Dear Community,
Are you a Life Activation Practitioner? Do you know you are eligible to attend the Galactic Activation 1 & 2 Classes? Whhaattt, you haven’t experienced it yet? Read valuable shares from Divina Ann Donnelly, Diana Cinpoeru and Radu Coman below about the Galactic Activation.
Plus, an accessible but profound class, the Sanctuary Meditation Class is on offer tonight as part of our Metaphysical Wednesdays in London. Click the link below for more details and to join.
Chi Do is back this week! Join our amazing team for moving meditation this evening, free and available to all.
Blessings and light,
Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team
What can the Galactic Beings teach us?
Improving our wellness, health, and even business can be quite challenging if we approach it solely from a physical perspective. By activating your galactic nature, you can access deeper dimensions of consciousness and achieve a transformative integration of body, mind, and spirit. This process helps us become the best versions of ourselves and understand how to live a more elevated, galactic life. Engaging in Galactic Activation is a step toward actualizing your highest self and contributing to the greater good of humanity.
In this article, we present three powerful testimonials. First, we have the privilege of hearing from a Galactic Activation teacher herself, Dr. Divina Ann Donnelly. She shares insights into how these classes unfold and how they can greatly contribute to our lives. Second, we hear from Diana Cinpoeru, who shares her profound personal story with Galactic Activation and how this class gave her access to something she had longed for since childhood. Finally, Radu Coman shares his experience, demonstrating how this class can benefit someone working in a technical field.
Enjoy some powerful insights into the Galactic Activation Class, shared in a live interview:
“It’s fascinating to explore how Galactic Activation ties into well-being, even though it might not initially seem related to health strategies“ says Ipsissima Divina Kate Bartram-Brown
Divina Ann Donnelly shares that in the Modern Mystery School, we view our beings as not just physical but also possessing an energetic body. While many are familiar with caring for our minds, emotions, and physical health, the energetic and spiritual aspects are often overlooked. Alternatively, in the mystery schools we emphasize the importance of our galactic nature and how it relates to our overall well-being.
Through meditation, sacred ceremonies, activations, and initiations, we aim to enhance our connection to life, reality, and the universe. Ancient knowledge from the mystery schools holds knowledge that we have 24 strands of DNA, many of which hold keys to our spiritual nature. In the Life Activation, 22 of these 24 strands are activated, but the missing two can only be switched on in the Galactic Activation. The Galactic Activation completes the full DNA activation by activating the final two strands, where our divinity codes. These codes connect us to the broader evolution of humanity and enable us to reach a grander vision.
The Galactic Activation is a two-day process packed with education on how to maintain our energetic health. This makes our energetic body very alive, and we become much more aware of it, affecting every cell in our bodies.
The process is often described as a rejuvenation remedy because it enhances our resilience and ability to maintain energy under stress by pulling in divine and galactic energies.
Day 1 focuses on physical well-being, covering nutrition and relationships, and how they affect us. It also includes guidance on managing our business lives, as success in business helps us support each other more effectively as a human race. It also includes the Galactic Activation itself!
Day 2 shifts focus to building our ‘galactic muscles,’ helping us connect with celestial beings that aid our evolution. If you have a vision that could change not just your life but the world, this class is crucial.
This sacred and holy process will transform how you view yourself and the world. It’s a total upgrade, a leap into a divine, royal life that pushes us to transcend our current limitations. The changes it brings about are profound, ensuring you’ll never be the same again. So, if you’re ready for a significant transformation, the Galactic Activation is the way forward.
“If longevity is something you really, really want, this is the class for you. It makes you so much more aware of what is good for you and what’s not good for you. You’ll find yourself saying no to the bad stuff a lot quicker, and you’ll find yourself connecting to the things that are really good for you—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.”
If you would enjoy sitting back and soaking in the fullness of this juicy interview, click below to listen to the full share. It’s not to be missed.
Galactic Activation on YouTube
Below, two members of the Modern Mystery School community share their experiences with Galactic Activation. Are you more like Diana or like Radu?
Discussing the Galactic Activation brings up a lot of emotions for me, especially when I think about my experiences with galactic beings. I have a story that I haven’t shared with many. It goes back to my childhood, when I used to faint frequently. My parents were told it was a calcium deficiency, but I knew it was more; I was traveling to other realms. I didn’t want to be bound to this reality, and I was reaching out to whatever was out there.
One evening, just as my mother and I were about to leave the house, I blacked out. But I felt as though we did leave, and the person with me, though she looked like my mother, wasn’t her. This incident made me question the frequencies and connections I was accessing. Later attempts to recreate that connection with various substances didn’t work because I couldn’t discern the energies I was interacting with. The Galactic Activation Class helped me redefine and reconnect my energies with these beings.
I’m eternally grateful for this class and the Galactic Activation, a legacy of King Salomon’s work.
Since then, I’ve noticed significant emotional releases. The class teaches you that you can intensely feel emotions but also have the ability to release them swiftly. This has been transformative; understanding that the attachments to memories aren’t as concrete as they seem has allowed me to view my reactions and emotions in a new light.
~ Diana Cinpoeru, Healer, Ritual Master 2.5, Bucharest, Romania
Now, a powerful view from Radu Coman who took Galactic Activation in 2019 and shares his experience:
The Galactic Activation was completely different. It was more grounded, more physical than the high angelic magicks we were used to, yet it was delicate too. It felt like handling a fragile flower, where you need to be gentle and precise, or you might disrupt the energy. We’re dealing with Galactic Beings, who operate on such a different frequency that we often don’t even realise they’re around us. But then there’s an intensity to the energies we use, like electricity or electromagnetism, that we’re now integrating into our homes.
The results of the activation were immediate and powerful, especially emotionally. It brought more awareness to my subconscious emotions and the background activities of my life that I had been ignoring. Implementing what I learned in the class, I noticed tendencies to revert to old ways or pass judgment. But now, even after auditing the class again last spring, I see how these changes have positively affected not only me but also others around me who attended the class. It’s amazing to observe the subtle yet significant shifts that can have profound impacts.
So, if you’re considering it, I’d say the Galactic Activation is a profound upgrade. It’s not just about personal growth; it connects us with the Galactic Federation, offering solutions and insights that can profoundly influence both our personal lives and broader technological advancements.
~ Radu Coman, Guide, Third Step Ritual Master, Bucharest, Romania
Radu shares that working with Galactic Beings over the years—and especially reconnecting with them time and time again—enabled him to apply their guidance to some of his projects and innovations. With his background as an engineer and experience in technology, the Galactic Beings provided direction on where to guide technology and highlighted the important areas to focus on.
The Galactic Beings showed me how technology is going to help us on a very large scale, long term, and they gave solutions on things to try out.
~ Radu Coman, Guide, Third Step Ritual Master, Bucharest, Romania
The Next Step: Galactic Activation II
Loved Galactic Activation? Want to connect more deeply with the Galactic Federation?
We have good news for you!
Galactic Activation 2 is available on the schedule this March for anyone who has previously taken Galactic Activation, and even for those who experience it for the first time in March.
Our eternal nature is encoded within our DNA, but it is dormant and forgotten, left latent and sleeping, like the spiritual gifts and intuitions we all have deep within us. The process of awakening to our truest divine self starts with the Life Activation and Galactic Activation 1, where we fully activate the 24-strands of the DNA.
Galactic Activation 2 is taking that to the next level of our evolution, preparing us to embody the galactic nature of this divinity. Our Galactic self is the part of ourselves that is not bound to this one physical dimension of Earth, but yet it is the whole of ourselves who knows we belong to a multi-dimensional and multi-faceted expression of spirit and Life.
Deepen your awakening of these divine codes within yourself and embrace your Galactic self!
~ Yadiksha Hari, Guide, Third Step Ritual Master, London, UK
We’ll leave you with this thought-provoking quote by Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon today:
“Every moment of time we are given the choice between light and dark, positive and negative, good and evil. A Warrior of Light learns to be wise enough to distinguish the difference and recognizing the choice, they choose Light, even though it is often the harder of the two. Our ultimate weapon is Love, our shield is Peace, our fuel is Passion and our goal is Joy.”
~ Caroline Latour, Life Activation Practitioner, Ritual Master Apprentice, Provence, France
Metaphysical Wednesdays
Join the Sanctuary Meditation Class today!
During this class, you will learn the ancient techniques to connect with your Higher Self and learn how to do it safely and effortlessly by yourself.
Relax and rejuvenate in a sacred space…
Click here for more information.
Where: The Columbia Hotel, 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS
When: 7-9pm Wednesday 29 January 2025
Investment: £45
To register please email admin@modernmysteryschooluk.com
Here is the schedule coming up:
5 February 2025 7 Mystery School Class
12 February 2025 Full Moon Meditation
19 February 2025 Spiritual Intuition Class
26 February 2025 Sanctuary Meditation Class
5 March 2025 Awaken Thyself Class
12 March 2025 Full Moon Meditation
Check out our calendar for details!
MMS UK & EU Schedule for March 2025
We’re just getting warmed up for 2025. Have you seen the schedule? Get your 2025 aligned and organised for some amazing light!
Galactic Activation 1 (Open to Certified Life Activation Practitioners or to those attending Healers Academy 16-20 March 2025) 14-15 March 2025
Healers Academy 1 (Open to Adept Initiates: those who have done Empower Thyself!) 16-20 March 2025
Viking Magick Activations (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 16 March 2025
Seals and Sigils (Open to Certified Ritual Master Apprentices) 17 March 2025
Hermetic Parenting (Open to Certified Ritual Masters and those who have attended How to Life a Hermetic Life, Relationship Class & Hermetic Communication of the Divine Masculine & Feminine) 18-19 March 2025
Temple (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 20 March 2024
Galactic Activation 2 (Open to those who have attended Galactic Activation 1 & Certified Life Activation Practitioners) 21 March 2025
Ritual Master Apprentice / RM 2 (Open to Certified Ritual Master Novices) 22-23 March 2025
Enochian 3 (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 24 March 2025
Enochian 4 (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 25 March 2025
See the March 2025 calendar here!
Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT
Password : peace
Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.
Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor
Grace Hui, Contributing Author
Jessica Rea, Reporter, Contributing Author & Social Media
Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher, Sub-editor & Social Media
Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor
Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief