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April 12 @ 10:00 am - April 13 @ 7:00 pm

Empower Thyself with Divina Ann


Empower Thyself

February 8 @ 10:00 AM – February 9 @ 7:00 PM

Ancient Wisdom from the Lineage of King Salomon for Modern Times. This two day program and initiation brings with it tools to transform our understanding of this life as we know it. It is the first step on a Path of study empowering the student to deeply Know Thyself. In awakening the deepest truths about oneself we become filled with the JOY of Life as the adventure to Know Thyself begins.
Discover tools of Empowerment, Protection, Transformation and Sacred Knowledge which shift the way you experience life, love, and the universe.
Master your life and help others do the same.
Develop x10fold the Light energy to achieve your goals and dreams.
Receive ancient rituals to practice daily to align you with your true purpose and stay inspired by your true Divinity
Appreciate and act on your inner guidance and intuition
Grow and Protect your own energy field
Permission to work with Angelic beings in a deeper way
Align your will with the Will of God and the Universe
Create a more positive foundation to handle life’s challenges
Access higher teachings in the Mystery School including Healers Academy and Ritual Mastery and Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah
Contact to discuss if this might be for you.

To Register email contact@modernmysteryschoolireland.com

Modern Mystery School UK & Europe

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