Finding the Gold within in a life of Service


Dear Community,

HOT OFF THE PRESS: Next week Thursday the 31st, we will bring you the Halloween Family Gathering. More details below.

 As we progress, we are looking for the gold within us – the parts of us so pure nothing from the outside world, no challenges or stresses, can change that inner light, or gold within. This untarnishable core of good brings you to a state of joy and beauty. This week we have a few stories from those who served on the Healers Academy teaching panel. The privilege of serving here takes you up the stairway to heaven finding more of that gold within.

TODAY in our Metaphysical Wednesdays series in London we have Spiritual Intuition. Book below! (Next week’s class is cancelled as we hold the special Halloween event on THURSDAY evening.)

Join us tonight ONLINE for our free Wednesday Chi Do. See the link below.

Happy almost Halloween!

Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team


Finding that Gold within


Healers Academy is 5 days of magick where you are in a healing temple receiving light and healing for yourself while you receive the training to bring the Life Activation to others. The healing for yourself that you receive continues to unfold for many months after this sacred process.


On serving on the Healers Academy Teaching Panel

It has been said that entering the Ancient Temple of Solomon starts an alchemical process for the student entering this Holy Place when attending Healers Academy.

During October I had the immense privilege of serving on the Healers Academy teaching panel. Within these five days it felt like being in a cocoon of magick. Before my eyes, I saw Adepts expanding and transforming into Life Activation Practitioners: expanding their energy … shining and being empowered to go out into the world to share a powerful and ancient healing modality with those seeking change and transformation to live a better life. It was a powerful process to witness – huge transformation in just 5 days!

What surprised me the most about serving on the panel was how the Light was supporting EVERY person in that Temple to Know Themselves – to discover what was hidden for the purpose of empowerment and healing. While serving on the panel, I discovered amazing things about myself that I am able to apply to my life every day. I really got to witness the alchemy that happens not only for the students, but for everyone who sets foot in this Ancient Temple.

Whether you are an Adept ready to help people change their lives, a Life Activation Practitioner wanting to refine your skills, or a Guide ready to serve on the panel…. Magick is REAL, Alchemy is REAL and the Temple of Solomon holds keys to amazing transformation.

Marie Sonnekus, Guide and Third Step Ritual Master, Bloemfontein, South Africa


On serving on the Healers Academy Teaching Panel

What was your experience teaching on the Healers Academy panel?

It has been one of the most profound experiences of my life! Serving on the panel has given me a complete new understanding of what it means to take a “quantum leap”! During the 5 days of serving in the King Salomon temple, the light shines on all the things that you cannot see as easily outside of temple, and would probably have taken years to figure out/see/shift. Serving on the panel has been one of the most important steps in my progression & my life will never be the same after that (for good). I cannot wait to apply next year!!!

What surprised you the most about serving on the panel?

How the Healers Academy teachers support & guide us with so much love & grace to see ourselves.

–Carissa du Toit, Guide and Third Step Ritual Master, Johannesburg, South Africa


From the desk of Divina Ann


On serving on the Healers Academy Teaching Panel

Healers Academy at the Modern Mystery School is one of the most transformative journeys you can take in this lifetime!

You spend 5 days in a King Salomon Healing Temple building the spiritual muscle it takes to hold your wand to bring in the Light it takes to activate someone’s spiritual DNIt is a hugely healing journey and you come out the other end able to transform another person’s life!

It’s was a win-win situation and when Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave asked me to go the South Africa to support Divina Kate at Healers Academy I jumped at the opportunity!

As soon as I landed on the soil I felt the passion and the beauty of the land there.

–Divina Ann Donnelly, Modern Mystery School International Instructor, Ireland


We had to share just one more story from someone who just attended Healers Academy!


On Healers Academy

Before receiving the Life Activation, I struggled with self worth, I had very low self esteem and my health was deteriorating at a rapid pace.

The Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation brought deep healing and understanding into my life and those around me. It felt amazing getting to know myself on a deeper level of consciousness and Healers Academy literally brought along a lot more positivity, love and light.

The gratitude I feel grows and grows as I live re-energised and re-aligned on a daily basis. This was a sacred experience that I will hold in my heart forever. I am still finding the words to express and I am eager to share this beautiful modality with the world.

–Karabo Sekobi, Life Activation Practitioner, Johannesburg, Gauteng


I want to know more about Healers in London March 2025!



Tonight Spiritual Intuition next week HALLOWEEN!


Join us for our foundational metaphysical teachings in person, live in London, every Wednesday! 

TODAY we have the Spiritual Intuition Class:

In this workshop, you will learn about the spiritual senses, how to activate them, strengthen them and how to build your psychic awareness and sensitivity, safely and comfortably.

You will be handed down tools and techniques that you can practice every day, to develop your psychic abilities and consciously work with your intuition daily.

You can achieve more in life if you can perceive more!

ALL are WELCOME, feel free to invite your friends. No pre-requisites required.

NEXT WEEK our Wednesday class is cancelled and we have Halloween family gathering on the Thursday 31st!!

Join us on Thursday 31 October 7-9pm when we will come together as a community to mark the changing of the seasons on Samhain, also know as Halloween, all Hallows Eve.

Samhain is an old Gaelic festival that celebrates the Turning of the Wheel of the year.

With reverence and gratitude, we honour the final harvest of the year. The plants and trees have shared all their fruit, the Sun is preparing to set earlier and earlier, and we prepare ourselves for the darker months of Winter.

This is a potent time of year for witches and magickal people alike. There is great power that comes with this Turning of the Wheel on this night.

This is also a time where the veil between our world and other worlds is at its thinnest. It is a time for honouring those who have passed over, but also a time to connect with mystical beings like the fairies, elves, sylphs, dragons, all the nature spirits that others might consider make-believe.

There are many other ways to experience the essence of this holiday, and you are invited to join the MMS London Wicca Community in celebrating Halloween in the old traditional way. You are invited to participate in a ceremony and celebration that helps us prepare for the energetic shift that comes along with the changing of the seasons. We will give thanks for the gifts of the Earth and at the same time we will reflect on our accomplishments and create a foundation of new beginnings and the flow of light in our lives, season, and this sacred day.

Come join us and the light of our community

Everyone is welcome, bring a friend!

See you there.


I want to attend! Book here



Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT+1

Password : peace

Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.

Click here to join Chi Do


 Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor

Grace Hui, Contributing Author

Jessica Rea, Reporter & Contributing Author

Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher & Editor

Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor

Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief


[email protected]

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Modern Mystery School UK & Europe

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