Spoke about so so many things on for hours and hours but i’m glad we do have a part it’s not it’s not about justice it’s about there’s a long Fusion and I think that marching for peace will bring us peace that peace will allow us to heal yes it’s so important isn’t it just very simple powerful message yeah you know we we have to have that in our hearts thank you let’s jump insert the questions that we didn’t get to london if i may so could you tell us about empowering the feminine woman it needs to be there for the men as well So what does it mean to what does it mean in in in the aspects of empowering well we both deserve empowerment the goddess deserves empowerment but at the same time so does the God right we both deserve that empowerment we both came here with a purpose right and what is that purpose that’s for each and every single one of us to go on that journey and to figure that part out or or to seek it and to discover but why would it be OK to take away ones empowerment and why would it be OK to take away the ability for one to become empowered and I say that because that’s what a lot of our messaging is out there you know we have this one I call it powerful message because not because it holds strength it because it holds a lot of detriment and you know there is this this this this I guess the saying or a tight line whatever you want to call it believe every woman okay so if we believe every woman then we should believe every men we should believe every child that is not the case and why should we as part of our empowerment why should we believe in every woman I certainly don’t and I’m a woman why is that the message that there tells me that women make no mistakes we have a totally clean history of things and we don’t need to take responsibility for anything that we do either it’s good or bad so if the man says believe everyman is that wrong is it is it wrong and why is it wrong so I think we need to get back into the centre often times sometimes in our world we call it the middle pillar we need to bring ourselves there together as male and female because we do need each other we do and as I spoke in part one about you know the woman doing everything and the man is confused well that again you know dear goddess’s that’s an illusion that we bought into and that is the pressure that we are feeling because we can’t do everything and why should we and why should we take away what a man wants to do because if we say everything then the man is part of that everything as well we can’t shout we can’t start screaming out and shouting while we can do everything therefore I don’t need you right I don’t need you because we all know all of us if we hear it enough then they won’t need us and they will go away and so if we’re asking hey believe in every woman but hey at the same time I don’t believe you I mean I don’t need you then they will go away and then what will happen is that us goddesses will not so much be fighting for our rights we’re going to be fighting for our existence and This is why that believe in every woman is a detriment and I fear that for us women right if we are wanting to make change absolutely we’re here to make change but it doesn’t mean that we need to destroy what is out there does it mean that we need to deny another human beings existence what it means that we need to shift and we need to rebuild so it starts to look different and like I said you know part one why is that important and it might seem a little harsh in what I’m saying but this is the power us women hold inside of us this is how that’s the strength this is how powerful it is because yes we do set the tone we do set the tone we are the holders of that energy so if if I mean let’s look at it in this way and when I say we’re the Holder of that energy and we’re the ones that give because we give birth therefore we are deleting energy on this planet and then it is the women that make the change it’s the women that make the shift the form of everyman’s action or inaction has once come from a woman because we’re the ones that put the energy out there so their actions their form in the way they do it their action or inaction has once come from a woman either the woman was present in their life with a woman wasn’t it has once come from a woman so therefore it creates this this cycle the cycle of things and we need to change that cycle and we need to unify women we need to unify we need to unify and be on the same page of things we need to unify in saying what is it exactly that we want because the feminine and masculine we won’t respect I know I know men want respect in the world they they do and and every woman wants appreciation we fight for that appreciation constantly This is why the feminine energy versus the feminine energy so our biggest threat is another woman more soul than another man no there’s when we look at our relationship together and what it means in the world does it mean you know there’s a lot of good people in the world that do bad things there’s yes there’s absolutely women fight for empowerment but that means that men can do the same thing and yes has there been things that men have done that is not so great yes but that’s some it’s not all it’s the one bad Apple right that’s all it takes is the one bad Apple but it goes the other way as well the women the goddess there is amazing amount of powerful beautiful goddesses that are so empowered that are powerful but yet there’s that one that might just ruin it for all so just because that one it doesn’t mean all right so when we are are coming up with or wanting to do a shift we really have to look at things on a whole we can’t go by it by that one action that was done by that one person because that one person does does not represent the all they really don’t an and because we set that tone it it starts it starts with us and we can philtre it out to the world right so we can’t forget we are that container we are that container that holds everything together in that quiet strength and can we do a lot yes we can absolutely as women do a lot but can we do it all we can’t and we as men and women coming together either it’s your partner your father your brother your son your uncle there is that weaving of the energy that we need to have each other in order to create anyone changed the I love that yeah it’s just so much clarity around that it’s just an an refreshing as well because you know why why you know do we feel like we have to take everything on board and you know you know having a beautiful relationship and partnership is just so so bring so much joy sandwich magic so much healing and like you were saying in part one it doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic involvement it could be you know brother or friend or you know rate it doesn’t have to be a ****** or exactly exactly it’s just that relationship and and and why not why not have a relationship that empowers us that rises you know that lifts us up you know as the God is why don’t you want to be praised why don’t you want to be lifted up why don’t you want to be treated like the Queen why don’t you want a man to hold the door for you why don’t you want a man to treat you for dinner yet you can of course you can but that you being able to pay for dinner does not mean that you are empowered we should not be looking at from that we are empowered when that power comes from us knowing ourselves the moment we know ourselves we will be OK with all these things in the same as if we call for peace in March for peace all these things that we’re so wanting as the God is on this planet will naturally fall in place right so we want to rise up do we want to be held up on that throne whatever way that throne looks like with whatever piece of clothing we wanna wear why not what why not we hold that power and having that having that come back to us will want us to do more but in a more positive way yeah I I feel it’s close I feel it’s close I I’m praying that you know yeah definitely so a subject very close to my heart as you know is well being of children I know that’s also something very close to your heart too I just wondered the relationship between goddess and children and I I get as so many questions from mothers from stepmothers from aunt is from grandparents know how what do you think that goddess can teach the children you know and that relationship you know explore that with us a little bit yes yes this one here is very you know close and dear to me as well because with all with everything that is happening on our planet we are for getting about our children we are for getting about the children even though some of us may think while we’re doing it for the children know we’re actually for getting about the children an as goddesses we have that part of us that has that compassion that kindness that nurturing and we really really goddesses we really really need to nurture our children we really do it is part of our gift as a goddess to nurture them allow them let them let children be children and nowadays I am finding that you know we treat children like adults we we we we approach them with things or or bring things to them from a standpoint of an adult an children don’t have the mechanism they don’t have the know to the knowingness of how to handle adult situations I don’t issues they just don’t know that and when they be when their input into that position it becomes very difficult and maybe not at that moment but when they get older and they become adults that’s where you’ll start to feel or actually see a lot of the trauma that they have gone through as a child and when children are born when they’re little when there they are the closest to divine they are they are that they are the closest one to divine they come out pure they don’t come in with the pollution of our world they don’t have the same philtre as us adults do they don’t see things the way we do they don’t hear it the way we do they don’t have the emotions that we do although sometimes we think they do and that’s what we go by yet for getting that their child right so you know for example I remember with my own son you know he was talking about a friend at school on my go who’s that friend you know please tell me who is that friend and he described him and it was amazing how he described him because if we were an adult we would never describe that person the way this child just described that person they didn’t see skin colour as part of their description they didn’t see their eye colour as part of their description or their hair as part of the description he came at me said well mom he’s really really really funny you know he’s the one that jumps around and you know and it’s like well yes great thanks great description cause all the kids are jumping around so which one really is he an that they’re proves how much they’re not polluted and they only become polluted from us adults so and you know moms and for those of you that are guardians and aunties you play the role of a mom you have the mom energy whatever it may be your and you work with children you know they they need to explore they need to explore you need to help them understand responsibility in what that looks like and it doesn’t become complicated however you know we don’t have a script to this madness we don’t have a it’s all trial by air and it’s like Oh my God let’s hope this will be OK and it’s all the trial it’s all trials by error and I believe that a lot of mothers go a lot of goddess is out there I have questions about this because we don’t have a script and we are trying so hard to be a good mother which is what what what is a good mother see that’s a pressure on us women right S moms us aunties as grandmas what’s a good mom what is a good grandmother what is a good auntie what is a good step mom what does that mean a good mom you know we don’t have a script to this and so therefore we have to simplify it we have to simplify all of this let children be true children nurture them as a child because just like us adults have phases in our life that children have phases in their life there is the phase of the seven year old there’s the phase of the 9 year old there’s the phase of the 12 year old right so there’s all these phases of life and and help them to see beauty and to do good help them see beauty around them allow them to explore to be out in nature right allow them just to be out in nature to feel mother earth to be to be in the presence of just earth and empower them for who they are start empowering your children for who they are start to teach them who am I and it’s not you don’t ask them in an adult way you have to really bring it simplify it in a child’s language because as they grow up then they’ll say oh this is what mom meant you know this is when mom used to say it in this way this is what she meant so today will just be second nature so you teach them from one they are younger simplified language by empowering them by empowering them for again just like the woman says we can do everything is an illusion because that too puts pressure on a child I can do everything okay well I want to go do this but oh wait a minute I don’t I don’t think I’m really great at that but am I supposed to be good at that because I can do everything I can do anything I want no no you don’t have to do or no you don’t have to become everything and no you can’t do and become whatever you want yes is the world yours yes and I think most oftentimes that was that’s what we we mean because we want our child to feel empowered so we say yeah you can just do anything anything because you’re that great of course yes they are that great but how about we tell them to do what they love instead right so we saw that child as they grew up as an adult they’ll start to understand what passion means and they’ll start to understand what joinings having joy in life right and it it doesn’t put so much pressure on them because the anything is not something we can do you know I you know I would love to be a doctor I I don’t have the studious side of me to do that do you know what I mean so no you can’t do anything you can’t but can you empower them to can you tell them say well do what you love so you can grow into becoming who you know you can be right and and that is very important that is important that we communicate that how do we do that how do we how do we do that for our children is we have to do it for ourselves we are their first teacher so if we are in this path if you want to know thyself then you can help your child know themselves as well why why why is that it’s because you will have the tools they know how to do it and when you have the tools to know how to do it then you’ll have a better grasp at it makes sense love that I mean it’s so when I was a kid yoga teacher used to teach a class of children and English was all this the second language and they would they would copy exactly what I did even though they didn’t understand what I was saying and that was such a big lesson to me that children don’t do what you say they do what you do and they copy you so if you are doing it they will naturally follow that whether it’s you know kids you or whether it’s the teachings and what I think I’m hearing here is Franklin at this is a question I get asked a lot is how when can my children Start learning mystery school tools at and what I’m hearing now I think is that will you’re already integrating those tools through your own practise but maybe you could expand a little bit on you know on that as well yes so the part where I’m saying like knowing yourself is you knowing yourself to to to create that power to come to know your own power but at the same time you’re receiving tools you’re receiving the tools to life and that that is what we here at the Mr scoular about this is what we’re here to give tools so you can live a better life you can heal you can have a better life you can feel stronger you can have make different choices have clear T of mind and so the child looks up to the adult and like you said mimicking for a child is huge part of their development they mimic the adult so if we have the tools to teach our children in our everyday life just everyday life flowing of energy to our children through the tools that we have then as they progressing get older then they will be inclined Ann and pulled into wanting to come to somewhere like the mystery school so they can Start learning the tools and have a little bit more of an understanding of what does it mean but they’ll understand it from a different level they understand it as an older child as a young adult and I say start in your own home but I say first start with yourself so you can be that container and you can set that tone for your child start with yourself so you can pass it down to your child and that way as they are growing as they become ten 11-12 thirteen 14 and they start to that 14 time you know that 14 year of age even 10 some you know for some children steaming younger they start to ask questions and they start say oh I want to do that and that’s when you can really start bringing them into some teachings of the mystery school but I say start with yourself continue with the empowering of self mum right stepmom auntie grandma start with your it’s never too late start with yourself and that way you can pass down what you do to your child by empowering them because you are empowered there’s there’s a real big difference when a goddess doesn’t have the tools it becomes a very big struggle and you just hope that what you’re doing is right that’s so powerful an I love that that it all women take on the responsibility for all children doesn’t whether you’re you know even blood for late it doesn’t matter you know even if you know should God children or whoever it is we will take on that responsibility because they’re still looking at us there still seeing as there’s still you know observing what we’re doing so we have that responsibility every single woman on the planet has that possibility yes and you’ll see it in a child that doesn’t have their mom around because whatever she went went to go do something and they may be gotten her door one thing or another you’ll notice about child will look for another woman that surround them and that nurturing part of us it is natural to us either that child either we know that child or we don’t when something happens we instantly that that that that part of us that’s just that is just there shows up just like that we don’t have to go find it anywhere it’s part of our being that kindness compassion that nurturing aspect of us is part of who we are and regardless of that child again that if we know that child or not we we instantly move into that position that role and that’s our power that’s who we are right that’s who we are and This is why we have to bring that natural state of ourselves back onto this planet as it is aching for it yeah I’m ready for 3.5 billion women all nurturing I’m well well however many thank you we are I mean that went so quickly again I know I know thank you so much at being a friend get for those of you that have seen Part 2 and you’ve missed part one please catch up on part one because it was phenomenal just like Part 2 Anne and I’m sure we’re going to have Davina franca back on at some point when she’s not so busy I know she’s she’s preparing now for programmes in in United States so she’s busy organising her team and what have you so thank you so much and we will see you all again very soon thank you for joining morning and tuning in thank you thank you everybody thank
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