, something holy, something so divine that when we find it, it changes our physical and spiritual being.
What is the Philosopher’s Stone? What is the essence of life?”
As Founder Gudni brings his students into a meditative state, he goes on to explain that “the essence of life, is JOY.“
“It is the ‘prima materia’, the Philosopher’s Stone, the essence that transmutes and transforms all things, the essence that heightens all vibrations, JOY, the power of God. The only energy behind the will of the Ensof to express itself, is Joy.“
Joy is such a beautiful key part in the Mystery Schools and the reason behind everything we do.
The magick part now is that you have the amazing opportunity to have an entire class about Hermetic JOY delivered to you by Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon.
Note that Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon usually is a teacher to Ritual Masters only, as his teachings are very advanced. This is the first time he will host a class this way and for this time only – the class is open to ADEPT Initiates!
If you would like to know more about Joy, how you can harness it in your life and don’t want to miss out on this special opportunity to learn directly from a member of The Third Order, then grab your seat now by click the link below.
— Caroline Latour, Ritual Master Apprentice
Full YouTube video about The Philosopher’s Stone
Imbolc Celebration!
It was such a Joy to welcome many of us to our Imbolc celebration and also to welcome new faces.
As we gathered around candlelight, we celebrated the magic of Imbolc, welcoming the first sprinkles of spring into our lives. Emerging from a long winter’s hibernation, we are ready to nurture our seeds and bring our ideas into manifestation.
Community events hold a special place in our hearts, as they provide a wonderful opportunity for us all to come together and celebrate. Everyone is welcome at these special gatherings, and we look forward to all the more beautiful times we will create together this year.
With March Programs coming up, we can’t exactly tell you when we will next have an opportunity like this for you, but as a proud subscriber to our newsletter, you will be the first to know about any juicy and fun events like these coming up, so stay tuned and keep your tiger eyes out for them!
The Hermetic Joy class & Dragon Magick
Are you being called for greatness?
We warmly invite you to join us for this very special JOY class and without letting the cat out of the bag, there is some hidden connection between this class & Dragon Magick!
If you are interested in the more advanced Magick classes that we offer, Dragon Magick lays a really good foundation for further studies!
Now make a decision that your future self will pat you on the shoulder for, click the link below and we look forward to welcoming you very soon in the magickal City of London!
March London International Programs
Here is the calendar for our next international programs with some amazing classes on offer to bring you more magick and inspiration into your life!
Dragon Magick (Haven’t you always wanted to know about Dragons? Open to Certified Life Activation Practitioners) 14 March 2024
Hermetic Joy Class (This time only: Open to those who have done Empower Thyself!) 15 March 2024
Healers Academy (Open to those who have done Empower Thyself) 16-20 March 2024
Chi-Do on Wednesdays at 7:30pm GMT
Password : peace
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