The Magick of Togetherness


Dear Community,

Have you ever wondered why seeing a friend feels so much different than just talking to them? There is a special magick to that! Read this week’s article to learn more.

Plus, this is exactly why we have our Metaphysical Wednesdays in London IN PERSON. Take advantage of the opportunities to experience the transfer of knowledge in the ancient way, from mouth to ear.

The next Healers Academy is 16-20 March 2025, so mark your calendars and talk to your Guide if this is your time. Learn more below.

You can still join us tonight ONLINE for our free Wednesday Chi Do. Join using the link below.

We hope you are enjoying the clarity of the Autumn air.

Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team


Why we need to build and maintain community in person


We have just finished a wonderful, heartwarming and nourishing September 2024 Programme in London. It was a period of connection and engagement where Healers and Warriors from all over the world communed, progressed and created some remarkable magick!

Bearing witness to the incredible shifts that were made as a result of all of us coming together in person reminded me of why building a community and maintaining regular face to face meet ups is so crucial to growth.

In the digital age, a lot of things can be done online, negating the need for travel and enabling people from different locations and time zones to communicate with the touch of a button. With this great advancement of technology, it is easy to neglect those in person gatherings, but having experienced both the efficiencies of simply being online and the sense of unity and purpose that is only created face to face, it is clear that meeting in-person is vital for growth, healing and progression.

Why is this so?

Most of us enjoy the physical reassurance of the presence of another being around us. A virtual hug or an emoji is a poor substitute for an actual bear hug from a trusted friend when times are hard. An engaging conversation over a cuppa sure beats one online which comes replete with time lags and the occasional voice distortion.

Meeting in person gives us the opportunity to recognise that the counterparty is a human being who too desires peace and joy like us. It is less easy to reduce the other side as something that is less than human when we meet in the flesh. Seeing and speaking with another living, breathing being reminds us that there is far more that unites us than separates us.

So while digital advancements are tools to enhancing human unity and collaboration, meeting your community in person regularly will always have its place!

Why are the majority of our classes and healing sessions in-person?

In the Modern Mystery School, the vast majority of our classes and healing sessions are done face-to-face. With the advent of technology and as our global community continues to expand, we have been frequently asked why the bulk of our classes and sessions cannot be done online so as to cut down the need for travel and to reduce costs.

The answer is as simple as it is profound. The truth of the matter is that we are not simply a seminar company that churns out handouts and information. While handouts and information are part of our tools for teaching, the most important part of our work is in “handing down” and anchoring ancient tools into the energy structure of our students and clients.

This is the tradition when a teacher (who has been initiated in our Hermetic lineage and who has the authority to teach those rituals and practices) hands down rituals and teachings to us directly in person. This is not just a mental communication of information. It is also an energetic handing down. Being in the presence of a person who has the proper initiation and authority of the lineage to deliver this will also be an energetic impartation of these tools to us. This is to ensure that we are able to anchor tools and knowledge in our physical lives. Otherwise, it would just be information floating around in our heads unable to physically manifest. In order to embody a teaching, we have to be able to retain it in our energy structure. The only way to do this is to be taught them in the presence of someone who has been granted this authority.  

And thus, you understand! Many of the Modern Mystery School classes have to be taught in person.

The Benefits of communing with like-minded individuals

Loneliness and isolation has been a common problem in modern society. This is despite the proliferation of the Internet and social media which “connects” millions of people.

This is an indication that as humans, being able to access lots of information online isn’t enough to nourish our souls. Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon once said that despite the world having access to more information than ever before, such access has not brought humanity more unity or peace.

Meeting online can only take us so far and while it is helpful in the dissemination of information, its utility in fostering a deeper understanding is limited.

It is also far too easy to “cancel” someone online and hope never to see them again. In a way, this divides humanity.

When we meet in person and partake in a deep discussion or a shared meditation, we are COMMUNING: engaging not just the mind but also engaging energetically. It reminds us about the inherent goodness of humanity and builds trust for our shared desire to create a world of peace and joy and to share that – letting it vibrate out into the wider world.

When we meet as one, we also help each other to build the energy and remind ourselves that we are stronger together and that there is more than unifies us than separates us. Most of all, it reminds us that we support one another to build a better world.

–Grace Hui, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, London

Healers Academy coming up!


Recently we had the huge opportunity for Adept Initiates to sit in front of Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave, something usually only Ritual Masters experience. Here, we have an Adept Initiate sharing the impact of that, and how much clarity it brought for her to accept service into her life, and to sign up for Healers Academy.


On going to Healers Academy in March 2025

Hi, I just want to say how happy and excited I am to apply already for Healers Academy, which will be in March here in London, from the 16th of March to the 20th.

Last Sunday, I was in the Hermetic Joy class, and in the same week, I received from my Guide Roxana, the Soul Retrieval healing session. It was a real hit, an explosion into my soul, into my Spirit, into my life, which has come with a lot of joy. Since then, my life started changing a lot, and I’m so excited to announce already I’ve made the big step for me, for myself, and I’m registering for Healers Academy 1!

I can’t wait to become a Life Activation Practitioner, which will bring a lot of joy into my life, and I know I can bring a lot of joy and light, and help people. I will be in service, actually, not helping, but being in service, which has been calling me for a while. I (kind of) put up resistance for more than a year and a half, I can say. But now the moment has come, where I want to give a really, really big thank you for Roxana, for the help which she gave it to me, for my guides and angels, which she brought towards me into my life, and that she never gave up on me.

I want to really, really give a big thanks for being in the class of Hermetic Joy, with Sovereign Ipsissimus. When he was in front of me, and I could understand what alpha means, and I could see, and I could understand a lot of things, which now slowly, slowly is becoming clearer. I can already feel from yesterday, after the Hermetic Joy class, how I can rely on service. I’m thankful, and so grateful for that. Thank you very much, I love you from the deep of my heart.

–Ileana Ionela Stan, Adept Initiate, London


Tell me more about Healers Academy March 2025!



Tonight Sanctuary Meditation Class! Coming up The Seven Mystery Schools Class


Join us for our foundational metaphysical teachings in person, live in London, every Wednesday! 

TODAY we have the Sanctuary Meditation class:

Join this fascinating meditation session handed down by the Mystery School tradition for thousands of years. You will learn to access and work with your Higher Self, from whom you can regularly obtain answers to simple, everyday questions, guidance, and assistance with life’s challenges and difficult decisions. This is a crucial tool to master as it allows you to steer your ship and become a master of your destiny!

Next week we have the Seven Mystery Schools Class:

Unlock the Secrets of the Ancient Mystery Schools!  For centuries, Mystery Schools have skillfully concealed themselves in plain sight, crafting magnificent temples around the globe. They’ve offered profound teachings to the public and kept sacred knowledge for those who have “eyes to see” and “ears to hear.”

Join us for an in-depth exploration of these Mystery Schools and the profound knowledge they hold!

No meditation experience is required!

ALL are WELCOME, feel free to invite your friends. No pre-requisites required. 

October Schedule:

Wednesday, 2 October – Sanctuary Meditation Class

Wednesday, 9 October – 7 Mystery Schools Class

Wednesday, 16 October – Full Moon Meditation

Wednesday, 23 October – Spiritual Intuition

Wednesday, 30 October – Awaken Thyself

Investment: £45 per class

Special Wednesday offer: book 4x Wednesday classes for £150 ( save £30). Please note: Full Moon Meditations are £20. While they can be included in the package, you may choose to purchase the Full Moon Meditation as an ad hoc.


Book my seat for Sanctuary Meditation Class



Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT+1

Password : peace

Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.

Click here to join Chi Do


 Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor

Grace Hui, Contributing Author

Jessica Rea, Reporter & Contributing Author

Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher & Editor

Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor

Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief


[email protected]

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