SACRED GEOMETRY 1 with Cecile in London
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, LondonSACRED GEOMETRY 1 CREATING SACRED SPACE A nurturing class that will give you some essential tools to create a space of positivity where you live, shift vibration in your aura…
Sacred Geometry 1 with Divina Ann in Derry, Ireland
By studying the divine geometric patterns, one learns to open themselves to deeper understandings and universal wisdom. In this course, the 3 sacred shapes of creation will be activated with…
Empower Thyself with Kodo – Norway
NorwayThis course will introduce you to metaphysical concepts and ancient teachings to EMPOWER your life with the secrets of the sages that have been kept hidden throughout history. The Empower…
Empower Thyself with Elisabeth – Germany
GermanyThis course will introduce you to metaphysical concepts and ancient teachings to EMPOWER your life with the secrets of the sages that have been kept hidden throughout history. This two-day…
Sacred Geometry 2 in London with Cecile
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, LondonCrystals have immense healing and protective powers. Learning to work with them is therefore an expansive and enriching journey. In Sacred Geometry 2, you will be handed down beautiful…
Astral Travel with Divina Ann in Derry Ireland
Astral travel is the art of expanding one’s consciousness in order to travel outside the realms of this physical reality. You can go anywhere you want! The only limitation is…
12 Races of Earth with Divina Ann in Derry Ireland
The Mystery School tradition has always acknowledged and worked with the 11 races of magickal beings that share this planet with humans. These beings, known as the Elves, Fairies, Mer,…
Sacred Geometry 2 in London with Cecile
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, LondonCrystals have immense healing and protective powers. Learning to work with them is therefore an expansive and enriching journey. In Sacred Geometry 2, you will be handed down beautiful…