September 14, 2024 @ 10:00 am - September 15, 2024 @ 7:00 pm
Galactic Activation 1
Price: £799.50
As the energy of the planet and humanity quickly heightens its vibration, all of humanity has the ability to access the potential to live as a galactic being, which is why the Modern Mystery School provides the Galactic Activation to all those who are prepared and called to it is a full two-day workshop which is about living in a new way in order to become a different kind of human. The 24-strand DNA Activation is designed to open us and prepare us for our return to a divine state of being.
The Life Activation results in the activation of 11 of the 12 physical and spiritual strands (which we call ‘codons’). The two codons which are not activated by this method are called the Galactic Code (physical DNA), and the Divinity Code (spiritual DNA). All Mystery School traditions have taught that when humankind is ready, a technique would be given to activate the last two codons. The activation of these codons would result in the manifestation of the adam kadmon, the God-like human being in the physical.
Price is based upon first come first serve, your deposit is required to secure your seat. We can only accommodate a certain number of students for this class
1- 10 £799.50
11 – 20 £854.85
21 + £904.05
Pre Requisite: Healers Academy 1 Graduate or attending Healers Academy 16th – 20th September
Deposit: required to secure your place, first come first serve basis. Deposit £350.
All despots are non transferable and non – refundable
To register : EMAIL: [email protected]
EMAIL: [email protected]