Ready to turn over a new leaf? Special on Meditation ➡

Dear Community,

It’s time to sit down and talk about meditation. You know you need to do it more :). So let’s do this, together! We have an amazing opportunity coming up for our 2nd Annual Holiday Meditation Challenge. Join us!

We also have Metaphysical Wednesdays coming up today, 4 December 2024: The Seven Mystery Schools class. You up for some magick? Details below.

Plus we have a special opportunity for anyone in London: the Wiccan Solstice Celebration. There are only 20 seats available. It’s super special. So grab your seat as they are flying out like hot cakes!

Join us tonight ONLINE for our free Wednesday Chi Do. See the link below.

Happy Holiday season ✨

Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team


Why Meditate?


It is mainstream knowledge nowadays that a regular meditation practice yields mental, emotional and even physical benefits. So, why is it that more people don’t do it? 

  • “I fall asleep”
  • “I can’t stay still”
  • “I cannot focus”
  • “I have no time”
  • “I can’t sit up and meditate”
  • “It is impossible not to have any thoughts”

These are all common comments that people have made about meditation.

Let’s attempt to tackle each of these “reasons”:

“I fall asleep”

Meditation, when practiced regularly, has the effect of slowing down the mind and calming the nervous system. It reduces the “flight, fright or fight” reactions and allows us to come back to our centre and respond to situations in constructive ways.

So, if it is your first time meditating, and you doze off, that is not altogether a bad thing. At least it means you have relaxed! Like anything else, meditation is a practice and as the saying goes: “Practice makes perfect”You have to keep going in order to reap the benefits.

“I can’t stay still”

Feeling fidgety is yet another refrain that is often used. In the hectic busyness of everyday life, your nervous system might be programmed in a way that you are unable to relax. Over time, however, this constant tension could result in chronic stress, anxiety and even affect your immune system. Being unable to sit still for prolonged periods of time might be a sign that your nervous system needs calming. The Max Meditation SystemTM is one which is designed to specifically relax the body, bring one back to stillness, to set you up for the meditation.

“I cannot focus”

Not being able to focus is likely the product of an overactive mind. Why is your mind so stimulated? It could be that you overload your mind and body with too much information without giving it a chance to release. With a racing mind, sleep and being able to stay present with your loved ones might be affected. Once more, meditation is a practice that can bring you back to and remain in the present so that you can truly enjoy life and live it alive! This could be difficult the first few times but it gets better! I promise!

For those who might have difficulty focusing and have avoided meditation like the plague for this reason, perhaps come to it with an open mind and without expectations. Don’t overthink it! Just roll with it and see how it goes. And if you need something to focus on, focus on your breathing!

“I have no time”

As for time, well, that is entirely up to you isn’t it? While you are unable to control how much time you have, what you do with the time that you do have is entirely up to you. After all, who else but you is in charge of how you choose to spend your time?

In all honesty, a regular meditation practice actually helps you with better time management, thereby giving you the ability to accomplish more in a day. Think about it. If we reacted less and responded more constructively through a more regulated nervous system, there would be far less drama to deal with. Or, if you are able to get to know yourself better by staying in the present and connecting with yourself, all of your decisions would be made with better clarity and serve you better.

“I can’t sit up and meditate”

It’s just a little bit of practice. Lying down is where sleep happens but sitting up is when your crown can connect with something greater and receive higher energy. Then you can sleep better!

“It is impossible not to have any thoughts”

Last but not least, let’s clear up the misconception that one has to have no thoughts in order to be able to successfully meditate. For many, it is virtually impossible to have no thoughts. So scrap that!

Meditation allows us to come to a place where we can let our thoughts go. In other words, not engage with them as it comes in. By creating space between our thoughts and immediate engagement, we are able to see things more clearly and respond more calmly to life in general. With practice, this can be a normal way of life. Imagine living in a far less triggered way? Sound good?

Why not join us on our weekly free online Meditation offerings, or get bold and join our 2nd Annual Holiday Meditation Challenge starting on 22 December. See more information below. 

See you soon in meditation!

–Grace Hui, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, London, UK 



Ready to turn a new leaf?


18 days to go!

Tick tok, tick tok … counting down to bliss and zen!

Come and join us, and invite everyone you know.

Eleven different members of our team are turning up the heat to support us all through the winter season for 11 days with online meditation. See each week as our team shares their experiences of meditation!

Let us know you’re coming by signing up below so we can send you special emails ahead of time!

Starting 22 December 2024 until 1 January 2025! 7.30pm UK time (GMT) EVERY DAY!

EVERYONE is welcome, so you can invite a friend, a family member, anyone you want!

This is our Christmas gift to you!


I want to attend! Let us know!



Metaphysical Wednesdays tonight in London!


Join us for our foundational metaphysical teachings in person, live in London, on Wednesdays!

TODAY we have the Seven Mystery Schools Class:

In this informative class, you will learn about the 7 Mystery Schools on the planet: including their location, mission, purpose, and other deep insights.

For years, these schools have been closed to the public. The teachings were only offered to royalty and the extremely gifted, but human consciousness has been shifting to new heights, and now all are ready to receive these hidden teachings.

This class offers a more in-depth look at these schools and the mystery contained within them.


ALL are WELCOME, feel free to invite your friends. No pre-requisites required.

Investment: £45 per class


I want to attend! Let us know!



Celebrate the Winter Solstice!


Join us for our Winter Solstice/Yule community gathering

19th December 2024 at 6:30pm until 8:30pm

*Doors will open for registration at 6pm*

We invite you to join our community in celebrating the Winter Solstice, a time of renewal and joy. On this longest night, we honour the turning point where the sun is reborn, bringing the promise of light’s return.

During this special ceremony, we will connect with our inner light, re-ignite our hopes for the year ahead, and celebrate the power of renewal. Through ritual and meditation and the power of Wiccan Magick, we will work with the four elements to align with the energy of the season anchoring it within us to move forward as the wheel of year continues to turn.

Come celebrate with us, nurturing the warmth within as we gather to keep the inner fires burning through these darker days.

*Limited seats available, please book your seat in advance!

Exchange £20: Tickets must be booked in advance.

ALL are WELCOME, feel free to invite your friends. 


Book here!



Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT

Password : peace

Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.

Click here to join Chi Do


 Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor

Grace Hui, Contributing Author

Jessica Rea, Reporter & Contributing Author

Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher & Editor

Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor

Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief


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Modern Mystery School UK & Europe

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