First week of our yearly SEPTEMBER programs!

Dear Community,

This week is week one of our yearly September programs (yes, they used to be in October!). We’ve had a full week so far: Galactic Activation 1, Artemis Hall (special teachings for Ritual Masters for the first time in forever), Life Activation & Healer Professional Integration Day, Hermetic Moon Meditation & the start of Healers Academy 1 and the Ritual Master 1 program!

On top of that, we are still running our new Wednesday evening bite-sized, metaphysical classes in person, in London and open to all. Check out next week Wednesday 25 September where we have Awaken Thyself available!

You can still join us tonight ONLINE for our free Wednesday. Join using the link below.

We hope you are enjoying the crispness of the Autumn air.

Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team


WEEK 1: Modern Mystery School UK & EU September International Program!


As you can see we are really enjoying the amazing weather with our yearly programs now in September! London is showing her best colours for us in the light of our September programs. Join us next year September and grab some amazing London Autumn weather (fingers crossed!) … or just seize the day, follow your heart when your heart calls you for your next step!

We asked some new (and old) students about their experiences in our first week of programs. Here is what they have to say:



On the Galactic Activation

My Intuition (and a helping hand from my Guide) led me to taking the Galactic Activation class. It was an inner knowing that I needed to be there. Now that I’ve taken the class I have a sense of knowing that nothing can stop me moving forwards in the future.

–Philippe Metz, soon to be Life Activation Practitioner, Netherlands


On the Galactic Activation

Why did you sign up for this class?

I attended Galactic Activation because it’s a pre-requisite for becoming a Ritual Master. I was also inspired by Dr. Divina Ann’s high recommendation of Life Activation, Galactic Activation, and Empower Thyself for living a great life, which made me very interested.

What is your greatest takeaway from this class?

Every class in the MMS program is special and surprises me in new ways, but this one topped them all! I feel stretched both physically and mentally. If you’ve experienced it, you’ll understand what I mean and for those who haven’t, you will understand me soon :-). I’m incredibly grateful for the immense knowledge this school provides. I feel much more energetic and rejuvenated; using my vacation from work for this course was far better than any holiday I’ve had!

⁠What surprised you the most OR Who do you think would benefit from this class?

I highly recommend the Galactic Activation for anyone seeking personal growth. The inspiring community and shared purpose make it a powerful experience that will motivate you to explore and understand the universe more deeply.

Thank you to our teacher, Martina Coogan, for a memorable day filled with valuable knowledge and fun!

–Seda Aykanat, Life Activation Practitioner and soon to be RM 1, Hamburg, Germany


On the Galactic Activation

Galactic Activation was great. I’m feeling very heart-opened and it’s like the Light got into places where it never got before. Light is shining through me. I like healings but I feel like activations are more sustainable.

–Sebastian Kirchner, soon to be Life Activation Practitioner, Germany



On the Life Activation Professional Integration Day (PID)

What is your favourite thing about PID?

It’s such a privilege to be there as having all the Life Activation practitioners come together in the same space reminds us of the joy and the light that we need to spread. It is a tool that we can bring out to anyone anywhere in the world and together, we can make such a difference in the world.

What is your biggest takeaway from PID?
It is really about service and it is through that service that we get to know ourselves. The people that we attract to us is a reflection of where we are in our journey of life. The more we serve, the better we will know ourselves and the better we can serve more. It is a reminder to embody Shamballa.

What is your favourite thing about the Life Activation?
It is so pure and so connected to divinity and royalty. Everyone benefits.

–Maria Johansson, Healer & Ritual Master Apprentice, Sweden


On Life Activation Professional Integration Day

Why did you sign up for this class?
PID is such a special day for reconnecting with both old and new friends, all while celebrating the Life Activation. This was my 5th PID, and I’ve never seen the room so vibrant, filled with energy and light—it’s truly amazing to gather as lightworkers and create this magick together. We were also honored to have Sovereign Ipsissimus join us and share his wisdom, speaking on themes that feel so relevant right now.

It’s always interesting to notice how the things I’ve been reflecting on personally often align with what comes up in the classes and lectures. It reminds me that what we experience inwardly is often reflected in the world around us.

What is your greatest takeaway from this class?
PID always reminds me of the profound impact of the Life Activation is, working on so many levels. It highlights the importance of sharing this light, especially when it’s needed most.

⁠What surprised you the most OR Who do you think would benefit from this class?
This class benefits everyone! Whether walking the path of a healer or ritual master, we are all Life Activation practitioners, connected and united through that foundation.

–Amanda Camenisch, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, London, United Kingdom



On the Life Activation Profressional Integration Day (PID)

When you want to progress on the path and take higher classes, joining PID is a prerequisite. After having attended several now, I can say it´s so worth it! Not just that you give and receive a Life Activation which is beautiful, balancing and very healing; it’s also good to be in a room with so many practitioners from all around the world with a common understanding of Lightwork and why it´s so important and needed. In our world, it’s not rare to meet judgement or opposition when it comes to light and healing work. The Life Activation is not (yet) anchored or known in the mainstream like meditation or yoga is. For me it was a gift and a blessing to be in the energy of PID. It’s organized and facilitated with so much care and love which is felt throughout the whole day. I am very grateful to have joined.

–Daniela Simart, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, Saxony, Germany


On the Life Activation Profressional Integration Day (PID)

Why did you sign up for this class?

To be honest at first I just attended because I had to do this in order to take further classes like Kabbalah. But I’m glad that I had to, because it was amazing. Honestly I was resisting it a little bit, maybe because I wasn’t doing a lot of Life Activations. I knew that in class they would talk about why I should do more Life Activations, and of course I know it and I didn’t do it. Ego! Light comes in through darkness.

What is your greatest takeaway from this class?

My greatest takeaway were the teachings from Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave that I first thought had nothing to do with Life Activations but actually had to do with Life Activations. He can teach because he had a Life Activation, and I sit there in class with him because I had a Life Activation. I can receive and comprehend this knowledge because I had a Life Activation at some point! I am now more motivated to do Life Activations.

What surprised you the most OR Who do you think would benefit from this class?

⁠It’s not about only sharing Life Activations and getting a little re-teaching and little adjustments. This was maybe two hours of PID. PID is more about why you should give Life Activations, not how you should do them. So let’s not focus on how and how and how in life, but instead why you should. So the Life Activation…there is a little saying, “when the why is big enough, the how becomes easy”. For me now the “why” is big enough because I attended PID.

–Philipp Schulz, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Novice, Düsseldorf, Germany




Coming up Awaken Thyself!


Join us for our foundational metaphysical teachings in person, live in London, every Wednesday! 

NEXT WEEK we have the Awaken Thyself class:

This 2-hour workshop gives you a flavour of what the Modern Mystery School has to offer, particularly its Path of Progression.

You will observe how the setting up of the temple space is finalized, learn what the Empower Thyself Class & Initiation is, and how you can become an Adept Initiate with its many benefits.

You will experience many rituals, and receive some to take home and use in your daily life.The importance of meditation and its different levels will also be discussed.

You will experience the Sanctuary Meditation, journey to your Sanctuary, meet your Higher Self and receive some answers.

It ends with a powerful and beautiful Closing Ceremony of high vibration, although you are welcome to stay longer to ask any questions you may have.

ALL are WELCOME, feel free to invite your friends. No pre-requisites required.

September Schedule:

Wednesday, 25 September – Awaken Thyself

Investment: £45 per class

Special Wednesday offer: book 4x Wednesday classes for £150 ( save £30). Please note: Full Moon Meditations are £20. While they can be included in the package, you may choose to purchase the Full Moon Meditation as an ad hoc.


Book my seat for Awaken Thyself!



Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT+1

Password : peace

Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.

Click here to join Chi Do


 Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor

Grace Hui, Contributing Author

Jessica Rea, Reporter & Contributing Author

Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher & Editor

Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor

Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief


[email protected]

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