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December 21, 2021 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Wiccan Solstice Celebration

Price: 20


36a Nottinghill Gate

Dear Community

The Wheel of the Year is forever turning, marking cycles and changes with each passing day and season.

At the time of the Winter Solstice, we gather to witness the rebirth of the Sun as the days once again begin to grow longer, bringing hope and renewal to our hearts.

The Winter Solstice is also known as Yule and is a joyful time of celebration filled with warmth, good tidings and cheer. While we prepare for the coming cold months, we do so knowing that the light is returning to strength and that we will eventually emerge into the spring once again.

As the MMS Wicca Coven Community celebrates this sacred time of hope and renewal, we do so with all the things that bring warmth; food, fire and good company!

In the spirit of warmth, we invite you to join us for an afternoon of ceremony and celebration to keep those inner fires warm and well-tended!

Tuesday 21st December
3pm – 5pm

Unit 3

36 Nottinghill Gate



Pre payment of £15 or £20 on the evening
Email Kate@modermysteryschooluk.com
or use this link to pre pay
Limited seats available


Modern Mystery School UK & Europe

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