November 27, 2021 @ 10:00 am - November 28, 2021 @ 5:00 pm
Empower Thyself
Price: 1295
The workshop “Empower Thyself” introduces you to metaphysical concepts and ancient teachings that have been kept hidden throughout history. The secrets of the ancient sages EMPOWER you to use these tools for yourself now.
This two-day workshop sustainably unlocks ten times your physical energy and capacity. This creates a foundation that you can direct towards the realization of your goals and dreams in life. You will be able to more easily initiate changes in your energy field that you need to reach your full potential.
With the physical initiation included in this course, there also happens a permanent alignment of your personal willpower to flow in accordance with the will of God, nature and the universe. You gain access to hidden secrets of the cosmos and from now on you can give yourself answers to profound questions of meaning in life. The tenfold increase in positive light energy allows you to more easily handle challenges and obstacles that come up in life.
In the Empower Tyself workshop you learn how your own energy system works. You will be given sacred tools and rituals that initiates have been using for thousands of years. These connect you to your intuition and spiritual guidance and give you greater awareness. You will be introduced to the structure of the cosmos and gain access to the “Hierarchy of Light,” a powerful army of benevolent helpers with whom you can work in your daily life. You will also learn how to work specifically with angels, archangels and light beings to shape your life. In addition, you will be empowered to grow your chi and protect your personal energy field.
All these keys you can use from now on to awaken your divinity and align yourself with your true purpose, to manifest step by step the life you truly want to live.
This is a two-day program, and its completion is marked with a sacred initiation ceremony. With the initiation you become part of the lineage of King Salomon, handed down from teacher to student for 3000 years. With this, you are granted access to a whole system of lore of the ancient mystery schools that goes back even further. On the “path of initiation” there are countless stations that want to be explored, adapted and lived, and that hold countless tools for healing and manifestation for you and the world and allow you an even deeper immersion in the mysteries.
Prerequisite: Life Activation
Investment: 1.295 €
Is ONE of the following statements true for you?
- You have a distinct and definite knowing inside of you that you have a great purpose to fulfill?
- You are inspired to make a difference in this world?
- You are committed to your own spiritual growth and self-development in a real, tangible way?
- You are willing to do what it takes to live a fulfilled, joyful and abundant life?
- You are someone who believes there is more to this life than just the physical experience?
- You are aware of a greater consciousness beyond this level of reality?
- You have tried many different spiritual programs and paths, and still feel there are parts of the puzzle to fill?
- You have an inner calling, that arises when you read this information?
If the answer is YES, Empower Thyself may well be your best step in life!