Dear Community,
Here in England we are so excited to be out of lockdown today!!
Today Annie talks about Expanding your Psychic Senses! Providing information about these senses and upcoming, in person classes, where you can learn how to develop and expand your Psychic Senses !
You’re also welcome to join us online for Chi Do tonight @ 7.30pm!

Hi Everyone
these are interesting times that we are living in, as the Covid situation continually evolves we are constantly being asked to adapt and change our way of doing and being in order to keep ourselves and others safe. Sometimes we may agree with what is being asked of us and other times not!
We may sense or feel at times that there maybe an agenda behind the guidelines being suggested to us….
What if there was a way to develop these other senses, so that you had greater awareness and understanding of the” bigger picture” of life? Wouldn’t it make it an all the more enriching experience!
Well there is, but first lets talk about these other senses. These senses that we all have the ability to further develop and expand
These are Clairvoyance, Clairaudient and Clairsentient.
Clairvoyant people see pictures in colour or full blown movies whilst meditating….receiving guidance and support in this way.
Clairaudient people hear words, sentences, frequencies….receiving information in this way whilst meditating and accessing other dimensions.
Clairsentient people have a feeling, a just knowing, when something is so. They sense and feel vibrational frequencies.
Does this resonate with you?
Often you have one dominant sense and the others can be further developed to live life receiving trusted further guidance and support from higher dimensions.
If this resonates with you and you would like to learn how to expand your psychic senses, I am sharing 2 classes in London:
8 December – 6pm-9pm-Expanding your Psychic Senses 1
Investment £30
15 December – 6pm-9pm- Further Expanding your Psychic Senses 2
Investment £30
Investment for both £50
Columbia Hotel
Lancaster Gate
Link – Book the classes!