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Yoga and mindfulness improves mental health in children.

Studies have shown that children practicing regular yoga, experience a decrease in stress, behavior referrals, better academic results, increased strength and flexibility in the body. Yet children are only accessing…

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My love for oils and my secret recipe ..

I love oils and they have been a stable in my home for many years not just for healing but also a way to keep my home smelling and feeling…

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Why action speaks louder than words in a kids world

Do as I say and not as I do .. ? For us oldies we may remember our parents saying ‘just do as i say not as i do’ that…

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Quick Guide to Manifesting

But what is manifesting ? We do it every single second of the day but mostly are not conscious of it. It simply is what we are creating in our…

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Changing diet and exercise alone won’t prevent mental and emotional health issues

We know from modern day science that everything is energy, and therefore everything has a frequency. From this, we can conclude that nothing is separate from the other. In other…

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Ancient Mystery School Initiates have been practising Quantum Physics for over 8000 years

In recent years, we have been guided to believe that the ‘truth’ or ‘correct information’ is science or fact based and to think that anything outside of that realm can’t…

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Healing after Cancer

It’s 10 years this month since I  was told I was cancer free and that for the next 5 years I would have check ups every few months to make…

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After a while, the effects of my healing wear off.

  We have so many wonderful options and healings for us to try in the world, yet many of us suffer this pattern of going ‘back’ to our old ways.…

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Spiritual Weight Loss

It’s a funny thing, a woman’s mind. She can be the most beautiful creature that walked the earth yet deep inside she can feel like she is the ugliest, and…

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