3 events found.
Healers Academy 1
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, LondonThe Modern Mystery School is an international organization providing individuals worldwide with the knowledge, tools and support for personal and spiritual growth and empowerment. The Healers Academy is a five-day intensive certification course that…
Ritual Master Apprentice (2.0)
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, LondonThe next step in your Ritual Master training. With this next initiation as a Ritual Master you will receive your true magickal name. Who do your source your power from?…
Advanced Enochian Theories
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, LondonDiscover the effects of evil on the brain! Learn about the magick of the Shem HaMePhoresh! In Advanced Enochian Theories, you will delve deeper into the world of Enochian Magick…