Dear Community,
“The first step to defeating evil is recognising that humans are good.”
These wise words from Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon are the inspiration for today’s feature on…
Plus, our Warriors are hitting the paths of Hyde Park for our 3rd Annual Charity Run for the Light! On 5th April 2025 over 35 Ritual Masters and Life Activation Practitioners from the UK and EU will be logging 8km for our charity partner. See below to donate to our efforts, or to join yourself.
This week’s Metaphysical Wednesday is the beloved Full Moon Meditation. Don’t miss this opportunity if you’ve never attended. Plus, Chi Do is on tonight online for free.
Blessings and light,
Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team
Realise Your Potential: As a Warrior
The Warrior Path isn’t for everyone. But those that it is for, embrace the warrior way, because it is their truest nature.
In the latest episode of the LIFE Documentary series, Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon introduces the warrior path by saying that all motivation in your life should come from ‘merit’. A commitment to growth of the self, which involves taking full responsibility for your life, your actions, and your thoughts.
To strive for the best life you can achieve, there must be a balance between fighting, stepping back, and pushing forward, all of which are essential aspects to being a Warrior of the Light. Indeed, the goal of the warrior path is to help students to realize their potential, explains Founder Gudni Gudnason.
One primary way that the teachers in the Modern Mystery School help you to realize your true potential along the Warrior Path is through the highly popular and sought-after Warriors of Light program, which combines pushing the limits of the physical body through martial arts with teachings that extend far beyond physical adversities.
Warriors of Light isn’t about the punches, kicks, or chi sao. It’s about the mental and spiritual approach to life. Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon explains that the Warriors of Light program operates similarly to traditional martial arts, which have a component of spirituality in them, “where the student had to learn about aspects of the spirit, of the soul, and of the mind. People come to the Modern Mystery School to learn about the Spirit, the Soul, and the Mind. And then the Warriors of Light program brings in that martial arts component to make it complete.”
As part of the Ritual Master path, initiates receive deep metaphysical and hermetic teachings about myriad topics which lay the foundation for us to create excellence in our physical lives: at work, within our families and communities, and for the people we have committed to serving in the Light. We learn to confront negative emotions instead of running in a ‘cycle of avoidance’ and overcome them. Ultimately, Ritual Masters help people to connect with themselves and understand their true selves, all the while making the right moves in their own life to avoid mediocrity and become a warrior on all levels.
If this sounds like hard (fulfilling) work, that’s because it is. But if it’s for you, you’re probably already hearing the call within yourself to be a Warrior for the Light.
I can hear you asking already: “How can I become a Warrior?”.
The Warriors of Light program becomes accessible to initiates of the Modern Mystery School only after they have undergone certain training. After learning foundational rituals and teachings passed through the lineage in Empower Thyself, initiates can choose to step into service for others by learning how to give Life Activations (among other things) in Healers Academy, which is being offered in London next month. Once students step forward by committing to defeat ignorance within themselves in the Ritual Master program (available in October), the Warrior Way truly opens to them.
~ Jackie Nonweiler, Healer, Ritual Master Apprentice, London, United Kingdom
Warriors Unite! Donate to our Charity Run
Three years ago, a brilliant idea sparked in Ipsissima Franca Lanyon’s mind: Ritual Masters and Life Activation Practitioners could unite our Light-spreading efforts worldwide, on the same day, for our local charity partners.
The idea was a win, win, win.
We raise funds to donate to good causes, spread the Light in our communities, and push our physical and mental limits to run 8km.
And so the annual MMS Charity Run was born.
Our favourite sporting event of the year is quickly approaching, and we need your help!
Our goal is to raise a minimum of £3000 for Random Acts of Kindness, our charity partner, this year. This UK-based charity supports vulnerable groups like homeless and low-income families as well as individuals in crisis by providing food, clothing, hygiene products, care packages, and treats to brighten peoples’ days and lives.
Will you donate to our efforts?
~ Jackie Nonweiler, Healer, Ritual Master Apprentice & Life Activation Practitioner, London, United Kingdom
Donate on Behalf of Team MMS UK EU to Charity
Full Moon Meditation, This Evening!
Reconnect to the light.
Tonight’s Full Moon Meditation will connect you to the illumination of the full moon to receive deeper clarity about your personal keys to your own life path.
This in-person experience offers you an accessible way to experience the depth of the energy of the lineage of King Salomon and the Modern Mystery School.
Join us, and enjoy.
Click here for more information.
Where: The Columbia Hotel, 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS
When: 7-9pm Wednesday 12 February 2025
Investment: £20.
To register please email admin@modernmysteryschooluk.com
Plus, don’t miss these coming Metaphysical Wednesday events:
19 February 2025 Spiritual Intuition Class
26 February 2025 Sanctuary Meditation Class
5 March 2025 Awaken Thyself Class
Check out our calendar for details!
MMS UK & EU Schedule for March 2025
Galactic Activation 1 (Open to Certified Life Activation Practitioners or to those attending Healers Academy 16-20 March 2025) 14-15 March 2025
Healers Academy 1 (Open to Adept Initiates: those who have done Empower Thyself!) 16-20 March 2025
Viking Magick Activations (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 16 March 2025
Seals and Sigils (Open to Certified Ritual Master Apprentices) 17 March 2025
Hermetic Parenting (Open to Certified Ritual Masters and those who have attended How to Life a Hermetic Life, Relationship Class & Hermetic Communication of the Divine Masculine & Feminine) 18-19 March 2025
Temple (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 20 March 2024
Galactic Activation 2 (Open to those who have attended Galactic Activation 1 & Certified Life Activation Practitioners) 21 March 2025
Ritual Master Apprentice / RM 2 (Open to Certified Ritual Master Novices) 22-23 March 2025
Enochian 3 (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 24 March 2025
Enochian 4 (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 25 March 2025
Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT
Password : peace
Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.
Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor
Grace Hui, Contributing Author
Jessica Rea, Reporter, Contributing Author & Social Media
Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher, Sub-editor & Social Media
Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor
Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief