Dear Community,
We’re back with week three featuring one of our international community’s biggest events of the year: Toronto International Programs. Today we are featuring the words of some initiates who have taken huge steps in their journey into greater service and JOY: new Guides and new Ritual Master Apprentices!
Plus, are you local to London? The teaching team is back and ready to go with Metaphysical Wednesdays. Next up is the Sanctuary Meditation class. You are sure to enjoy!
Reminder: our 2nd Annual Holiday Meditation Challenge is on the books! Please invite everyone you know to join us and let’s build amazing energy in a shared meditation space. This is open to ALL.
Join us tonight ONLINE for our free Wednesday Chi Do. See the link below.
Happy Holiday season
Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team
Toronto Programs, Take Three 
After two and a half exciting weeks of programs in Toronto, we are most proud to announce new Healers, Guides, and Ritual Master Apprentices.
If you’ve ever attended an international program you know that the takeaways from just a few days of classes can be hugely impactful for your world view, your life, and the way you show up in your day to day life. The UK EU team shares with warm hearts that we have several new Guides and Ritual Master Apprentices as part of our team.
Let them share their musings about their experience with you…
On Guide Initiation & Training
What made you decide to become a Guide and how does it feel now to be initiated as one?
Where I look from, becoming a Guide is a lifelong mission that preceeds and succeeds the very moment I have been initiated as a Guide.
I don’t take becoming a Guide as another class added to my curriculum, but a life time commitment to Serve the Light.
Being a Guide, comes with a big amount of responsibility to uphold the Light in everything I do. How does it feel: IT IS NOT ABOUT ME. This phrase, sums it all up for me.
What was your biggest takeaway or surprise from the teachings you received?
Many concepts and teachings were handed down as part of the process of becoming a Guide, but the most important is that I can truely Serve God and Humans with an open heart.
What do you look forward to most now that you are a Guide?
More than the self explanatory title, I look forward to be in the Light and in Service at all times..
–Robert Cirdei, Guide, Ritual Master Apprentice, London, United Kingdom
On Guide Initiation & Training
What made you decide to become a Guide and how does it feel now to be initiated as one?
I’ve had a lifetime of searching for GOD, in so many ways: religion, new age practices, science, books, retreats, you name it!
The more I was seeking the farther away from God I was feeling… it was chaos in a mind full of ideology, lacking order, lacking A PATH!
But something changed… when I arrived in the Modern Mystery School back in 2019, on my first Empower Thyself Class I had that knowing that I’ve never had before: “This is it!” The more I followed the path the more I experienced what the Hermetic teachings, the pure light of initiation have changed in myself and in those I met. I saw with every Life Activation I was offering to my clients, with every step forward on the path they were taking, that the flame of Shamballah was illuminating the world more and more, and so I remembered that I’ve made a promise to God! Being a Guide in the lineage of King Solomon is a promise made to GOD that I will shine the light bright for those who seek it, and those who don’t know yet they’re seeking it. I feel humbled to be in service, I feel ready, and I know somehow I have prepared all my life for this moment! The world needs the teachings, the light and love of this amazing lineage, and I am honoured to be in service!
What was your biggest takeaway or surprise from the teachings you received?
Throughout the wholeAb initio training there were amazing teachings and keys delivered, especially because we had the privilege to be led by an amazing panel of teachers: lineage Holder Sovereign Ipssisimus Dave, Ipssisima Kate, Ipssima Theresa & Ambassador Eric.
What touched me the most is the reminder that everyone needs light! In a world where we are focused on survival, in world of suffering, we have to shine the light on the path of progression, just the same as someone else held the flame for me. We cannot carry anyone up the ladder, but we can show them there is a way up, into progression, into joy, into a life lived with purpose!
What do you look forward to most now that you are a Guide?
I am honestly now looking forward to see and form the community of light that is going to come forward on the Path and the things we can achieve together for this great mission! I have already started to prepare for my first Empower Thyself class and I am both humbled and excited!
As a new Guide I am filled with both joy and responsibility of being able to share the amazing tools, knowledge and light, with the people that feel the calling!
–Stefana Frew, Guide, Guide & Ritual Master 2.5, Bucharest, Romania
On Guide Initiation & Training
What made you decide to become a Guide and how does it feel now to be initiated as one?
I love my land and my people, and am preparing for maximum contribution and service. I was totally frustrated when the pandemic lockdown came: I had tools that could help but was not able to share it with people. So I started continuous work: Teachers Academy, Ritual Master 2, then RM 2.5 and Third Step Ritual Master. Guide was the next step for me to do in order to be able and allowed to lead people to the really big next step for them – The Empower Thyself Class – The Initiation.
What was your biggest takeaway or surprise from the teachings you received?
It was very useful to go through the Empower Thyself teachings (with a great teaching panel), with the hugely useful and clarifying details, nuances, explanations and perspectives. I thank them again for all these! It was amazing, unexpected and extremely powerful for me and the Guide Initiation was a great experience!
The takeaway is that Service has to be done continuously to promote the basic understanding of what your life can be here: giving people precise and concrete steps to do the path is continuous, leading people step by step to grow and progress! And, yes, to remind people we have all we need to move things! Sometimes I find things complex, or even complicated, and then, while doing rituals, I remember the teachings and the higher purpose of this Work and I then have clarity and I get the things done!
What do you look forward to most now that you are a Guide?
To be more active and specific in my work, to organize my monitor to assist my apprentice classes and to spread the Light from a totally different level. I already decided about the website I will use for the MMS, and I have 2-3 ideas that should work regarding spreading the word to the right and more open people about our Advanced Spiritual Training: healings, Life Activation, classes and the Empower Thyself Initiation.
–Paul Gabor, Guide, Third Step Ritual Master, Bucharest, Romania
On Ritual Master Apprentice (RM 2)
What called you to take this class?
I have wanted to walk the Ritual Master path ever since I heard of it, but especially after RM 1, I knew I would do everything I could to progress to RM 2. I felt the effect of the Ritual Master training and initiation before, during and after both classes. When I received my new responsibilities at Ritual Master 1, I felt ready, because the process had already started. I grew a lot as a person, and I knew that there was more to learn, and more growth to happen in my life. This is the main reason why I applied for RM 2, but it was also because I felt such joy during my RM 1 class, and in my life in general after the class, and my instinct told me that this was just the start.
What was your favourite takeaway?
Personally, my favourite takeaway was the energy. I learned a lot from the whole week, but the energy working around such a huge initiation was incredible. During the day of the initiation, I was so excited and felt such huge joy and honour at being able to do it. I learned through the class to trust my instincts more, and that sometimes what I can’t see is the most real thing there is. Not to mention all the keys we received, also with the hermetic classes (which I also highly recommend) caused huge progress in my life.
What surprised you the most about this class?
What surprised me most about this class is how well it worked, and how much it changed me energetically. The rituals I have received in previous classes feels a lot more powerful now after RM 2, and it feels like it is reminding me of joy and of who I am.
Who is this class for? OR why do you believe this class is needed?
This class is for everyone (after RM 1) who wishes progress in life and to fight negativity. I am lucky to walk this path with my mom, and I can see the progress in our entire family because of it. I think this class is needed because it brings such light, not just to the participants but also to the people around us when we go back to our daily life. The teachings and the light we receive spreads out into the world, and I think the world needs it.
Essentially this class, and the Ritual Master path in general, is life altering. It has challenged me, and sometimes felt uncomfortable (because progress is uncomfortable), but it is SO worth it. The class was awesome! And I wish I could do it again.
–Henrikke Thrane-Steen Røkke, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, Madrid, Spain
We would be remiss not to share these wonderful words from Madison White and Nichole Boucher, who experienced ‘Relationships in the Hermetic Life’ and ‘Know Thyself’ classes:
On Relationships in the Hermetic Life Class
We learn about ourselves through our relationship to others: as we progress through life this becomes more and more evident. But what is the spiritual significance of our relationships, and, more importantly, what is the foundation upon which they are built? In Sovereign Ipsissimus’s Dave Lanyon’s Hermetic relationship class, he offers profound clarity as well as deeply transformative keys of knowledge that give us the personal empowerment to begin shaping and reshaping our relationships in ways that are in alignment with our highest good. You will walk away from this class with a wonderful new understanding of yourself, as well as wisdom that will shift you towards creating more fulfilling relationships in your life.
–Madison White, Guide, Third Step Ritual Master, Boston, USA
On the Know Thyself Class
As a Ritual Master 2 and Healer on the path of progression, I am always looking to learn and grow. I constantly ask how I can help humanity and myself to bring in more light. As we know, part of this path is to know thyself. Know who you are, why you are here, and what our purpose is, our true selves. During November programs in Toronto, I dove into the 3 day class of Know Thyself. I highly recommend everyone take this class as this is a cornerstone of much that we do. Working with the Masters of Light to truly remember ourselves was an amazing experience. It was a good reminder to consistently ask who we are because if we don’t ask, you won’t know. Are you at your true highest potential? How do you know if you aren’t asking? We also discussed that since we are all imperfect as humans and we need to embrace it and use it. Using it for the service that we are meant to do while on earth.
–Nichole Boucher, Healer & Ritual Master Apprentice, Maine, USA
Metaphysical Wednesdays are back!
Join us for our foundational metaphysical teachings in person, live in London, on Wednesdays!
TODAY we have the Sanctuary Meditation Class:
Come discover your Sanctuary ~ the place to cultivate your power & intuition.
Here you will receive answers to your questions and guidance from within. This will build a foundation for all and any spiritual practice.
This fascinating meditation session has been handed down by the Mystery School tradition for thousands of years. You will learn to access and work with your higher self, from whom you can regularly obtain answers to simple, everyday questions, guidance, and assistance with life’s challenges and difficult decisions. This is a crucial tool to master as it allows you to steer your ship and become a master of your destiny!
No meditation experience is required!
Next week we have the Seven Mystery Schools Class!
ALL are WELCOME, feel free to invite your friends. No pre-requisites required.
Investment: £45 per class
I want to attend! Let us know!
11 Day Meditation Challenge
25 days to go!
No, not until Christmas, until the 11 Day Holiday Meditation Challenge, for the second year in a row!
We’re taking email sign-ups so we can send you special emails ahead of time, so feel free to pop us a note down below on the link!
Eleven different members of our team are warming up to support us all through the winter season for 11 days.
Starting 22 December 2024 until 1 January 2025! 7.30pm UK time (GMT) EVERY DAY!
EVERYONE is welcome, so you can invite a friend, a family member, anyone you want!
It’s ONLINE and is our Christmas gift to you, our way of giving back in this season of lights.
Please register below to receive all links and updates!
I want to attend! Let us know!
Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT
Password : peace
Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.
Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor
Grace Hui, Contributing Author
Jessica Rea, Reporter & Contributing Author
Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher & Editor
Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor
Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief