Remembering the Life Activation

Dear Community,

A large part of our job as Life Activation Practitioners, Teachers and Guides is to remind each other of our unlimited potential. But sometimes, we too need reminding!  It’s like we are breaking an amnesia loop, and the minute we can remember our true selves without a moment of forgetting, we will arrive at this continuous hum of JOY.

In September, Life Activation Practitioners have the opportunity to be reminded of our light and the light that the Life Activation brings to others. We do need reminding. If you are a Life Activation Practitioner, take this step to really understand on a much deeper level what this tool does, to remember your own light and to remember how you can bring this to others!

Your weekly Chi-Do booster is available tonight, live on Zoom.

We hope you are enjoying the summer sunshine.

Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team


Remembering the Life Activation


Life Activation Practitioners have an opportunity to be reinvigorated yearly, much like the new blossoms of Spring finally showing themselves after a long and slow winter. This opportunity is an annual coming together in London of Life Activation Practitioners in the UK and Europe.

As with any profession, yearly certification and continuing education are good practices for maintaining the integrity of many professions, such as doctors and chiropractors.  But for us, it is way more magickal than that! There is an infusion of energy and alignment to the constant upgrading and waves of energy descending onto our planet. Professional Integration Day (PID for short) is where we get our ‘energetic upgrade’ and a powerful reminder why we are blessed with a sacred wand in the first place! This reminder serves to get us activating our friends, family and people who become clients. As with most magick, sometimes we end up Life Activating people who we never thought would desire such an awakening. Those of us who run active practices for Life Activations receive deep re-connection to our inner spark and passion to serve and to keep striving for Joy.

If you are a new Life Activation Practitioner or haven’t connected with your fellow Life Activation Practitioner colleagues for a while, pencil in the date in September for your next infusion.

We have some wonderful inspiration below as to why others love Professional Integration Day. We look forward to seeing you there. Until 16th September, I leave you with many blessings.


— Photo Credit: Jessica Rea, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice

— Julia Tiffin, Modern Mystery School Speciality Teacher



My first LAP PID was an unexpected ‘coming home’. In Healers Academy we learn the importance of service, reverence, humility and most of all, the magick of the Life Activation! And even while we all recognize individually the change that once upon a time, a Life Activation made in our own lives, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be easy to forget. I didn’t even realize I had forgotten the feeling of centeredness and calm from giving and receiving Life Activation, but attending PID was just the attunement that I needed. I look forward to it every year now, as it brings me back to the intrinsic value of the Life Activation, and fills my cup so I can better share the Light with others.

–Jackie Nonweiler, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice


There is a magick that happens at Healers Academy that only those that have attended understand through their own direct experience.

When we come together as second step initiates at Professional Integration Day something happens that can’t be explained.

We leave, what I call, sparkly clean, ready for the world, ready to stand in the light and shine our light. It’s helps us align more with our divinity, our royalty within.

The cool thing is everyone benefits, not just us, but our family, friends, communities as our light shines so bright it lifts the spirits of everyone we meet …  that’s just one of the many benefits of attending PID.

–Divina Kate Bartram-Brown, MMS International Instructor, Guide & Ritual Master 3.0


Did you have ever have the privilege to attend Empower Thyself more than once? Did you experience that you were taught completely new things? These are layers of magick that get revealed to you according to your progression. With PID it’s similar. You can dive deeper and achieve a deeper understanding of the Life Activation and being a practitioner.

–Elli Wissmüller, Guide & Ritual Master 3.0


Professional Integration Day is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with the Light, the lineage, and our global community of Lightworkers! You will be re-infused with more Light into your DNA, re-inspired by the growth that everyone has gone through since Healers Academy, and brought up to date with all the progress in the lineage as we serve the Mission of Shamballah!

–Ipsissima Divina Theresa Bullard-Whyke, MMS International Instructor, Guide & Ritual Master 3.0


PID holds a special place in my heart. At first I was unsure as to why I had to return to get recertification. It wasn’t quite obvious to me. I traveled to Brazil for PID as I wanted to be able to make it back to the UK in time due to work.

This was a completely different environment for me. I knew very little LAP’s there. Yet it felt like home.

I can’t remember the exact moment when I clicked however shortly after the day commenced the ‘ah-ha’ moment revealed itself.

My ‘ah-ha’ moment: once a year we all get together as a family to refine our sacred skills so we can be of service with the highest level of accuracy through the Life Activation, we all get to connect in a Temple space, we get activated and upgrade ourselves to a higher vibration collectively (which is our greater purpose right?).

We receive reminders and messages from our spiritual guides, colleagues, the wonderful teachers, Divinas and Senior Teachers, keeping us connected and well informed.

As we don’t have a place of prayer we can visit everyday or so often, as a mystery school we have PID. What an honour this ‘ah-ha’ moment was to arrive in my being. I was surrounded by new friends and faces yet I had I felt as if I had just come home.

–Jessica Rea Putsman, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice


Professional Integration Day for Life Activation Practitioners is an annual opportunity for us all to reunite in the LIGHT once again. When we study at Healers Academy we study the LIGHT, what it is, how to bring it in, the effects on rebalancing the human structure and its ability to nourish the DNA in a way that reveals our unique gifts and our life purpose to us.

We know the impact of Healers Academy on us and coming together again has that special reset quality to help us remember our Mission of Peace and revitalise that Spark within us, helping us to keep going, knowing we are part of a vast community of LIGHT.

We are ONE. At PID you get together with your fellow Life Activation Practitioners and you remember your why. You also receive that recharge to keep going!!! Let’s continue to build Shamballah TOGETHER!! See you at PID!


–Divina Ann Donnelly, MMS International Instructor, Guide & Ritual Master 3.0


My understanding of lineage and Mystery School only became clearer after attending the first PID, and this understanding deepens and expands with each PID each year.

And about the most updated teachings – PID is of the best values for money I would say. It keeps me on the top of the ever shifting waves of energy and keeps me alert.

Not to mention the sharpening of my skills as a Life Activation Practitioner, keeping the modality pure as it should be, and share this precious tool with many others.

–Jin Zhi, Guide & Ritual Master 3.0


Professional Integration Day gives each of us the opportunity to reconnect, realign and recommit to the light. It reminds us and re-establishes the flow in alignment with the lineage to create world peace and build Shamballah right here right now.

–Martina Coogan, MMS International Instructor, Guide & Ritual Master 3.0


Professional Integration Day is a high-frequency gathering of LAP´s from all around the world, joining together in refining their Art and Magick of the Life Activation! It is inspiring and very healing to be united again in the presence of the Master Teachers and to study the magnitude and impact of the Life Activation on a higher arc with its key piece in the mission to Shamballah.

–Philipp Schardt, Guide & Ritual Master 3.0


I’m ready to sign up to LAP PID


September 2024 MMS UK International Programs!


Is Healers Academy calling you?

This powerful 5-day program provides a unique environment where every individual can find their path to self-discovery and empowerment. It’s a place where you don’t just learn techniques but undergo a profound personal transformation. Whether it’s through the Life Activation tool or other practices, Healers Academy is about making a positive impact on yourself and those around you.

Do you have questions? You can find more details by clicking the link below or reach out to us directly. 

— Caroline Latour, Ritual Master Apprentice & Life Activation Practitioner


Galactic Activation 1 (Open to Certified Life Activation Practitioners or to those attending Healers Academy 16-20 Sept 2024) 14-15 September 2024

Professional Integration Day for Life Activation Practitioners (LAP PID: Open to ALL Life Activation Practitioners) 16 September 2024

Healers Academy 1 (Open to Adept Initiates – those who have done Empower Thyself!) 16-20 September 2024

Ritual Master Novice (RM 1: Open to Certified Life Activation Practitioners) 17-18 September 2024

Magick of the Ritual Master (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 19 September 2024

Temple (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 20 September 2024

How to Live a Hermetic Life (Open to Certified Ritual Masters. Certified Life Activation Practitioners may apply.) 21 September 2024

Hermetic Joy (Open to Adepts – those who have done Empower Thyself!) 22 September 2024

Enochian Magick 1 (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 23 September 2024

Enochian Magick 2 (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 24 September 2024


Show me the September schedule!




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Caroline Latour, Contributing Author

Jackie Nonweiler, Editor

Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief


[email protected]

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