by Kathleen Petersen
The past year has been a pivotal year for many across the globe. With the need for social distancing, the importance of maintaining a connection with one another has become noticeably clear for so many people. The need for support on many levels including charity work has become elevated to another level for many around the world.
As such, our team at Modern Mystery School Western World Head Quarters led by Ipsissimus Dave and Divina Franca have continued our efforts to assist those in some of the greatest need. We have continued with our support of the Women’s Habitat of Etobicoke. This organization provides safe refuge, counselling, support and advocacy for women and their children who are fleeing violence. As this organization had to take their programming online there was a need for devices (such as iPads and other communication devices) to access the online format as well as internet access for many of the women and their children that are served through this centre.
As Initiates we understand that isolation most often leads to separation which is the enemy of humanity as a whole. It is clear to us that even in these times when it is necessary to maintain social distancing, we can still bring people together to create community. In the case of people facing violence within their home knowing that there are people in the world that care about them and want the absolute best for them means that they are not alone in their fight for a better life for themselves and their children. This alone can bolster their drive to create change in their living situation and to put an end to these patterns within their families. Ipsissimus Dave and Divina Franca have ensured that all participants now have access to everything they need to continue to be able to come together and connect as a community and participate in the many programs. There are not enough words to express how important this is in the world today.
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