Do your relationships make or break you?


Dear Community,

Do your relationships make or break you? Last week we touched on the power of connecting and building community in person. This week, we zoom in yet again on relationships through the eyes of one of our editors, Jackie Nonweiler, also a PhD Clinical Psychology candidate.  Let’s dive into the power of relationships!

TODAY in our Metaphysical Wednesdays in London IN PERSON in London we have the enriching Seven Mystery Schools class. Curious? Read more below!

You can still join us tonight ONLINE for our free Wednesday Chi Do. Join using the link below.

Enjoy the turn of the season, and the freshness in the air. Almost time to cuddle up under cosy blankets!

Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team


Do your relationships make or break you?


Our relationships literally have the power to make or break us. At least, according to most science.

While I am a researcher who studies the impact of relationships on people’s mental health (both for better and for worse), I am actually writing to you today because I have witnessed incredible magick happen in my relationships through my involvement with the Modern Mystery School. So today, I will write to you about the science, but season and salt it with a healthy dose of personal experience.

If there is anything that psychologists and psychiatrists can agree upon, it’s that people who have experienced maltreatment in relationships are deeply impacted by them. This ‘maltreatment’ can be psychological and emotional maltreatment (very common), physical maltreatment (less common) or sexual maltreatment (the most rare). Physical and emotional maltreatment are then broken down into abuse (too much negative treatment) and neglect (not enough positive treatment). What’s common amongst all of these types, though, is that usually people who have experienced them go on to live harder lives.

You see, when you are young, your brain starts to formulate a ‘logical’ picture of who you are in relation to your environment. When you’re a baby, you begin to understand your own identity through the lens of other people – this is why we all mimick babies’ actions so readily. When they smile, we smile. When they cry, we make a sad face before comforting them. This is how children first start to understand ‘who they are’, as humans at least!

At this young age, our brain isn’t quite developed readily enough to understand that sometimes when people treat us poorly, it’s just not about us. Instead, we take on these negative experiences (maltreatment for the scientists in the room) as ‘our fault’. These early relational experiences go on to inform our future relational experiences (i.e. interactions with other people). 

Basically what I’m saying is that your negative experiences are *probably* impacting the way you interact with other people today. When we talk about ‘mommy issues’ or ‘daddy issues’, it’s because primary caregivers influence our social perceptions dramatically, and the negative experiences we have with our parents (again, common), which remain unresolved through the life course manifest as issues.

Good news, though. Emerging evidence is beginning to show that having positive relationships (like with a teacher or librarian who believes in you) or good emotional awareness (which I bet you have!) can have a protective effect on your cognitive perceptions. In other words, positive relationships and qualities of self-esteem, resilience, and positive mental representations of other people, protect you from unfavourable mental health (this is my research – check out this paper about ‘knowing thyself’ in particular!).

But what do those of us who have ‘had a hard upbringing’ – whether that’s because of maltreatment or just because living on Earth can be, um, *tricky* sometimes – do? Because science shows that even after decades of psychological intervention, people still think about relationships based on their negative experiences.

That is, until magick enters the scene. The empirical evidence is pending here – give me a few years, please! In the meantime, I’ll tell you what happened to me.

I was on a trajectory to an unfulfilling life riddled with mediocre relationships, where I wasn’t honoured, respected or understood. In work and my personal life I had made countless compromises to ‘be accepted’.

When I found the Modern Mystery School, I was just looking for something that would make me feel better in my relationships, including the one with myself. And I am far from alone when I say that across the board, my relationships have transformed because of the lineage. I’ll list just a few examples:

  • My business partnership was alchemized and restructured after I attended Healers Academy

  • My relationship with my PhD supervisor was completely revolutionized through Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah (think avoiding-each-other-like-the-plague to healthy-working-relationship!)

  • My relationship with myself was forged by fire when I made a hard decision and walk away from a (pretty good) life that I didn’t enjoy after Ritual Master 2

  • My relationship with my boyfriend wouldn’t exist if I didn’t have the tools from the lineage to take accountability for my limiting patterns and beliefs

The list is endless.

All of this is really to say that if you are struggling in any way with relationships, to please keep going.

The cool thing about both magick and relationships is that they have a way of weaving themselves into every element of your life. It’s hard to get away from relationships, and if the gateways in your mind are open (even just a crack), it’s hard to get away from magick, too.

Pursue this path, and let the relationship magick happen.

–Jackie Nonweiler, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, London

Tonight Seven Mystery Schools Class next week Hermetic Full Moon Meditation!


Join us for our foundational metaphysical teachings in person, live in London, every Wednesday! 

TODAY we have the Seven Mystery Schools Class:

Unlock the Secrets of the Ancient Mystery Schools! For centuries, Mystery Schools have skillfully concealed themselves in plain sight, crafting magnificent temples around the globe. They’ve offered profound teachings to the public and kept sacred knowledge for those who have “eyes to see” and “ears to hear.”

What exactly is a Mystery School? It’s an exclusive group of initiates dedicated to preserving, protecting, and perpetuating ancient teachings that hold the keys to living an enlightened and empowered life.

For thousands of years, these institutions have quietly nurtured countless individuals on their initiatory paths, empowering them to emerge with fresh perspectives and step into leadership roles across diverse fields. Often associated with the occult, these schools are steeped in lore and legend, yet their true origins, teachings, rituals, and practices remain an enigma to many.

Today, these seven Mystery Schools continue to impart sacred knowledge and practices that connect us deeply to human consciousness. The initiates—known as Guardians, Protectors, Light Bearers, Teachers, Healers, Record Keepers, Magicians, and Watchers—carry this ancient wisdom forward.

Join us for an in-depth exploration of these Mystery Schools and the profound knowledge they hold!

Next week we have the Hermetic Full Moon Meditation:

Reconnect to the light and gain more clarity!

No meditation experience is required!

ALL are WELCOME, feel free to invite your friends. No pre-requisites required. 

October Schedule:

Wednesday, 9 October – 7 Mystery Schools Class

Wednesday, 16 October – Full Moon Meditation

Wednesday, 23 October – Spiritual Intuition

Wednesday, 30 October – Awaken Thyself

Investment: £45 per class

Special Wednesday offer: book 4x Wednesday classes for £150 ( save £30). Please note: Full Moon Meditations are £20. While they can be included in the package, you may choose to purchase the Full Moon Meditation as an ad hoc.


Book my seat for Hermetic Full Moon



Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT+1

Password : peace

Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.

Click here to join Chi Do


 Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor

Grace Hui, Contributing Author

Jessica Rea, Reporter & Contributing Author

Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher & Editor

Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor

Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief


[email protected]

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