Dear Community,
The Path of Know Thyself can sound like a place of * sudden arrival * or an [unobtainable mountain]. Really, it is about THE NEXT STEP. The Path of Know Thyself is made of a succession of ‘next steps’ that lead you to living life alive. Your next step may also be the thing you least want to do: forgive someone you don’t want to forgive, take that fitness class you resist, start your own business you’re terrified to do. Whatever it is, the Path to Know Thyself is made of Next Steps!
Today we have Kabbalists sharing experiences about their next step as they embarked on the intensive Kabbalah for Kabbalists program over the last 10 months. The great thing about the tools of the Mystery School: there are always more tools to keep diving deeper to find your joy, to live your life of purpose and to create the life you desire. The adventure keeps going!
And … hot off the press! We have a pretty cool opportunity for you to take your next step in December with our 11 day MEDITATION CHALLENGE over Christmas and New Year! You up for it? Read below and see if you’re ready to schedule in this next step!
Join us tonight ONLINE for our free Wednesday Chi Do. See the link below.
p.s. What is your next step?
Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team
Kabbalah for Kabbalists
This program opens the magick of Kabbalah to a whole new level. If you thought the first Ascension Kabbalah program was pure magick, it gets even better. Here are some of the shares from our new group who has just completed Kabbalah for Kabbalists!
Why did you sign up for Kabbalah for Kabbalists?
I’ve signed up for Kabbalah for Kabbalists (K4K) because there are h-u-g-e mysteries in the Kabbalah Ascension Journey. It’s an incredible energetically-elevating-process through the ultimate DNA-pattern of what we truly are and where we are coming from. So I knew I will become more of what I am. I was also signing up because the teachers, Ipssissima Theresa and Ambassador Eric, are living examples of successful multidimensional lives, and I love the combination of divine feminine and divine masculine they are emanating out. This supported us on that journey and reflected different things back to us. With this, combined with the other well-progressed-students, I thought we would be in for a massive powerful container throughout the 10 month journey up the Tree of Life. It could just be a win.
What was your greatest takeaway from this class?
The greatest takeaway for me is that ALL is possible. Also, I’ve received some new major tools with which I can shift new layers of energy in my life.
What surprised you the most?
What surprised me the most was the depth of the teachings. Honestly, when it comes to Mystery School classes I am blown away anyway in every class, BUT here each class was over-delivering on my already good expectations. Also, I am happy about how much I have grown in order to communicate with the Hierarchy of Light (HOL).
What has shifted for you since the beginning of the K4K journey?
A lot has shifted in these 10 months. I’ve moved houses, my practice as a Meditation facilitator and Healer expanded from 1 to 3 studios in my area. My relationships have deepened with family and friends. I feel more calm in my nervous system and believe me, so many multidimensional things have happened in so many layers in my life. Wow. Deepening and expanding in all directions in a divine way of timing. All in all, I feel reborn and like the Magickian of my life. Huge thanks for that to the teachers, the facilitators and support team, the HOL and all the other students I’ve loved to share this life-changing-journey with. I love words, but at the end, silence and humility are the only ways I can really admire that which the teachers have been doing for us.
–-Marian Barnow, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Novice, Berlin, Germany
Why did you sign up for Kabbalah for Kabbalists?
As always very intuitively, I had no idea what I was getting myself into! I just had that calling to move forwards and dig deeper.
What was your greatest takeaway from this class?
Learning how to live a multidimensional life and trust that process. Being comfortable and confident to run for the big visions and goals, I could not have imagined before. The meditations, rituals and tools given are a gamechanger!
What surprised you the most?
Everyone that was ready to make a big shift: you create a new foundation for yourself and learn how to overcome the obstacles that were hindering you from progressing and manifesting your dreams and visions.
What has shifted for you since the beginning of the K4K journey?
My physical health improved, I overcame a trauma I was carrying within me for the last 24 years. I moved house, took a new direction in my career, I gained clarity of what my purpose is and how I can serve to find joy in what I’m doing. I‘m more able to do many projects at once and confident in trusting my path.
–Daniela Koller, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, Zürich, Switzerland
As with most of the steps I take on the path to Know Thyself, when I had the opportunity to climb once again up the Tree of Life, resistance emerged too, simultaneously. I think there’s a certain naturalness to it, something standing in the way that I am used to, in a way. But I’m glad I listened to my inner voice and completed this 10-month journey, which has propelled me to a completely new level of understanding, transforming my life in the process.
I used to believe that if you have a strong mind (which is “mandatory” in this society to survive), you cannot also have a soft heart. K4K showed me again that I am the Center. It balanced everything, helping me see myself as the Center of my own Universe. It created that balance and offered me the understanding from which I can gain the wisdom to apply in my daily life. It supported me in letting go of all my stagnant beliefs that limited my ability to love at the level we are meant to, from that boundless place we contain and we are. This love, balanced with pure wisdom, allows me to feel myself as I am, God.
I’m truly grateful for the Lineage of King Solomon and the pure Knowledge we receive from the amazing Master Teachers of the Modern Mystery School, who support us in becoming who we are, so together we can create the world we all dream of living in.
–Ionela Crǎciun, Healer, Teacher & Ritual Master Apprentice, London, UK
Why did you sign up for Kabbalah for Kabbalists?
Hi, my name is Radu, and although it’s been a few years since I first started “walking the path of the initiate”, as we say in the Modern Mystery School, it never ceases to amaze me!
I can say the same about the latest program I attended, Kabbalah for Kabbalists. A 10 months journey in the Hermetic tradition, using the ancient map of the Tree of Life as a tool to bring to the surface more of our true selves and to express it in our day-to-day life.
The Tree of Life exemplifies very clearly the important aspects we need to embody and work with in order to be a godly being. However, to the beginner these concepts remain purely theoretical. It takes years of practice and correct application of these concepts to actually gain the understanding and the wisdom they carry.
I started this 10-month journey thinking I know enough about the process to know what to expect, and for the most part it was true. But the end of the journey completely took me by surprise. You see, we spent the 10 months learning about the Sephiroths, quieting the mind, going into meditation and introspection to learn more about ourselves. So, as a diligent student, I got to the final retreat reverent and humble, I let go of the things going on in my life, and quietly prepared to go into the Supernals and “meet God face to face”, as I understood it at that time.
I was looking forward to being greeted by a wise, composed, calm, reverent being, almighty and omnipotent. This is how I was picturing God – and who can blame me, based on the image we have of God in society.
To my great surprise, however, I was greeted by an angry God, a manly man, loud, shouting, expressive, telling me that he is me and that I need to let him express. It is time for me to stop being the timid boy, always quiet and reserved, so as to not upset people with my expression, always getting out of the way of people, seeking to not offend or cause conflict.
It reminded me that God is not only kind and merciful, he is also strong, powerful and loud when needed. We can see this in the entire universe, which is the Expression of God. If you go close to the Sun, the Sun will burn you. The Sun will not apologize and dim its Light just because you were foolish enough to get close to it unprepared. The Sun will continue to shine bright.
This was my biggest takeaway from this Kabbalah for Kabbalists. And I found so much joy in this discovery, that I don’t have to hide and carry the burden of being someone else. I can be myself and use all parts of myself in a godly manner!
I am very grateful for the lineage that made sure for thousands of years that these tools remain available to humanity and for the teachers and facilitators who carry this lineage today and who made sure we have everything we needed to have this experience!
–Radu Coman, Guide & Third Step Ritual Master, Bucharest, Romania
We just HAD to add in one more story from Justin who climbed the Tree of Life in the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah for the first time!
It’s a great share … and if you’re called to the Tree for the first time, start planning ahead now as it only comes about once every 1-2 years!
First stop Healers Academy 16-20 March 2025 as a pre-requisite for first time climbers of the Tree of Life!
When I first started my study of Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah ten months ago, I thought I had already done everything in life. I had a successful career in the corporate world, and after semi-retiring, I believed I had ticked all the boxes. My life was good, and I didn’t feel like anything was missing.
Honestly, I started the Tree because it was on the schedule, not because I felt like I needed it. But almost immediately, something shifted within me. A pure lightbulb moment of realisation that I still had so much more to work on within myself. That awareness hit me hard and fast.
After completing the Kabbalah 3 ascension, the shifts became even more intense. Things I had buried really deep within me started to surface, and it was both surprising and humbling. I had convinced myself that I had dealt with everything, but clearly, I hadn’t. The structure of the ascensions and study groups guided me through asking important questions; questions I hadn’t even realised I needed to ask. It brought up things I had hidden away from myself for many years.
The final weekend, the retreat, was pivotal. It allowed me to resolve so much. Now, I truly feel like I’m in the place that I had always wanted to be in. Now, I also have the tools to hold this newfound clarity and balance in my life so that the expansion can continue.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned through this process is that even when you feel like there’s nothing left to work on, there’s always something more. Often, we’re just unaware of what we’ve hidden from ourselves. So, if you think your life is perfect now, imagine how incredible it will be when you’ve put in the work and completed Kabbalah and released all the things that you never even knew were holding you back!
—Justin Pawley, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Novice, London
11 Day Meditation Challenge
Starting 22 December 2024 until 1 January 2025! 7.30pm UK time (GMT)
We have a lot to share about this opportunity, but we wanted to let you know as soon as we could that 11 of our team have signed up to support us all through the season of lights, the season of winter, for 11 days.
For some, it is a time of missing family members or perhaps the intensity of family celebrations. Either way, winter is about going within, and finding the inner light.
Our team feel really strongly about the power of meditation and how this is the way, as it has ALWAYS been, to find you, to find peace, to restore balance. Meditation stands the tests of thousands of years.
So 11 team members will be supporting you for 11 days starting 22 December. Here is the schedule:
SUN 22 December 7.30-8.10pm UK time (GMT)
MON 23 December 7.30-8.10pm UK time (GMT)
TUES 24 December 7.30-8.10pm UK time (GMT)
WED 25 December 7.30-8.10pm UK time (GMT)
THURS 26 December 7.30-8.10pm UK time (GMT)
FRI 27 December 7.30-8.10pm UK time (GMT)
SAT 28 December 7.30-8.10pm UK time (GMT)
SUN 29 December 7.30-8.10pm UK time (GMT)
MON 30 December 7.30-8.10pm UK time (GMT)
TUES 31 December 7.30-8.10pm UK time (GMT)
WED 1 January 7.30-8.10pm UK time (GMT)
What’s cool about this? EVERYONE is welcome, so you can invite a friend, a family member, anyone you want!
It’s ONLINE and is our Christmas gift to you, our way of giving back in this season of lights.
We look forward to seeing you, and if you want to let us know you’re excited about this, pop us an email below. Also, if you have any questions, throw them our way.
Until then, mark your Christmas calendars!
I want to attend! Let us know!
Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT
Password : peace
Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.
Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor
Grace Hui, Contributing Author
Jessica Rea, Reporter & Contributing Author
Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher & Editor
Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor
Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief