Dear Community,
Tomorrow, Thursday the 31st, join us for Samhain in London where we are holding an amazing Halloween Community Gathering. Grab your seat below!
For the last 10 months, two groups of initiates have been ascending the Tree of Life in the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Ascension program. The first group were traversing these holy grounds for the first time – opening the gates of wisdom, knowledge and transformation of the Tree of Life in their lives. The second group went into deeper realms exploring their life of service, wonder and magick in the Kabbalah for Kabbalists program!
This week we celebrate the incredible journey of the first time climbers up the Tree of Life.
(Please note: The next Metaphysical Wednesdays series in London is next on 30 November with Awaken Thyself.)
Join us tonight ONLINE for our free Wednesday Chi Do. See the link below.
Happy Halloween!
Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team
The Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah
Climbing the Tree of Life for the first time is like being handed the (actual) instruction manual for life, complete with the steps to open the doors to a life of magick and wonder. There are no words to describe the sheer magick of awakening this Tree after 10 months, and how your life is changed forever afterward. Our words pale in comparison to those who have just experienced this, so we will hand this over to these brave souls who are literally alive with life after a very holy retreat. Please notice where everyone is from – countries from all over the world! These are people who gave their heart and soul for the privilege of this transformational journey!
My Kabbalah Journey
Over the past 10 months, my journey with Kabbalah, under the guidance of Ipsissima Theresa Bullard-Whyke and Martina Coogan, has been nothing short of transformational. Kabbalah has revealed itself not just as a philosophy but as a profound way of life—one that ignites pure transformation and inner alchemy. Through the synergy of deep teachings and the sacred space of our study group, I’ve uncovered new dimensions of awareness, with each step drawing me closer to the essence of “Know Thyself.”
The beauty of Kabbalah lies in its essence: to accept, to reveal, and to receive. It has taught me to embrace life with open hands and an open heart, peeling back the layers of distortion—letting go of victimhood, attachment, doubt, and fear—to uncover the truth of who I am. This path has reminded me that by changing myself, I change the world. As within, so without—the transformation begins from within, rippling outward to the world around me.
I have also come to realize that the Tree of Life is me; the tree is my blueprint—a living symbol that teaches me the art of manifestation. Each step along this sacred path has deepened my understanding of how to align intention, thought, and action with the divine flow, allowing creation to unfold from the inside out.
It has opened my eyes to the reality that this life is the greatest gift we have—and it passes in the blink of an eye. Kabbalah has empowered me to live fully alive, building a foundation rooted in love and service.
With immense gratitude, I cherish this journey and look forward to receiving more as I continue along this sacred path.
–Nassima Aboufarid, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, Dubai, UAE
Become the Queen of Your Queendom: My Kabbalah Journey
Have you ever felt like there’s so much more to you—so much more to life—than what you’ve been led to believe? For most of my life, I’ve been driven by the conviction that I’m here to live up to my highest potential, live my best life and inspire others to do the same.
When I discovered the Life Activation and the Path of Progression at the Modern Mystery School in 2021, every cell in my being knew I had found what I had been searching for my whole life—an ancient roadmap to unlock my greatest potential. Since then, I’ve walked this path with passion, enthusiasm, and purpose, and now I stand as a Ritual Master 2, deeply transformed by this journey.
When the opportunity to join the Kabbalah program was presented last year, I had that same undeniable knowing. Even though I didn’t fully understand Kabbalah, I trusted my intuition, which guided me to take the leap. The challenge? I lived in Cape Town, and this program required me to travel to London every three months. At first, the logistics was daunting, especially financially, but I knew I had to listen to my Higher Self. So, I took the leap and signed up for the 10-month journey.
The Kabbalah Tree of Life is an ancient, sacred tool that symbolizes the paths of spiritual enlightenment and self-realization. It holds the mysteries of the universe, with ten spheres—or Sephiroth—each representing an aspect of divine consciousness, from wisdom to mercy, from beauty to understanding. These pathways weave through life’s challenges, guiding us toward alignment with our true essence and unlocking the deepest potential within us.
The journey through the Tree of Life, however, is not easy. Kabbalah asks us to reclaim our power and make bold choices that align with our higher self. This means shedding layers of attachment, outdated habits, and limiting beliefs—things I had held onto for most of my life.
Yet with every release, I became lighter, wiser, more confident, and filled with greater clarity.
Through this process, my health improved, my relationships deepened, and I stepped into my soul’s true purpose. The most powerful transformation was realizing that I had been playing small by staying in my comfort zone. I packed up my life, spread my wings, and embraced the digital nomad lifestyle, expanding my business internationally and living the adventure I had always dreamed of.
Today, as I reflect on this profound Kabbalah journey, I stand at a new beginning. My life is filled with love, purpose, health, and true liberation.
I now live life on my own terms—fully embodied as the Queen of my life, commanding and creating my Queendom with divine alignment.
If you have a dream in your heart—one that feels big and audacious—trust that Kabbalah can guide you there. Big dreams require bold actions. The best gift you can give yourself is to step onto this path when the opportunity arises.
I am deeply humbled and forever grateful to the Ipsissima of Kabbalah, Dr. Divina Theresa Bullard-Whyke, and Martina Coogan for their teachings. I am thankful to Divina Kate Bartram Brown and the incredible UK team for their leadership, and to Divina Ann Donnelly for her unwavering support. Lastly, my heartfelt gratitude goes out to the brothers and sisters who walked alongside me on this path of light and transformation.
Now, I embrace the integration of these teachings into my life and the magick and wonder that awaits.
More importantly, I am ready, more than ever, to anchor more light and healing into the world.
BIG Love & Magick
–Ezlyn Olivia Barends, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, Cape Town, South Africa
My Kabbalah Journey
Before I was introduced to Kabbalah, I knew nothing about it. I had no idea what it involved, other than the idea that it offers an opportunity to manifest a “new” life. So, I decided to give it a try. To be honest, I trusted my brother and others who recommended it to me. Even the Kabbalah poster didn’t reveal much—just colourful balls on a poster.
Let me say one thing before going further: Kabbalah changed my life more than any other class I’ve taken in the Modern Mystery School thus far.
After the first class (or ascension), something shifted in my energy, and I just knew and felt Kabbalah. It is like a formula—a new way to look at things from different perspectives. Yes, a new world opened up for me. I began to see more in everything and started exploring the Tree in my life, understanding how God and everything else was created.
Kabbalah was the missing piece in my journey through the [Modern] Mystery School. I could study on my own and gain insights about everything I had done before. The rituals became clearer, how the school works became clearer, and even how different types of magick work became clearer! Most importantly, I started to understand how I, as a God, operate.
My living situation changed—I now live in a beautiful apartment. My business transformed, with more structure and flow than before, and I gained more independence because I learned how to balance it all. In fact, my girlfriend and I came together during this time of exploring the Tree of Life.
The most amazing aspect is studying the Tree and making connections. You can use the Tree as a formula for EVERYTHING. The Tree of Life acts like a lens that reveals everything and explains how it works. As a magician, you can then apply your rituals more specifically, like a Kabbalist.
I could go on—I made connections with Enochian magick, for example, which was mind-blowing—but I’ll leave it at that ;).
The important thing I want to say is this: it wasn’t the Tree of Life or any other program in the [Modern] Mystery School that changed me. I changed me. It was my effort, will, and energy that brought about the transformation. “It is by will alone that I set my mind in motion.” I am God. You are God.
Kabbalah is SELF-EMPOWERING. It’s about claiming your crown and owning it forever.
Thanks to the teachers and the group. I am blessed to be one of you.
–Philipp Schulz, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Novice, Dusseldorf, Germany
The Tree is Me
What an honour and absolute privilege it has been to walk this path and ascend this tree with such an incredible group of Kabbalists, led by Ipsissima Divina Theresa Bullard-Whyke and Martina Coogan.
The first time I was introduced to the energy of Kabbalah was when I went to the Modern Mystery School in Brazil. As soon as I felt it, I knew there would be some truly deep healing and spiritual growth, and I wanted it.
I had no idea what I was getting into when I joined the Tree. At the time, I had just been initiated as a Ritual Master, and I knew I wanted to learn more. And Kabbalah was the missing key.
The Tree has been such a blessing and has truly allowed me to surrender my old life completely. Job, clothes, style, mindset, career, work-life unbalance, not seeing family — everything. Kabbalah has not only allowed me to shed all that no longer served me, but it has also brought magickal gifts and fruits into my life that have helped me truly embody living life to the fullest. The level of self mastery that can be achieved through this tree is incredible. You truly get handed the deepest mirror possible in life.
Although it’s only been a few days since our ascension, I can already tell you that I truly love living life as a Kabbalist, and what an immense honor it was to do so with such dedicated and powerful individuals.
The community and group formed throughout Kabbalah truly enhanced the Mystery School experience. The regular meetups and study groups were the cherry on top of the feeling that something was missing. I’m so grateful. It was so great to be in it all together. I now have a toolkit that enhances my life in ways I could never have imagined. Being a Kabbalist is a dream come true I never knew I had.
–Jessica Rea, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, London, UK
What has shifted since the beginning of my Kabbalah journey
Since childhood, I felt a deep desire to understand who I truly am. For years, I focused on being the “good girl,” always seeking to please others, but I never really took the chance to ask myself what I truly wanted. When I first heard about Kabbalah after the Healers Academy, I immediately signed up, excited to finally begin this journey of self-discovery.
This class has given me so much more than I ever expected. I’ve reached a place within myself I never thought possible. Today, I feel more aligned with who I am. I feel peace, love and gratitude for the transformation I’ve undergone. In just 10 months, I’ve experienced a depth of growth that has brought me alive in ways I didn’t know were possible. The dedication and support from the Modern Mystery School and all the teachers have been invaluable. I am so grateful for all they have done for us.
I would wholeheartedly recommend Kabbalah to anyone who is ready for a powerful, transformative experience. It’s truly magickal. It brings structure, discipline, and clarity. It empowers you to create the life you’ve always dreamed of.
This journey has given me the tools to live my life with purpose, joy, and love.
I’ve become a Kabbaholic and I promise you won’t want to miss out on this magickal adventure!
—Seda Aykanat, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Novice, Hamburg, Germany
Ready for Halloween?
Tomorrow Thursday 31st, we are celebrating Samhain with a Halloween flair!
Tomorrow night we will come together as a community to mark the changing of the seasons on Samhain, also know as Halloween, all Hallows Eve.
Samhain is an old Gaelic festival that celebrates the Turning of the Wheel of the year.
With reverence and gratitude, we honour the final harvest of the year. The plants and trees have shared all their fruit, the Sun is preparing to set earlier and earlier, and we prepare ourselves for the darker months of Winter.
This is a potent time of year for witches and magickal people alike. There is great power that comes with this Turning of the Wheel on this night.
This is also a time where the veil between our world and other worlds is at its thinnest. It is a time for honouring those who have passed over, but also a time to connect with mystical beings like the fairies, elves, sylphs, dragons, all the nature spirits that others might consider make-believe.
There are many other ways to experience the essence of this holiday, and you are invited to join the MMS London Wicca Community in celebrating Halloween in the old traditional way. You are invited to participate in a ceremony and celebration that helps us prepare for the energetic shift that comes along with the changing of the seasons. We will give thanks for the gifts of the Earth and at the same time we will reflect on our accomplishments and create a foundation of new beginnings and the flow of light in our lives, season, and this sacred day.
Come join us and the light of our community!
Everyone is welcome, bring a friend!
See you there.
TIME: 7-9pm
VENUE: Columbia Hotel, 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS
COST: £20 per person prepaid (to buy your seat please click here) OR EMAIL admin@modernmysteryschooluk.com
£25 cash at the door (if not pre-booked)
Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT+1
Password : peace
Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.
Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor
Grace Hui, Contributing Author
Jessica Rea, Reporter & Contributing Author
Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher & Editor
Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor
Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief