Sacred Geometry 7
In this class you are handed down the Activation of the Archangel Michael Inner Stellar Light Tube. This modality activates the Buddhic Body, which is deeply connected to the 7 chakras. By opening up the chakras fully, enlightenment can be attained for a brief moment, and that second of clarity will last you a lifetime.…
Healers Academy Support Evenings
3 evenings that will provide the foundational understandings of how to take the healings, services and tools of empowerment that this lineage provides out into the world. This class is geared for those who wish to become professional light-workers, healers and teachers. Cultivate your message, know your why and much more ! This class will go…
Alchemy Level 1
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomThe Alchemy of Life & The Magick of Alchemy True Alchemy has immense power to create transformation, success, and manifestation in our lives! As one of the most ancient arts and sciences on the planet, Alchemy has been a long-held Mystery School tradition that rests at the core of all we do. It is critical…
Full Moon Meditation
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomJoin us for a fun full moon meditation evening. £15 per ticket if you are attending any class or session over the July 23rd - 26th Weekend. £25 for all others
Love Activation
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomLove Activation - 2 Hours. £385 per person. ( only 4 places left) Sunday 25th July 7.15pm - 9.15pm The Love Activation is an amazing Love Infusion that clears and cleans your resistance to embodying and flowing the universal frequency of Love to yourself and others and to attracting and living a life full of…
Egyptian Magick Meditation
36a Nottinghill GateEgyptian magick has been known to be one of the most powerful magicks in our world. The ancient Egyptians lived a extraordinary life: a life full of abundance, love, passion and great joy! This magick has been long held as a secret in the Mystery School tradition and it is a part of the…
Chi Do (Online )
OnlineInner peace joy balance clarity vitality ...... The benefits of meditation are so many... You are very welcome to join us online! Link below: Monday 7:30pm | Max Meditation System™ Wednesday 7:30pm | Moving Meditation - Chi-Do ? Link to join: Password : Peace
Know Thyself Program and Initiation
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomDiscover your inner vision and wisdom through this second step initiation in the Modern Mystery School. In this three-day intensive workshop, you will be guided into the spiritual wealth that lies within your inner reality. A variety of techniques will be used to help you access your creative, intuitive, and meditative abilities, thereby tapping…
Foundations of Egyptian Magick
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London, United KingdomRitual Masters Only. Egyptian magick has been known to be one of the most powerful magicks in our world. The ancient Egyptians lived an extraordinary life: a life full of abundance, love, passion and great joy! This magick has been long held as a secret in the Mystery School tradition and it is a part…