Self growth in the Information Age

self growth in info age


Dear Community,

This week we are introducing you to Asse Sauga, an Estonian Guide and digital trend specialist. He will be starting us off understanding the advancements in information delivery and how that affects YOU and your personal growth today!

Next week, Asse will dig a little deeper into the world of AI advancement, and would you believe, it is going to be the psychologists and healers that are going to be paid more than software developers?!

But let’s not let the cat out of the bag … just be sure to tune in again next week to hear about why becoming a Healer is a strategic, smart move, from the perspective of technology.

Just know that the tide IS turning, and the health of the SOUL is regaining its importance. It may now start making more sense why your Life Activation Practitioner or Guide has mentioned Healers Academy to you before!

And for an extra treat, meet Asse Sauga tonight on Chi-Do! See you there!

We hope you are enjoying the summer sunshine.

Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team


The Progression of Information

and the critical importance of self-growth


Estonian Guide Asse Sauga wrote this piece about the progression of information and evolution through time. We simply had to share this to the entire UK EU network to further elucidate the importance of self-progression and the crucial individual responsibility. Stay tuned for more of Sauga’s wisdom, coming next week.


Have you noticed how the amount of information around us is constantly increasing?

Thousands of years ago, when humanity was still completely dependent on nature, living in caves, and the invention of agriculture, ore processing, the wheel, and everything else nice was still in the distant future, the only way for information to be exchanged was direct, face-to-face communication. In the evenings, people gathered around the fire in their cave and told stories: they discussed how the hunt went, who went hunting where, or where the tracks of the lion were seen. Sometimes, there were stories from hunters who had met another hunter from a foreign tribe.

Negative news held vital importance for survival in the old days: a tribe warned of a lion or strangers would set a round-the-clock watch and keep the fire in the cave burning brightly even at night. (Nothing has changed; negative news is still popular today.) After the Neolithic era, around 5,000 years ago, mankind learned to write (thanks to the Mesopotamians and Sumerians), and for the first time, information could be stored in an unalterable form. The city-states of the first civilizations needed laws carved into stone, contracts written on clay tablets, and religious texts, but also messages. The first books were written, but the art of writing was reserved for only the upper class at that time. During this period, humanity learned about agriculture, knew how to make deserts fertile with proper irrigation, and raised livestock. All kinds of information moved faster, with horse couriers delivering messages on cuneiform tablets when necessary. Shipping developed, making foreign countries across the seas more accessible, and lively trade was established and the spread of information became much more global.

Millennia passed until the 19th century when the telegraph was invented, dramatically changing the speed of information transmission. Though volumes were small, this invention allowed information to be sent from one end of the world to the other in a few moments. In the same century, the first rudimentary radios were also invented, which, as they developed, became the world’s mass media for a long time. We cannot leave out the telephone, which quickly spread worldwide, followed by television, which is now in almost every home.

The speed of spreading information has become instantaneous. However, information production remained a challenge and was only possible for central organisations with large resources—that is, until the advent of the internet. As the internet developed, it went through three internal stages:

1. Web1: Information production was centrally managed and information consumption was open to everyone

2. Web2: Both information consumption and production are easy for everyone, but still centrally controlled

3. And now, Web3 is emerging. Both the production and consumption of information are moving towards even greater individual freedom (and also responsibility).

As if that were not enough, the triumph of artificial intelligence is transforming our information world in unprecedented ways. It not only speeds up the production, processing, and management of information but also automates and enhances quality—exponentially.

Have you noticed the trends happening in finance? With cryptocurrency technologies, there is also a shift towards much greater individual freedom (and also responsibility). Just twelve years ago, it was unthinkable that someone could create a completely new monetary system in a few hours with their own laptop. This same trend is also happening in medicine—emerging solutions give individuals significantly more control over their health. Similar changes are expected in the energy sector, where electricity production is becoming increasingly decentralised thanks to new technologies.

In other words, no matter where we look, we see trends where individual freedom increases and with it also responsibility. This is a natural result of the speed of information production, modification, transmission, and consumption increasing on this planet over time.

Similar realities are reflected in the spiritual world. One of the ancient laws is “As above, so below; as with in, so with so without!”. Everything is interconnected and mirrored.

Most new information comes from the top down, but it is our responsibility to discern what truly supports and serves us. New Age teachings are popping up like mushrooms after the rain because people’s abilities are opening, veils are falling and many consider themselves to be new prophets. But not all that glitters is gold.

What does all this mean for our development and growth?

Humanity is in the middle of this path of information progression, acting as creators, consumers, and administrators. We are forced to process far more information in a much shorter time than our ancestors did.

Have you noticed how time seems to be passing faster?  This is because we are processing an overwhelming amount of information with all our senses, creating the illusion of time passing faster—similar to the sensation experienced while traveling, where time seems to move faster because we experience much more at once than usual.

If, while in an elevator, someone sneezes or coughs, we have no choice but to inhale these germs until we reach the next floor. The same occurs in our oversaturated world of information—if we do not manage this overload, we risk burnout, insecurity, and mental disorders, to name a few.  In order to cope better in this intensely information-rich world, we need to focus even more on our own growth. With the help of certain practices and tools, we can expand ourselves in order to be able to let more information through faster and thereby develop the ability to discern. In other words, the goal is that we are able to decide much faster which information is necessary for us and which is not: like putting a bigger pipe in to manage a greater flow of water.

Additionally, we can build a more effective personal filter, preventing unnecessary or disruptive information from entering our system.

In conclusion, we all have a choice: do we want to create a quality life in this fast-changing, intense, but furious and wonderful world? In this case, we have to become even more aware of ourselves, use the information flowing past and through us as much as possible to make better choices, to understand what serves and supports us and what doesn’t, and decide to live in harmony with the universe and the world and grow with it. Or, another option, is to just miss this train, the opportunity in front of us.

Unfortunately, there is no intermediate option or middle ground. Which choice will you make?

— Asse Sauga, Guide and Third Step Ritual Master


I’m ready to sign up to Healers Academy



Is Healers Academy calling you?

Do you feel called to become a healer?

Is it time to elevate your spiritual progression and protection in the light?

Attending Healers Academy is like permanently upgrading your own personal power grid to the LIGHT. Newfound light after Healers Academy will become your ‘new normal,’ permanently flowing through you, and shifting much of your (usually trauma-based) patterning back to your true Spiritual Nature, one of Good and Beauty.

The newfound light will give you more clarity, discernment, and LIFE as a Divine Being.

What more could you want?! 

Join us this September and discover the beauty that lies within Healers Academy.

— Caroline Latour, Ritual Master Apprentice & Life Activation Practitioner


Galactic Activation 1 (Open to Certified Life Activation Practitioners or to those attending Healers Academy 16-20 Sept 2024) 14-15 September 2024

Professional Integration Day for Life Activation Practitioners (LAP PID: Open to ALL Life Activation Practitioners) 16 September 2024

Healers Academy 1 (Open to Adept Initiates – those who have done Empower Thyself!) 16-20 September 2024

Ritual Master Novice (RM 1: Open to Certified Life Activation Practitioners) 17-18 September 2024

Magick of the Ritual Master (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 19 September 2024

Temple (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 20 September 2024

How to Live a Hermetic Life (Open to Certified Ritual Masters. Certified Life Activation Practitioners may apply.) 21 September 2024

Hermetic Joy (Open to Adepts – those who have done Empower Thyself!) 22 September 2024

Enochian Magick 1 (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 23 September 2024

Enochian Magick 2 (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 24 September 2024

Show me the September schedule!

Chi-Do on Wednesdays at 7:30pm GMT

Password : peace

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Lisa Pankhurst, Monday Newsletter Editor

Grace Hui, Contributing Author

Caroline Latour, Contributing Author & Researcher, Editor

Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Editor

Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief


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