Dear Community,
Humour makes the world go around! There are even metaphysical teachings behind humour being crucial to personal growth. Enjoy some insights and a ‘Mockumentary’ produced by the Modern Mystery School itself which employs Hermetic Humour to shed light on ✨spirituality✨.
Plus, breaking news! We are finally offering in-person weekly classes again in London. A team of teachers is offering a list of introductory classes for you, your friends, your mom and… if you’re nice to us maybe even your dog. ALL are welcome, please see more information below.
See you later today for our Wednesday Chi Do, free and online. Join using the link below.
Enjoy the last rays of summer!
Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team
Mockumentary produced by CULT TV
Humor might seem like all fun and games, but don’t be fooled—it’s a secret weapon in disguise. It’s not just good for a quick laugh; it’s an essential tool for handling life’s heavier moments and standing up to authority, without ever raising a fist. Ever noticed how a well-timed joke can cut tension faster than anything else? That’s because humour has a unique way of piercing through pretense and lightening the mood.
Personally, whenever I’m in a bad situation that I would usually get frustrated or angry about, I use laughter to lighten my state, and often times I find that the situation I find myself in is not so fatal after all! Humour helps me look at life from a lighter perspective and helps me connect to my higher mind. In the Modern Mystery School, we are always laughing, even in the most serious classes, because it helps keep our mind from going wonky and simply keeps our state high, ready to receive, and makes the often life-altering information and keys easier to digest. With humour, there is less room for our negative ego to creep in and distract us from what can be uncomfortable realities about ourselves!
Humour truly brings light to the seriousness of the world!
As Gareth Knight shares in his book, A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism:
Humour is the destroyer of painful emotion, its opposite face, as the Greek linked comic and tragic masks imply, and even apart from its satirical cutting aspect it is one of the greatest weapons against tyranny. The pen is mightier than the sword and the type of vainglory that often sets itself up as an authority can survive snubs, curses or even direct persecution, but laughter and ridicule never. It has been found also that people with a well developed sense of the ridiculous are not easily ‘brainwashed’ and so laughter should perhaps be considered a prime force of Geburah, for it is ameliorative and more cutting than the iron burin or the martial weapons of traditional Geburic symbolism. There might be much value in meditating upon ‘God’s laughter.
– Gareth Knight, A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism, pgs 135-136
So, next time you find yourself laughing, remember: it’s not just fun—it’s a powerful tool to shift a state, situation, and to keep a balanced mind that is less affected by worldly involvements. You might even help a friend through a tough moment!
Being funny and especially using humour with purpose is a skill not to be neglected.
This brings us to the perfect opportunity to introduce our brand-new mockumentary, created by our team in Toronto and produced by Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon himself, alongside a dedicated team of Ritual Masters who had to keep a straight face and avoid bursting into laughter throughout the production (not always successfully, as you may imagine)!
In this mockumentary, we humorously address many of the accusations made against the Modern Mystery School. After all, what better way to tackle controversy than with a good sense of humor? 😉
Enjoy a hearty laugh while watching this new mockumentary on YouTube. However, a word of caution: if you’re easily offended or take things too seriously, this might not be for you.
–Caroline Latour, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, London
Learn Foundational Metaphysics: Every Wednesday
When I started my journey with the Modern Mystery School, I wanted to know MORE, and I would’ve done just about anything to get it. I was eager to learn as much information as humanly possible, to immerse myself in this magickal world, and to understand what this ‘mystery school’ thing was about.
Unfortunately I didn’t have the opportunity that you do.
I found the Modern Mystery School in April 2020… you know, that year we weren’t allowed to stand within 3 meters of each other, let alone give our friends who live in a different house a loving hug.
But you, dear reader, YOU have an opportunity to learn foundational metaphysical teachings, every week in person with experienced, qualified, and might I add wise teachers.
Did I mention these classes are affordable?
Do not miss this opportunity.
And if you have connections who may be interested in the hermetic path, please invite them to join you!
Below I have included details of the schedule for September. Please click the individual links to learn more about each class.
See you in class. Don’t forget your pencil! ✏️
Wednesday, 4 September – 7 Mystery Schools
Wednesday, 11 September – Spiritual Intuition
Tuesday, 17 September – Hermetic Full Moon Meditation (a special event as part of international programs)
Wednesday, 25 September – Awaken Thyself
Investment: £45 per class
Special Wednesday offer: book 4x Wednesday classes for £150 ( save £30). Please note: Full Moon Meditations are £20. While they can be included in the package, you may choose to purchase the Full Moon Meditation as an ad hoc.
— Jackie Nonweiler, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, London
The time is almost upon us!
The last Healers in London this year is coming up fast! Speak to your Life Activation Practitioner or Guide to make it happen if you feel your heart strings tugging at you!
Apply now.
Galactic Activation 1 (Open to Certified Life Activation Practitioners or to those attending Healers Academy 16-20 Sept 2024) 14-15 September 2024
Professional Integration Day for Life Activation Practitioners (LAP PID: Open to ALL Life Activation Practitioners) 16 September 2024
Healers Academy 1 (Open to Adept Initiates – those who have done Empower Thyself!) 16-20 September 2024
Ritual Master Novice (RM 1: Open to Certified Life Activation Practitioners) 17-18 September 2024
Magick of the Ritual Master (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 19 September 2024
Temple (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 20 September 2024
How to Live a Hermetic Life (Open to Certified Ritual Masters. Certified Life Activation Practitioners may apply.) 21 September 2024
Hermetic Joy (Open to Adepts – those who have done Empower Thyself!) 22 September 2024
Enochian Magick 1 (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 23 September 2024
Enochian Magick 2 (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 24 September 2024
Show me the September schedule!
Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT+1
Password : peace
Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.
Lisa Pankhurst, Monday Newsletter Editor
Grace Hui, Contributing Author
Caroline Latour, Contributing Author & Researcher, Editor
Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Sub-editor & Editor
Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief