Hello, dear community!
A rarely offered yet hugely transformational class is coming to Toronto this month: Γνῶθι σαυτόν!
Join us below for an exclusive inside look at this ancient axiom and its foundational role in our sacred lineage.
We’re always listening to your feedback, and there have been a couple of top notch classes added to the October program just for you! Be sure to check below to see which ones.
Don’t forget, there’s Chi Do tonight (and it’s our last one for a couple of weeks while our warriors are away training their muscles and minds at Warriors of Light). Join us this week or again on August 23.
Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team
What is “Know Thyself”, anyway?
You hear leadership in the Modern Mystery School talking about “Knowing Thyself” all the time… they may even sound like a broken record! “’Know Thyself’ this, ‘Know Thyself’ that”. But what does ‘Know Thyself’ really mean and why is it so important to our lineage?
“In the Hermetic tradition and the lineage of King Salomon we talk a lot about the The Great Work. This is the path to ‘Know Thyself‘”, explains Divina Kate Bartram Brown. “If we truly knew ourselves, there would be no war, no hunger, no violence… We would live in peace and harmony because that is what would be inside of each of us.”
Can you imagine such a world, of peace and harmony? We call this world Shamballah, and knowing ourselves is at the centre of this mission!
Divina Kate Bartram-Brown enlightens us further by explaining that what is within us is a reflection of what is outside of us, and reminds us to “never under estimate the importance of the Great Work…. to Know Thyself. I found inner peace, knowledge, love, abundance through this path of knowing myself… it has been, thus far, the greatest gift I have given to myself.”
Everyone that has been initiated into the lineage of King Salomon begins his/her personal journey to ‘knowing thyself’, and the Modern Mystery School class of the same name is a superb way to journey deeper into the knowledge of your authentic self.
Ipsissima Divina Theresa Bullard-Whyke teaches ‘Know Thyself’, and her passion for the class is apparent by her words:
“Know Thyself became one of my favourite classes to teach because it brings so much transformation to initiates over the three-day immersive process. It is such an important part of your foundation on the initiatory path, as it guides you to discovering the inner knowing of who you are, what gifts you are here to bring, and what your unique purpose is. It awakens you to your piece of Shamballah! ‘Know Thyself’ does this by guiding you through a series of meditations to receive visions and clues to your unique purpose. It then provides a container for your creative expression and sharing to bring those inner visions into tangible form so they can be manifested in the outer world. By the end of the three days you will Know Thyself so much more, and be initiated into the Shamballah energies!”
Know Thyself Through Daniela’s Eyes
A Profound Shift
The ‘Know Thyself’ class was an unexpected profound experience for me that piqued my interest when when someone explained her experience in attending the class on the Modern Mystery School UK EU podcast. This sparked something in me, made me want to know more, and I decided to experience it for myself.
‘Know Thyself’ helped reveal parts of me that were hidden under the surface and what I had taken on that was actually in the way of me living the life that I desired to live. I saw where I was giving in to old patterns of self sabotage due to past experiences, and limiting beliefs about myself and the world around me.
Overall, the 3-day class was a rich and diverse experience, which featured crafting, meditations, individual and group exchanges, and profound teachings. All of this was set up in a beautiful, high temple energy. I loved the meditations! They were amazing. The whole workshop was interactive and playful. We cried and we laughed.
One of my teachers later shared with me that it was as if I was releasing years and layers of experiences that no longer served my highest good. This I can confirm! There was even a brief moment where my ‘old brain’ wanted me to go into flight mode, because I was about to break through an old boundary. Liberating my system took courage and the will to follow through. I shared my experience with my Guide as I released the tears around what had just popped up. This gave me the courage to continue my journey into even deeper and higher levels of self knowledge and self mastery.
Sometimes it can be challenging or even scary to let go of what past experiences made us believe about ourselves or others, which have shaped our behaviour over time. I found that in trusting myself and reaching for my highest good, knowing I was surrounded by light beings, supportive peers, and my own inner guidance, I managed to come out stronger but softer, more liberated, and more authentic.
If you ever get the chance to join this class, I can recommend it from the bottom of my heart! It brought me so much deep inner healing, insight, and I got to ‘know myself’ on a whole new level!
I encourage you, please take a leap of faith and get to know yourself better!
You are beautiful! You are worth it! And you are a light-filled being! We all are! Remember 😉?
I send a huge thank you to all the teachers that make receiving these teachings possible for all of us! Merci beaucoup!
–Daniela Simart
Ritual Master Apprentice, Life Activation Practitioner (Germany)
Tonight @ 7:30pm | Online Moving Meditation – Chi-Do
(Note: This is our last Chi-Do for a few weeks while our warriors are training in Toronto!)
Link to join us online:
Password : Peace
Back by Popular Demand!
Due to high demand, two foundational Hermetics classes taught by Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon are returning to London in October:
How to Life A Hermetic Life: 14 October 2023
Hermetic Communication of the Divine Masculine & Feminine: 15 October 2023
These two classes are pre-requisites for the highly anticipated Relationships Class which will follow in the Spring. Be sure to hop in now when the classes are visiting London!
For links to the events calendar for October programs, please click the button below:
Editor of the Week
Jackie Nonweiler, Life Activation Practitioner, Ritual Master (Apprentice)
Email:[email protected] Phone:+34 621 364 972