Lights, camera, action!


Dear Community,

Just when we thought we couldn’t squoosh more light in, we had an amazing week of even MORE! People attending Healers Academy and Ritual Master 1 expanded their potential.  Adept and Healers Academy Initiates were able to attend life-changing Hermetic Classes that are usually reserved for Ritual Masters. New Ritual Masters also received sacred training in Enochian (Angelic) magick with Divina Rita.

If that wasn’t enough, our next Healers Academy is hot off the press and is coming 16-20 March 2025. Missed out on the last one? Sign up here!

If you haven’t noticed we have Metaphysical Wednesday in London TONIGHT where you can attend Awaken Thyself in person!

You can still join us tonight ONLINE for our free Wednesday. Join using the link below.

We hope you are enjoying the clarity of the Autumn air.

Modern Mystery School UK & EU Team


WEEK 2 MMS UK EU Programs: More Light!



On Healers Academy

Why did you sign up for this class?

I wanted to do it for a few years now; I was just very called to do it. I did the Life Activation and Empower Thyself a few years ago and the time was just right.

What is your greatest takeaway from this class?

The magick, the love, the energy it is JUST wonderful!

What surprised you the most?

How powerful it was, just how powerful it was!

Who do you think would benefit from this class?

Everybody, yeah! People need to see the light!

–Louise Brown, Life Activation Practitioner, Staffordshire, UK


On Healers Academy

How do you feel?
I feel blessed and honored after this initiation.

What brought you to Healers Academy?
I wanted to know more and to learn how to give the Life Activation. I had a Life Activation at the beginning of this year, and it changed a lot for me. Then again, after Empower Thyself, even more changed in my life.

What did the Life Activation change for you?
It helped me stop drinking, made me more sensitive and psychic
 — I can feel people more deeply now, even more than before. It also opened me up to my Higher Self.

What inspired you to attend Healers Academy?
During Empower Thyself, I received a calling to do Healers Academy. In the Empower Thyself ceremony, when you’re immersed in the energy of the Mystery School, everything becomes so clear, and you can truly hear divine guidance. But when I stepped out of the class, I faced a few challenges, and my negative ego surfaced. However, the changes and transformation I experienced with my Life Activation were so profound that I felt called to serve others. And what better tool to do that with than Life Activation?

What was the most unexpected part of Healers Academy?
“You want only one?” [Sebastian laughs]
How much my heart was able to open. I never expected that. I thought I would just learn how to do the Life Activation and gain some knowledge, but I received so much more.

Throughout Healers Academy, you’re in a temple space, giving and receiving Life Activations for five days. I gained so much insight into my next steps on this path. It’s a holy experience, and the energy is incredibly high. The healing you receive during Healers Academy is far greater than you can imagine. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is ready to make a full shift in their life.

What was your greatest takeaway?
It allowed me to realize that I have many people to serve — not just a few. As I received my wand, I saw them. It was many.

–Sebastian Kirchner, Life Activation Practitioner, Nürnberg, Germany


On Healers Academy

Why did you sign up for this class?

I felt called to it. I started meditating when I was 19. At the time, I had a lot of drama and trauma in my life, and I began the process of healing from them. Step by step, I went deeper and deeper into that journey. One day, I said to myself, “I need a new teacher.” They must have heard me because while I was watching Gaia TV, I saw Ipsissima Theresa Bullard-Whyke. I didn’t even finish the episode — I just knew she was my teacher. I found the next class she was teaching, Empower Thyself, along with seven other lovely humans, and I signed up. It was mind-blowing! And now, here we are at Healers Academy!

What surprised you about Healers Academy?

I reconnected with my feminine energy. I never thought that would happen, but it did. I feel more like a woman and more like myself. It’s really powerful to feel connected to that part of me.

What is your greatest takeaway from this experience?

Today, I connected with my ancestors through meditation. They thanked me for everything I’ve done for them and for our lineage. That was so special to me, and it truly touched my heart.

What would you say to someone who is considering attending Healers Academy?

Listen to your heart.

–Bianca Esser, Life Activation Practitioner, Sotogrande, Spain


On Healers Academy

Why did you sign up for this class?

I didn’t want to do to Healers Academy! I didn’t want to do to Empower Thyself! I came to do the Galactic Activation years ago and it was Divina Ann who said because of my line of work – ‘Oh the Life Activation and Healers Academy’ – and in my head I said ‘No!’. And then it was three years later and after doing Empower Thyself with Divina Kate, I just booked my train ticket before I signed up for Healers Academy as I just knew it was my next step.

What is your greatest takeaway from this class?

I think the biggest takeaway was really trusting myself and feeling the pure light that I have never felt like that before!

How do you think this will change your life?

With the line of work that I do, it is just going to help so many of my clients; it’s going to help my family, as well. I always look at myself first to know that it is helping my kids and my family.

–Libby Stiggles-Gin, Life Activation Practitioner, UK


On Ritual Master

Why did you sign up for this class?

I have known for a long time that I cannot progress further without my real purpose, and this is my purpose. So I felt like every friend that I have seen progress on this step, I have felt a pain in my soul – not heartbreak – something deeper. So now I had to make it happen.

What is your greatest takeaway from this class?

There are a lot of levels to that answer, like why I cannot have another day without doing rituals. I’m going to leave it at that. There are so many words to explain that, and I can’t – come and you’ll see

What surprised you the most or who do you think would benefit from this class?

My first answer would be how I was really surprised that Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave met me as an equal. Many times in our society when there is a famous person, or a person I look up to, when I meet that person, they are not all that I think they are. He is exactly as he portrays, and even more! Because when you come to him, he is never going to judge you, and he will never say do this but he will just point it back and say what do you think? But he won’t say those words, he will say it with knowledge. Whoever feels like you can see what is wrong in society, that it would be so easy to change this little thing and then people will find joy and not be suppressed – then I would say this class is for you!

–Karl-Simon Hendriksson, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Novice, Sweden


On Ritual Master

Why did you sign up for this class?

I was actually just called – I had this feeling inside of me that I have to do Ritual Master. I didn’t even know what I was signing up for or what Ritual Master was about. I knew the basics of course, but I just had this inner inner knowing directing me so I signed up for it. I don’t know how I even got here!

What is your greatest takeaway from this class?

There is SO much [whew], but I think it all makes sense even though there are more questions now than ever before.

How is it going to change the way you lead your life?

[Mmmm] You see I think it is going to change a lot, and I have been thinking how am I going to integrate this now.

What has the knowledge that you have received of these greater mysteries meant for you?

It has definitely opened my mind even more and I always knew there was more. It is actually quite refreshing and it makes me excited that I can learn more and more, and it is neverending. It has definitely broadened my horizons and I’m excited about it – excited and scared at the same time. Not scared but there a lot of unknown possibilities ahead.

What surprised you the most?

I think how everything makes sense – I didn’t think it would and somehow knew things but hadn’t put it together and now the world makes far more sense.

–Carla Wardle, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Novice, Cape Town, South Africa



On How to Life a Hermetic Life

Why did you sign up for this class?

First, I was not going to sign up to this class but then I decided that when I am in Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave’s company I should, and kinda have to, take advantage of that and spend as much time in his field of knowledge as possible to absorb and change the things in my life where I can see the problem but don’t know the solution.

What is your greatest takeaway from this class?

Two things: one was talking about fruits of life and how the mind will fool you into the illusion instead of the reality, e.g. for my life I am trying to stop eating gluten as it’s really not good for my body. But I keep going back to it all the time because when I eat it, I feel satisfaction, instead of stopping and going for the real fruits, which is my good health. And the second part is that you can only do the best for this now and now I can do better, and tomorrow even better.

What surprised you the most or who do you think would benefit from this class?

Who would not?! [Moment of giggling and contemplaton]

If you feel that you already know everything that you could know right now, and if you are willing to sacrifice this and realise you don’t really know anything, then this could fill your cup with something good. If you fill your cup with so much ego: I filled my cup feeling like a victim and feeling sorry for myself, which was so painful to let go of, but then now I could receive on a grander level.

–Karl-Simon Hendriksson, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Novice, Sweden


On Hermetic Joy

What urged you to take the Joy class?

I take every possible class with Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon I can! That being said, I’ve always been drawn to understanding joy more deeply and learning the Hermetic principles behind it. So when this class came up in the program, I was really excited to deepen my understanding of joy from a hermetic perspective.

What was your greatest takeaway from the class?

Sitting in a class with Sovereign is truly an honor. When we step into a class about joy, not only do we get to experience and fully understand what joy really means and how to embrace it in our lives, but we also gain Hermetic wisdom on how to live more in alignment with those teachings. This is something I deeply appreciate — learning how to lead a more Hermetic life while living joyously.

What was the most unexpected takeaway from this experience?

I didn’t expect to leave the class with such a strong sense that I have so much more joy to cultivate in my life. Now, I also have the tools to do it. The class gave me a new vision for how to align my life with joy and to truly live in harmony with God’s will. I feel like I’ve been given keys that will help me manifest a future full of joy, especially over the next six months, which are really important for me. I’m so grateful for this experience, and I’m excited to apply these keys to my life — to live in joy rather than just chasing temporary happiness. Rather ATTRACTING an abundant joy filled life 🦋💞💫

–Jessica Rea, Life Activation Practitioner & Ritual Master Apprentice, London, UK


On Hermetic Joy

Why did you sign up for this class?

My partner told me about this, she is a Ritual Master, and she recommended the class. If anything I wish I had taken this sooner; it probably wasn’t the right time though earlier as I hadn’t done Empower Thyself.

What is your greatest takeaway from this class?

What was interesting to me is that a lot of the principles that were spoken of in the class I knew on some level and already practiced but hearing this was refreshing. One of the great things I heard was don’t do things you would not be proud of seeing people do. Also how you do anything is how you do everything – that was a really good statement.

–Harvinder Bhogal, Adept (Empower Thyself Initiate), London, UK



Tonight Awaken Thyself! Coming up Sanctuary Meditation Class


Join us for our foundational metaphysical teachings in person, live in London, every Wednesday! 

TODAY we have the Awaken Thyself class:

This 2-hour workshop gives you a flavour of what the Modern Mystery School has to offer, particularly its Path of Progression.

You will observe how the setting up of the temple space is finalized, learn what the Empower Thyself Class & Initiation is, and how you can become an Adept Initiate with its many benefits.

You will experience many rituals, and receive some to take home and use in your daily life.The importance of meditation and its different levels will also be discussed.

You will experience the Sanctuary Meditation, journey to your Sanctuary, meet your Higher Self and receive some answers.

It ends with a powerful and beautiful Closing Ceremony of high vibration, although you are welcome to stay longer to ask any questions you may have.

Next week we have the Sanctuary Meditation Class:

Join this fascinating meditation session handed down by the Mystery School tradition for thousands of years. You will learn to access and work with your Higher Self, from whom you can regularly obtain answers to simple, everyday questions, guidance, and assistance with life’s challenges and difficult decisions. This is a crucial tool to master as it allows you to steer your ship and become a master of your destiny!

No meditation experience is required!

ALL are WELCOME, feel free to invite your friends. No pre-requisites required. 

October Schedule:

Wednesday, 2 October – Sanctuary Meditation Class

Wednesday, 9 October – 7 Mystery Schools Class

Wednesday, 16 October – Full Moon Meditation

Wednesday, 23 October – Spiritual Intuition

Wednesday, 30 October – Awaken Thyself

Investment: £45 per class

Special Wednesday offer: book 4x Wednesday classes for £150 ( save £30). Please note: Full Moon Meditations are £20. While they can be included in the package, you may choose to purchase the Full Moon Meditation as an ad hoc.


Book my seat for Awaken Thyself!



Chi Do this Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT+1

Password : peace

Calculate the time for Chi Do in your time zone here.

Click here to join Chi Do


 Diana Cinpoeru, Monday Newsletter Editor

Grace Hui, Contributing Author

Jessica Rea, Reporter & Contributing Author

Caroline Latour, Contributing Author, Reporter, Researcher & Editor

Jackie Nonweiler, Contributing Author, Reporter, Sub-editor & Editor

Julia Tiffin, Editor-in-Chief


[email protected]

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