February 27 @ 10:00 am - February 28 @ 7:00 pm
Fundamental Ensofic Reiki™ in BARBADOS with Divina Ann
Fundamental Ensofic Reiki™ in BARBADOS from The Modern Mystery School Ensofic Ray™ System
February 27 @ 10:00 AM – February 28 @ 7:00 PM

Fundamental Ensofic Reiki from The Modern Mystery School Ensofic Ray™ System
We in the west are not culturally or educationally exposed to the concept of energy unless we explore it for ourselves. In the East the concept of Life Force and Chi is understood at an early age and part of the understanding of the tapestry of life itself. We miss out on our healing journey if we ignore this. At the Modern Mystery School you will discover some of the deepest teachings available today on the Reiki system and way of life.
During the initial 2 days of training you will discover the History and Lineage of the Ensofic Reiki System, you will experience teachings in Metaphysics and Kabbalah and why these are important in our appreciation of the origin of this energy. You will learn how to generate the Ensofic Reiki, how to recognise this, how to monitor its effectiveness and how to perform a complete session. You will experience techniques and exercises on how to bring the mind to stillness to flow this energy. You will discover methods for stress release and relaxation. You will be introduced to the Ensofic Reiki symbol to enhance healing. Experience daily living practices to enhance your life as a Reiki practitioner. Discover circulation massage to assist clients in healing.
On successfully completing this level of training one earns the title of ‘Modern Mystery School Fundamental Ensofic Reiki Practitioner.’
You will receive a certificate and you are ready to offer this modality to the public.