Dear Community,
today Christina Lozano, Vice President of Modern Mystery School Canada talks about Fake News and ways you can discern if you are being manipulated by the media or not!
You’re welcome to join us online tonight at 7.30pm for Chi- Do.

Hi everyone,
Fake news is not new. Scandals have been the bread and butter since the orator shouted sensational stories about Caesar and Marc Antony in the forum of ancient Rome. Fear mongering and propaganda is still the way political parties drum up election votes to assert themselves into power. Conspiracies theories went from the man wearing a sandwich board on the street corner to world-wide exposure when the Internet became accessible to everyone.
Fake news is not new, but how we experience it has changed dramatically and increased exponentially beyond measure in the modern age with the Internet at our fingertips. Accessibility is a major factor in the power and ability fake news has to affect people, but there is another major key issue in this equation: Discernment.
Read on to discover ways you can discern if you are being manipulated or not…
Link – How to tell if you are being manipulated by the media.