Dear Community,
Intuition is a hot topic in the spiritual world, and one that we can easily get lost in.
But what is intuition, and what kind of magick can happen when we follow it?
Join us today for a heartfelt share from one of our team of Ritual Masters, Caroline Latour, who has been fostering her intuition, maturity and courage thanks to the Path of Progression, having started this Path in her early 20’s.
Plus, what can you do to connect more deeply to your intuition? Our Editor-in-Chief and Guide on this path, Julia Tiffin, shares her expertise.
This week’s Metaphysical Wednesday is the Spiritual Intuition class. It’s an accessible and focused evening class that will help you to master the basics.
Plus, Chi Do is on tonight online for free.
Blessings and light,
Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team
The Magick I Found in My Intuition
Connecting to our intuition requires trust. But what do I mean exactly?
What would you give to be deeply in tune with your intuition? To be so in tune that your life is led from a place of deep knowing and confidence? Being connected to your higher self, God.
How would it feel to wake up every morning and create the most wonderful magick and beauty in your life by listening to your intuition?
We all have a long journey to go, and as I embarked on my spiritual journey years ago, I struggled a lot with the battle between my mind, heart, and intuition. Today, after having traveled non-stop for 5 years, walked the path of the Ritual Master in the Lineage of King Salomon, and gone through the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Ascension program, I feel I have a much deeper understanding of how I can lead my life from a connected place, listening to my intuition. Trusting the universe rather than falling into patterns that do not serve my highest and best. As we dive into this topic a little further, I would love to share some of my personal journey with you.
Firstly, why does trust play such a crucial role when it comes to listening to our intuition? What do we need to build trust in? Let me ask it this way: do you believe you are supported and that the universe has your back? We have many beings on this earth who are here to help us, can we trust them?
Will you trust me if I tell you that you absolutely can trust the universe has your back? And most especially, that you can trust yourself and your abilities to work with these magickal beings and the flow of the universe? Don’t believe me, but be your own scientist and look at the fruits in your life after applying different concepts!
The more you believe, the more you will see, the more you trust, the more you will be able to listen and truly hear the voice that comes from deep within, that intuitive feeling which holds great power.
Are fears guiding you towards different decisions, or is your intuition truly speaking to you?
On my journey, I had to learn to trust my inner voice and wisdom a lot. I wasn’t giving myself enough credit for what I was capable of. I would struggle with fear of uncertainty, not knowing what will happen in the future, and that fear would lead me to operate from my mind. And if you know anything about the mind-body-spirit connection, you know that you cannot feel into your heart and intuition when you are leading your life from your mind and constantly trying to solve problems from the mind. Don’t get me wrong, our mind is a very powerful tool, but we cannot let it rule our lives. When I had a fear of uncertainty about the future, I would try and plan everything early on so that I would not have to worry about it, but I would end up running circles in my mind. As I was in this state of fear and trying to solve all my problems from that mental place, I would often make too quick financial choices or spend way too much time trying to figure out details. I was unable to connect deeply to my higher self and my intuition. I would either make choices that I would later on change, or I would not be able to actually make a solid decision because I didn’t actually get the right intuitive signal that I was looking for.
They say you can either live in full trust or in fear; both do not work together. I truly resonate with this.
You have to make a choice, will you surrender, trust, know that even if you fall, you will be caught on the other side? Are you able to relax, meditate regularly, and lead your life from this beautiful connected place?
It can be very hard not to listen to all the outside noise, especially if you are sensitive to energy. You might also listen too much to what other people have to say about your life, the life only you are the master of. I’m here to tell you that you can trust yourself, you can incorporate practices into your day like meditation, chi do, ritual, journaling, and other things that bring you joy! Do what works for you, and know that a regular meditation practice will play a crucial role.
You can let go of all that mind chatter, write it on paper if you need help letting that go. Meditate, breathe, and really connect to that intuitive essence that is you. You can do it, I’m simply reminding you. I remind myself of this every day, and while I’m far from perfect, I know that I’m trying my best every day to become a better version of myself.
Trusting yourself and tuning into your intuition will help you go very far on your path. We are capable of so much more than what you and I can even grasp right now. Take a deep breath and embrace the next step forward. Consistency will bring you far. I believe in you, and so should you.
With Love & Light,
~ Caroline Latour, Life Activation Practitioner, Ritual Master Apprentice, Montreal, Canada
How do I open my Intuition?
This is a question I get asked so often.
Being in tune with your intuition is your natural state! Everything that is offered in the Modern Mystery School (sessions, meditations, training and initiations), in fact, returns you to this natural state!
Starting with a Life Activation is the key because this literally plugs you into more. Most often, people move onto the Empower Thyself initiation as you receive 10x more light (meaning also more connection), new Guides and a far greater connection to beings of light. That connection, at the least, builds your ‘inner knowing’ or what we call your Clairsentience.
Healing sessions clean up all kinds of disconnections you have to yourself, making you whole: healing coming from the German word ‘heilen’, meaning to make whole. Connecting you to more of you, helps you to connect to the you that ‘knows more’, maybe ‘sees more’, even ‘hears more’.
We have specific classes where we give you the tools to connect more to your innate gifts, and to open more than you thought: see the Spiritual Intuition Class, Sanctuary Meditation Class and the Journeys of the Spirit Class! The healings, activations and initiations that re-connect you to more of you, empower you to apply the tools you have learned, and break through where you have forgotten your innate self!
Then, there is a secret that lies in the Healers Academy Initiation! This initiation is the one responsible for opening more of the senses from your soul, allowing you to perceive more, know more and be more in tune with you and God. This is one of the keys for you to Know Thyself, which is the very reason the Mystery Schools exist.
Now you know one of the reasons we encourage you to receive this second step initiation at Healers Academy!
Are you still thinking of jumping on board to join Healers Academy in March? The healing you receive to be able to perceive more is priceless. Just do it. The link is below if you need to look at this again!
~ Julia Tiffin, Guide & Third Step Ritual Master, London, United Kingdom
Develop your Spiritual Senses
Develop your sixth sense.
Call it what resonates: psychic ability, a sixth sense, the gift of prophecy, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience.
In this workshop, you will learn about the spiritual senses, how to activate them, strengthen them and building your psychic awareness and sensitivity safely and comfortably.
You will be handed down tools and techniques that you can practice every day, to develop your psychic abilities and consciously work with your intuition every day.
You can achieve more in life if you can perceive more.
Spiritual Intuition – Click here for more information.
Where: The Columbia Hotel, 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NS
When: 7-9pm Wednesday 19 February 2025
Investment: £45.
To register please email admin@modernmysteryschooluk.com
Plus, don’t miss these coming Metaphysical Wednesday events:
26 February 2025 Sanctuary Meditation Class
5 March 2025 Awaken Thyself Class
12 March 2025 Full Moon Meditation
Check out our calendar for details!
Weaving Light: The Ritual Master Way
Three years ago, a brilliant idea sparked in Ipsissima Franca Lanyon’s mind: Ritual Masters and Life Activation Practitioners could unite our Light-spreading efforts worldwide, on the same day, for our local charity partners.
The idea was a win, win, win.
We raise funds to donate to good causes, spread the Light in our communities, and push our physical and mental limits to run 8km.
And so the annual MMS Charity Run was born.
Now, our favourite sporting event of the year is quickly approaching, and we need your help!
Our goal is to raise a minimum of £3000 for Random Acts of Kindness, our charity partner, this year. This UK-based charity supports vulnerable groups like homeless and low-income families as well as individuals in crisis by providing food, clothing, hygiene products, care packages, and treats to brighten peoples’ days and lives.
Will you donate to our efforts? I’ll be over here training my buns, legs, and heart to run 8k as fast as I can!
~ Jackie Nonweiler, Healer, Ritual Master Apprentice & Life Activation Practitioner, London, United Kingdom
Donate on Behalf of Team MMS UK EU to Charity
MMS UK & EU Schedule for March 2025
Galactic Activation 1 (Open to Certified Life Activation Practitioners or to those attending Healers Academy 16-20 March 2025) 14-15 March 2025
Healers Academy 1 (Open to Adept Initiates: those who have done Empower Thyself!) 16-20 March 2025
Viking Magick Activations (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 16 March 2025
Seals and Sigils (Open to Certified Ritual Master Apprentices) 17 March 2025
Hermetic Parenting (Open to Certified Ritual Masters and those who have attended How to Life a Hermetic Life, Relationship Class & Hermetic Communication of the Divine Masculine & Feminine) 18-19 March 2025
Temple (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 20 March 2024
Galactic Activation 2 (Open to those who have attended Galactic Activation 1 & Certified Life Activation Practitioners) 21 March 2025
Ritual Master Apprentice / RM 2 (Open to Certified Ritual Master Novices) 22-23 March 2025
Enochian 3 (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 24 March 2025
Enochian 4 (Open to Certified Ritual Masters) 25 March 2025
Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT
Password : peace
Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.
Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor
Grace Hui, Contributing Author
Jessica Rea, Reporter, Contributing Author & Social Media
Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher, Sub-editor & Social Media
Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor
Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief