
Journey of The Spirit with Cecile in London

The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United Kingdom

This is a one-day workshop that opens the door to great expansion and growth. In this class, you will gain greater insights into: Who you truly are as an eternal,…

Event Series Spiritual Intuition

Spiritual Intuition

The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United Kingdom

Psychic ability, a sixth sense, the gift of prophecy, clairvoyance, clairsentience, Clairaudience. In this workshop, you will learn about the spiritual senses, how to activate them, strengthen them and building…

Fundamental Ensofic Reiki™ in BARBADOS with Divina Ann

Fundamental Ensofic Reiki™ in BARBADOS from The Modern Mystery School Ensofic Ray™ System February 27 @ 10:00 AM - February 28 @ 7:00 PM Fundamental Ensofic Reiki from The Modern Mystery School…

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