3 events found.
Healers Academy 1
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, LondonThe Modern Mystery School is an international organization providing individuals worldwide with the knowledge, tools and support for personal and spiritual growth and empowerment. The Healers Academy is a five-day intensive certification course that…
Magick of the RM
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, LondonThe Ritual Master has the privilege and honour of serving humanity through many different forms of magick and ritual. This one-day training session will cover essential magicks for the Ritual Master and…
Baby Blessing – Handing Down
The Columbia 95-99 Lancaster Gate, LondonREQUIREMENT : Ritual Master Apprentice and higher (RM Novice will be considered on a case by case basis.) Handed down by Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon: The blessing of a new baby is…